Fan Games, Original Games, Construct 2, RPG Maker...
Super Mario RPG: The Sta...
Mario, Luigi and Bowser are on an all new adventure that spans more worlds than one!



Super Mario RPG: The Starlite Worlds Review

Thank you so much for the review. I really appreciate it.

Yeah, the Desert Part with Kammy can be pretty rough, even with 3 people. You level up kind of quickly though later which makes it easier, but I may look into weakening the enemies a little.

Beta Testing before release helped me to really fix Bowser's portion of the Castle chapter to make it manageable, so feedback definitely gets used.

Super Mario RPG: The Seven Sages Review

Thanks for the review, we really appreciate it, Corfaisus. Your complaints are legitament so I don't take offense or anything.

TLC is still underdevelopment. I wasn't able to do as much during the summer because of other projects, and now that college has stsrated up again it'll still be some time. I'm glad to hear that you're looking forward to it.

I really enjoyed this game as well! The dialogue in the game was great and was really just a fun game all the way around.

Thanks for noticing the dialogue. I think that's actually the best aspect of our game. There are games on RM that are better than ours in pretty much every way, but I don't think we've been too far outclassed in our dialogue.

Super Mario RPG: The Seven Sages Review

I think there's an RTP fire animation or two (Bowser's Fire Breath) so make that 99.9% :)

Super Mario RPG: The Seven Sages Review

I'm glad you took the time to review our game. I'm sorry about with your experience with it though. Mini-games like the goomba hammering can be hit or miss (haha) as some people have complained about it being too hard and most not having to do it twice. The not dying at 0 was actually a bug, fixed in an unreleased version, but it makes it easier.

That being said, the next time I patch the game (version 2.0.0 will be the new base file) I would recommend that you give the game another try. Considering your gripes with it, I don't expect you to do a 180 or anything but there are still a few things left in the game that I'm sure you could a appreciate. To be honest, i don't think you've played enough to be able to review it properly.

You may be right about that certain audience though. Our game doesn't get a lot of comments on RPG Maker sites, but has over 11,000 downloads as of this posting.
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