
Yellow Magic
Could I BE any more Chandler Bing from Friends (TM)?
Imperial College London (geek-school). haven't actually moved yet - term starts on the 2nd of next month.
Turns out that giving administrators a command that deletes large swaths of land with no undo command is a bad idea.

1rst incident:
Ooooo, what's this new shiny command? /flatten, deletes the whole spawn tower.
Restores from bi-hourly backup.

2nd incident:
Hmm, flatten. That'll just make this cave larger. /flatten, every single block above is destroyed, wrecking an ocean, a stadium, a hotel, and a beach.
Restores from bi-hourly backup.

3rd incident:
Flattening along, clearing out a space for a city. /flatten... someone just teleported you to right beside their base underneath that stadium that was wrecked the first time! Oh no, your upload lagged, and now you have destroyed the whole stadium again.
Restores from bi-hourly backup.

I've learned my lesson.
my eyelids. specifically how they've finally stopped itching and how much heavier they feel after going over 24 hours without sleeping.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Was annoyed that I can;t read my PMs- "Remains of the Factory" in head.
NOW am wondering if Orig is cute and listening to above song n youtube.

Can't say I wasn't expecting it, but there is only a SINGLE girl in my Game Development class.

I expected around atleast 3 or 4... ahwell not that it really matters to me.

EDIT: Ooooo, theres a new game from the team that made Hotel Dusk... awesome
I must note that my face is much more defined/less pudgy-ish now.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Yeah, I just took the first image I saw that was weird but not horrendously so. I can take it down if you want, but you've posted it here before I'm pretty sure!

You are currently more angular and sideburny and... wispy, I guess. Kind of. Huh?

Also my room smells like my roommate's clothes and BO. :<
Naw I dun care either way. This is just Craze telling me he is in love with me.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
When you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
No, I said when you were fifteen.
Hm i Wonder if i can pul somethi goff here/
Uh. . . right.
Pleased that I was energetic at work today but now tired. Plan to pass on my copy of LoD to Dec ONCE I end up beating Wachenta- I fixed a few errors in it, such as the hammer sometimes appearing as a sword in battle. I also passed him an amusing idea for the "Rat Pack" bounty.
is it too late for ironhide facepalm
catmitts marry me
o brilliant jewel of the internet

i demand to know the caves from which it was mined

catamites made it
I have 852 points total in my 40k army.....

Needz more Boyz...
I made the trade of letting my friend borrow a spare computer mouse for a hamburger.

I think I got the better deal.