I can't play more than 15 minutes of most RM games. Sorry...
I can't play games made in 2k3. They all wind up having absolute shit tier gameplay due to the engine.
I can't play over an hour of most any game nowadays, so I wouldn't worry about it.
author=Yellow Magic
I can't play more than 15 minutes of most RM games. Sorry...
I can't play over an hour of most any game nowadays, so I wouldn't worry about it.
@TungerManU: Yeah, I think I could stand to learn a lot about RPG design philosophy. Or really any in depth game design philosophy outside of general game design stuff. I'm trying to get back into the swing of playing games with challenging difficulty, to manage my anger problems and learn myself some gam mak knowledge.
A lot of what I struggle with in the regard of sticking with games is just that I'm really fucking picky. If the game has a challenge to it then it better have a really worthwhile story and an interesting world, or else my interest is gonna peter out. Gotta combat that, cause I miss out on a lot of good stuff.
On topic:
I miss trying to make the "epic RPG". I've been longing for those days again as of late, and pouring my attention into my serious RPG concepts, which I left in the dark for a while there. I miss playing the epic RPG too, I just miss everything about that genre of games. Feeling nostalgic as fuck lately I guess.
A lot of what I struggle with in the regard of sticking with games is just that I'm really fucking picky. If the game has a challenge to it then it better have a really worthwhile story and an interesting world, or else my interest is gonna peter out. Gotta combat that, cause I miss out on a lot of good stuff.
On topic:
I miss trying to make the "epic RPG". I've been longing for those days again as of late, and pouring my attention into my serious RPG concepts, which I left in the dark for a while there. I miss playing the epic RPG too, I just miss everything about that genre of games. Feeling nostalgic as fuck lately I guess.
author=kentonaauthor=Max McGee
Lastly for now, I used to be the admin of a site that kentona was a member of.
holy shit
author=Yellow Magic
I can't play more than 15 minutes of most RM games. Sorry...
I absolve you my son. Via con dios. Aremen.
author=AznChipmunkauthor=kentonaholy shitauthor=Max McGee
Lastly for now, I used to be the admin of a site that kentona was a member of.
what the shit, man! no idea you still existed XD
author=Max McGeeauthor=AznChipmunkauthor=kentonaholy shitauthor=Max McGee
Lastly for now, I used to be the admin of a site that kentona was a member of.
what the shit, man! no idea you still existed XD
we're getting the band back together, man!
There goes the neighborhood. :(
Yep, I've already dusted off my "outdated even in 2006" sense of design, my copy of GIMP and my HP Lovecraft Historical Society fonts. RMN better watch out, sorry kentona.
While you're at it, request a card!
card thing
card thing
RMN is sort of like a time capsule. Things feel like they did back in 2003 when I first started gam mak.
I hate my username. I think it is lame.
It IS just your first name and the first letter of your last name combined, but I dunno... I can't think of you as anyone else.
I can't script or draw a dragon to save my life. The latter is ironic given the name of my main RPG series. /thatsnotirony
I hate my username. I think it is lame.
You are the mighty Kentona, scourge of tossers and douchepistols, all jerkbaggers who hear your name tremble at your power.
How is that lame, exactly?