
What're We Cooking?

A full game cooked up in two weeks (and a weekend)! The cookoff begins on February 1st and wraps up on February 17th where all games must be submitted before the end of the day. Check the event page (and your account's timezone) to see when the event ends in your local time.

The Kitchen Suite

The tool of choice is RPG Maker VX Ace Lite! It is the free but feature limited version of RPG Maker VX Ace. The restrictions of Ace Lite are as follows:

Maximum Database Entries
  • 10 Actors
  • 10 Classes
  • 126 Skills
  • 16 Items
  • 60 Weapons
  • 60 Armors
  • 30 Enemies
  • 30 Troops
  • 25 States
  • 110 Animations
  • 4 Tilesets
  • 10 Common events
  • 100 Switches
  • 100 Variables
  • There are no other database restrictions

Map & Event Limitations
  • 20 Maps
  • 10 Events per map
  • Call Common Event is disabled

Script Limitations
  • The script editor is disabled.
  • The 'Script' event command is disabled. Other script commands in Assign Variable, Condition Branch, and Move Event are still enabled.

These are strictly implementation restrictions that you are free to work around. Need more than sixteen items? Make your key items weapons nobody can equip! Want more than ten playable characters? Perhaps when one leaves the party you could overwrite its name and stats with your new character! Twenty five troops too limiting? Make a troop that adds random enemies via battle events!

Please note: While it is possible to add your own scripts to a game through devious means the spirit of the Ace Lite restriction rules in this contest. Injecting scripts is not allowed beyond using the enabled script calls for their intended purposes. Of course changing the database caps through other means is also right out. Any game found violating these restrictions will be disqualified.

You can download RPG Maker VX Ace Lite here.

If you want to see what you can do under such restrictions Deckiller has made a game in Ace Lite called Kolmesarta. Feel free to check it out!

Your Ingredients!

Everything in the kitchen is allowed! There is no theme to the cook off besides obeying the restrictions of Ace Lite. There are no resource limitations for this contest as Ace Lite does not restrict what you can import into your game. Whip out the spice rack! Prepare the vegetables! Go hog wild! It's a free for all!

Nobody wants a half baked morsel though. The only requirement beyond using RPG Maker VX Ace Lite is that the game must be complete. Only finished games are wanted here!

For the Tastiest of Them All

We've got four judges reuniting to sample the delicacies of all participants: The RTP Princess Liberty, The Amazing Artist Nessiah, the Makerscore Master Deckiller, and the Ludicrously Lazy GreatRedSpirit! Their number one game will received a boxed copy of RPG Maker VX Ace generously donated by Liberty! The lead developer of the winning game will be contacted by Liberty to make shipping arrangements.

That isn't the only prize though! After submissions are closed there will also be a two week voting phase for all members of RMN to vote for their favorite game! Voting will be open from February 18th to March 11th. The winner will receive their choice of any item excluding RPG Maker VX Ace from the store courtesy of RPGMakerWeb!

There is always the achievement badge for participating too! One of a kind will not be made available again! Submit to that completionist tingle and take part!

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Donut clip art from
Other clip art from
Hai Yo © Konami.
Cooking Master Boy is by Makoc




You must be logged in to sign up for RPG Maker VX Ace Lite Cook Off!.

Teams Members Entry Votes
Blue Coral Games
  • 12
  • 3
In Depths of Pain
  • 0
Oshun mak my gam for me D:
  • 0
CERN - Common Events Research Network
  • 3
  • 0
  • 0
Doggie Dayz
  • 1
Dark Horse
  • 0
Small Dwemer Lever
  • 2
  • 4
Day Ja Voo
  • 0
Alchemy: A Bit Overused? NEVER!
  • 0
Echo Dragon
  • 1
The Heartfelt
  • 2
I lost a whole week D:
  • 0
Mekalist Productions
  • 1
  • 0
  • 1
No Stars Over Bethlehem
cant game make today too busy
Dude with a Machine Gun
Why Not
In Depths of Power
Might as well.
Cooking With Kung-Fu Panda
M.S. Prima Vista
My name... is... NEO!
Just making the list look bigger
Little Busters!
Order, Resolution and Industry.
Trying For Fun
White Petal
The Liquorice Wall Spikes
A Hill Reborn Games
S.K.Y. Art and Design
Thank God I can't script anyway
I'm here to win whats rightfully mine.
The Best at Failing
Needs More Slime
Aerial Interactive
Team JonRPG
Our Legend
Winter's Call
indiebond's Team
24 Hour Frenzy!


Was also playing LoL ahah =P

Also been working on a new project too, ideas of characters done, story pretty much
ready and soon it shall move forward ^.^

We should actually start reviewing these games! (I call Subterranian Starfield.)
We should actually start reviewing these games! (I call Subterranian Starfield.)

I think I catch a whiff of a Review Drive brewing.
We have something like that planned for some time around May.

I've really dropped the ball on this, having been busy and I'll admit to slacking off a bit too. I've currently got allergies driving me crazy too, so I'm all stuffy-voiced and itchy-eyed.


I'll get something up soon.
Dammit...So many random ideas for a second game in the same world as the game I just finished...

>_< But between end-of-semester-syndrome kicking me in the butt and not having the full version of RMXPAce yet...I can't start. And now I have no idea what direction I want to take the game anymore. XD I literally have 3 ideas for the origins of the main character and around 5 potential endings, none of which seems quite right...

Basically, the only things that are set in stone is that it takes place in the same world (different continents), some of the old characters make appearances, the main character's special power, and that it's going to be boss-focused and preferably dark like the first game.

