
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
i did not say xs1 i said xs3

there is a



XS3 is one of the best jRPGs ever created. XS1 is... some cool ideas and nine hours of cutscenes (as in ACTUALLY NINE HOURS). XS2 doesn't exist. I don't know what you're talking about.

EDIT: just wanted to say that the Xenosaga series as a whole is a space opera that manages to have a forest dungeon in every game. gg

I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
You have to play through the first two first though to get to XS3, so complaints about XS1 are pretty valid reasons to not play XS3

Well I mean, I guess you don't... have to. But not doing so would be silly, right? They're direct sequels with the same characters and villains that continue an ongoing plot. A lot of game sequels have brand new plots and you can really skip the originals if you want, but with Xenosaga it's more like starting from season 5 of Lost.

...I am trying to motivate my cohorts to work on UOSSMUD with me. It is not going well. They keep coming up with these lame excuses like "I just got a new job and moved across the country last week" or "I have six exams in a row tomorrow." How dare they have lives outside of a fifteen year old online text-based game!
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Not really... I mean, you'll understand the characters a bit more if you've played the first two games, especially Albedo. But really, XS3 introduces (well, unveils) the TRUE BAD GUY. Except for the recurring boss duo, Margulis and Pellegri, you've killed off all the other bad guys in the previous installments.

You do NOT have to play the first two to get to XS3. XS1 is slow and plodding, and XS2 doesn't exist. XS3 starts the final story arc and is a contained plot in and of itself.

If anything, you should watch the introductory movie to XS2 (which is the greatest opening to any game ever created; too bad the game doesn't exist) before playing XS3... and that's about it. Doing so will allow you to get a particularly humorous joke partway through XS3 and introduces the idea that chaos (sic) isn't exactly human, Canaan is a Realian (synthetic person), and that Rubedo/Jr. is one of many URTV weapons involved in the Realian uprising (a.k.a. Miltian Conflict) on Old Miltia fourteen years ago. Everything else you can get as people are re-introduced as XS3 progresses, which it does a good job of doing. If you're truly interested, XS3 has a wiki inside of the main menu you can browse (let me repeat that: IT HAS A BUILT-IN WIKI)... but you don't HAVE to.

XS1/2 were very experimental and awkward. XS3 went "uh, let's try to make this actually work" and succeeded brilliantly.

I could probably write a thesis on Xenosaga 3 and its evolution from the previous games...
Yea; the only problem with XS3 was that all I knew it as was as a sequel to a game that was super boring. If I ever get the chance to pick it up (is it cheaper now?) I'll give it a shot.

Today I am adding a title screen to Eight Legs and seeing if I can get some fellow devs to Testflight it. The problem with making a mobile game is getting people to test it - I have a web version, but the controls lose their luster with a mouse. It was completely luck on my part; I didn't test the controls on a phone for a long time, but they turned out to work fantastically.

OH I'm also applying for jobs because I'm tired of being a jobless hobo.
I could probably write a thesis on Xenosaga 3 and its evolution from the previous games...

No thank you.
I have finished all the systems for my future lufia fangame.
My mind is full of fuck.
Academia, now The Chained Revolution, not a chain game.
Hey Guys ! I worked on rm2k3 ABS Project lately to release trailer of my project. I hope that some of you will enjoy video over no Eng. translation.

Here it is

why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Just wrote a script in Ace that lets me create events that regenerate after X in-game days. So, for example, a harvested plant could grow back in five days, or a monster encounter in a week.

It could, of course, be any other unit of time; the script could be used for absolutely anything that needed to be timed. I simply plan on running it whenever the party stays at an inn or hotel.
trying to learn and see if it's feasible to make a adventure game using the zdoom engine :)

if not I'll just make the thing in rm2k3 again

I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
Old problem, which I'd more or less gotten used to working around: RPG Maker's map editor is really not built for maps with multiple heights that overlap each-other.

New problem, which is currently pissing me off as I try to come up with all manner of workarounds: my tools system is really really really not built for maps with multiple hiehgts that overlap each-other. How is it supposed to tell that this crate is under the mesh rather than on top of it? To control the hero's height, I switch the map's tileset when he goes up the stairs, but for things other than the hero, or for movable things, I can't do that. Right now when I walk up the stairs, the crate gets moved on top of the mesh. Plus, when the hero is standing on the crate, his height is based on the height of the crate, instead of that +1. I really don't want to recode this whole script AGAIN wharrgarbl fraghjgfdhgj /whi durp durp *headdesk*
LockeZ - Use a variable to track "level height". When you go up the stairs add 1 to that variable. Use the variable to only show the crate if "level height" is equal to 2, or whatever level it's on.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Just wrote a script in Ace that lets me create events that regenerate after X in-game days. So, for example, a harvested plant could grow back in five days, or a monster encounter in a week.

It could, of course, be any other unit of time; the script could be used for absolutely anything that needed to be timed. I simply plan on running it whenever the party stays at an inn or hotel.



Played around with the RMXP scripting and set up a title screen for my project, Memory. Video doesn't show it, but I added in the load and exit features too along with the moving cursor (horizontal white bar)

I'll also replace the background in the future with something original in the same style. (I took this one from a Mirror's Edge wallpaper >_>)
Spriting one of the main characters stark-naked for a cutscene. Hooray for pixel penis.
I'm making a fishing game! I found out about a game jam called FuckThisJam where the challenge is to spend a week making a game in a genre you hate.

I came up with really fun fishing/catching controls, but I'm not sure what direction to take the game now...
@Link: I'm also coding my piano Guitar Hero style :) What are the controls in yours?
well, this build was just a test so it's pretty basic. ASDF act like the buttons did on the real GH. each has it's own event so they work independantly. you just have to be pressing the right key when the note passes over the line. I'm going to try and add some kind of strumming aspect, possibly with the mouse xD I made it so that if you hold the button and no note passes over in x time, it shuts off and is disabled for .x time. so you can't just hold all four buttons and win heh that could be easy mode, and if I add strumming it would be hard mode.

perhaps we could work together in some way. compare approaches, share notes. I still need to perfect a system of moving the notes along in measured time. at first I just tossed them in and adjusted the wait's to get it to match the music, but then I realized I needed a different approach so I turned to my old nemesis. math. instead of randomly placing the show picture events I'm spacing it out using distances(in pixels) that will match the time signatures. I've had minor success with it but I only put a few hours into so far.
I'm finishing up my plot outline and will soon start writing the script. I really want to get a clear idea of what I want to accomplish before I even open the software. It's going to be a neo-noir horror mystery with occult and surreal elements. It's more about storytelling and exploration than conventional RPG gameplay.

I've also been gathering resources and working on some rough tracks for the score on the side.