Which leaves a lot of wiggle room. XD
So....umm.......It's been a long time.

Any updates on what's going on? I know it's exam season, I'm just wondering.
I,too, am curious to know where this is at.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Liberty's still judging. Not sure about GRS.
I'll join back again after this thesis project.
I've got three left, just need the time to find time to finish play them.

Super secret: We're going to release the results for RSW!
I actually got more done last night. I'll post them up some time today. I'm chipping away at them and probably do more today too.

Okay, so I finished How to be Funny, though I lost the last episode to 'goddamnit'slateohlook,I'lljustdeletethisfilesinceIdon'tneeditanymore,ohshitIneededthat-itis'. It's a real condition! I swear!

Yeah, so I deleted the last video which happened to have the ending and my round-up. Unfortunately I also had deleted the game folder and file so I couldn't just re-record it... so I had to do a round-up video without the ending. It was over the 10 video limit anyway but since I was one vid away from completion I decided to go for it... which didn't work out now, did it?


I also started on Illusions of Loyalty.
I also started on Illusions of Loyalty.

:D Good luuuuck.

Remember to apply the patch, and that there is a boss FAQ if (or probably WHEN) you run into trouble. XD

EDIT: Also, can't you rescue the deleted files from the recycle bin?
Here's a complete list of the currently finished Let's Judges:

Complete Let's Judges
Grumpy Knight Let's Judge
Depression Let's Judge
I Want to be an Alchemist Let's Judge
Cherry PrIncEss Let's Judge
Deception Let's Judge
Doggie Dayz Let's Judge
Escape! Lemography Let's Judge
Tales from the Rew House Let's Judge
How to be Funny Let's Judge

Current Let's Judges
Dragons' Descendants Let's Judge
Illusions of Loyalty Let's Judge

@Aegix: Thanks for the reminder about the patch. I'm near/in the forest currently. Also, when you shift delete something (that is, hold shift and press the delete button at the same time) it doesn't send it to the recycle bin but erases it from the current system. I'd probably be able to get it back if I knew enough about computers to delve into their murky back alleys but unfortunately I don't, so... :/
Also, when you shift delete something (that is, hold shift and press the delete button at the same time) it doesn't send it to the recycle bin but erases it from the current system. I'd probably be able to get it back if I knew enough about computers to delve into their murky back alleys but unfortunately I don't, so... :/

Ah... :( That sucks.

Also, I watched the first episode of the lets judge and...
*clutches his heart* Ouch...I've...I've been GRAMMAR'D! ;_; I didn't realize Main Street, Your Majesty, etc needed to have capitals. As a writer at heart, this makes me sad.

Oh, and you can take away my ellipses ("..."s) from my COLD. DEAD. HANDS. XD

(EDIT)*watches part 2*
:( Sorry the music drove you mad.
Also, I really hope you start using the skills efficiently soon. I'm half yelling at the screen in frustration sometimes. XD
Wilder has a really simple skill combo for high, reliable damage and you haven't used it yet! XD
If you want a few very simple tips just ask.
I am also now worried you will get confused as hell by the enemy cover status when it comes up. ;_;
Just tell me... how did you slow down the music and make it stick? I swear, half of the next 5 vids is me raging about that as it makes battles feel slower than they are, even though they're pretty slow as is. I mean, I checked EVERYTHING - Database, map events, map properties, common events etc and could not find how you made it stick!
It's kinda driving me crazy... >.<;

Also, hell yeah, you've been grammar'd. I assure you as a fellow writer, it does hurt, but at least it helps make you a better writer in the long run. As for the ellipses, you need to let they go, man. Your dependency on them is doing you no favours in getting your skills up. I feel you, I really do!

I used to love the damn things and used them in everything... and while I still love them, I learned that they have more impact if they aren't used all over the place. You do want them to shine, right? Like the wondrous stars of the grammatical world that they are? Then let them go...
Just tell me... how did you slow down the music and make it stick?

Database, system, music section, Battle music drop-down selection, lowered pitch via slider.

:( My apologies for driving you mad. By all means, change it if it's making you insane.

Also, hell yeah, you've been grammar'd. I assure you as a fellow writer, it does hurt, but at least it helps make you a better writer in the long run. As for the ellipses, you need to let they go, man. Your dependency on them is doing you no favours in getting your skills up. I feel you, I really do!

I used to love the damn things and used them in everything... and while I still love them, I learned that they have more impact if they aren't used all over the place. You do want them to shine, right? Like the wondrous stars of the grammatical world that they are? Then let them go...

Noted. I'll see what I can do about them for the after-contest update. (which also makes the Cover status on enemies way more clear, incidentally)

And I'm not really hurt by the criticism. I mean, that's how you learn and improve, eh? ;)
...I actually edited that and it didn't change the music. At all. I even changed the song and it didn't work. I assumed you did something to make it do that but now I have to figure it's bugged in some way. ;.; Damn.
...I actually edited that and it didn't change the music. At all. I even changed the song and it didn't work. I assumed you did something to make it do that but now I have to figure it's bugged in some way. ;.; Damn.

0_o Wha.

Really? Even if you change the slider in the editor?! How...What....but...

Yeah, I really don't know. That doesn't sound normal. (EDIT) Oh. Now I know why. Because I reset the battle music back to the slow song after every boss. D'oh.

Do you...Want me to make another patch just for you to change the main battle music? Because I have another possible solution that might fix it.
Here, replace map005 with that, and go onto the world map.

That should fix the music.

If you want to import your own music and set that in the editor, go to the world map, square (40, 37) and on the first page of that event, add in a "change battle music" line.