
I want to make a game that's a mischief rpg called "Sorarinthis' Mischief Makers Brigade!" that's light hearted and funny. You would gain experience for solving puzzles, pranking the community, doing flash mobs, and street art. You wouldn't have to worry about getting caught-- you'd have to worry about getting pranked back! You would be able to choose your party members or kick them at anytime. I'd love to set it up where just about everything is clickable, but the conditions would vary on what you can do or how you interact with the environment and objects. Items can be bought legally or... Stolen, if you insist on a crime streak. The head of the brigade would condone that, however. I'm not sure what the rival group would be or what they would be called.
(I'm also thinking that PentagonBuddy's avvie creeps me out really bad. I like some creepy things... This one isn't agreeing with me.)
I like where you're going with this idea, more so because it has the title of one of my favorite games in it, even though that's subject to change.

It needs more fleshing out, though, obviously, but I think it could work. Instead of everything being clickable, you could highlight objects that have some sort of relevance. Your pranks can contribute to a pool of currency that gives you instruments which aid in further quests, etc.

On another note, I've been waffling over an idea for a game where the premise of the game involves determinism, "what if" questions, and chaos theory intertwined in a way that time marks are stored away for the player to find. The player could use these to alter the course of history to circumvent puzzles. The environment can be interacted with in such a way that certain things are affected by time, while others aren't, and it's your goal to orient the world to your advantage - in a way, you are the agent which controls your fate, given that you have the knowledge of how to determine current or future circumstances based on past ones.

I don't know, I hope this doesn't sound too "Braid-like" as that's not exactly the path I have in mind. The idea is still in its infancy and I'm entertaining the idea more and more. For the most part, everything is still kind of dissonant and I don't have anything well-thought out yet, so would anyone like to give their 2 cents?
I feel like it's rude to not reply to people who said they liked my game, but on the other hand it feels cheap to just go 'thanks, glad you liked it' to each one.

I guess the only real way to respond to them is to just continue working on the game so they will have more of it to play. I just kind of feel like I'm ignoring them.
I think either saying thanks or not is fine, I doubt many people will take it too personally either way. And of course if they did like it, the best thing you can do is just make more game :)

Currently I am having major trouble logicking my head around compacting a C# array of items, so that when people use an item, the rest shift to the top-most available slot. This really shouldn't be that hard. My brain's going ~brahghaghrhghbelble~
Currently I am having major trouble logicking my head around compacting a C# array of items, so that when people use an item, the rest shift to the top-most available slot. This really shouldn't be that hard. My brain's going ~brahghaghrhghbelble~

a) don't use arrays unless required, like byte arrays. Use Lists instead. Lists own and you can use LINQ with them.



for(var i = index; i < array.Length - 1; i++)
array[i] = array[i+1}
array[array.Length] = 0;
Thanks! I ended up switching to Lists, I'm actually not sure why I still use arrays at all. I was taught them first and my programmer friends say they're more efficient ~blah blah blah~ but honestly Lists are so much easier to use... and I take all the shortcuts I can. Since they're serializable in Unity, there's no real disadvantage to them unless I needed to conserve every single byte of memory.
More Judging. Man, I'm pulling an all-nighter here to make up for lost time being ill. ^.^;
Hopefully I'll knock a few more games off the list, but oh boy.
Array technically are, just as programming in assembly is more efficient than C# (and only if you know the architecture well, compilers have gotten pretty smart these days!). Unless you are pushing to get every last iota of every frame though use lists and other IEnumerable classes because they make programming easier and quicker (e: and less bug-prone, it's harder to segfault a list instead of getting an exception thrown at you) which is far more important these days barring making next-gen game engines.

There may be oddball cases where you need arrays. For example I had to pass a GUID over as a string argument so I would convert the GUID into a byte array and then base-64 encode it into a string and reverse it. Or for password hashes and salts and time-invariant equality operations. Basically there's probably 1% at best use cases where an array is the proper structure to use as opposed to List/ObservableCollection/etc.
What is it that you are judging?
I have absolutely no idea what you just said GRS.
E: accidentally said kentona instead of GRS
@GRS: Yea - every issue I've ever had regarding efficiency has been related to some misstep on my part outside of the programming, like creating 10,000,000 particles on-screen at once... It's never been the code itself. Switching everything to Lists was kind of a pain but it works now, so I'm happy. Plus I fixed a bunch of other bugs!
@Luster: The Cook-off games. If it were just judging I'd be done by now, but I set a goal of complete (or up to 10) LP's of each, so... It's taken a while.
Oh I see.
Well, I just had a look at one of your videos and it was awesome. Really entertaining to watch too XD!
Good luck finishing up on those! :)
You know what really becomes a big job when you are making a battle system from scratch? Balancing. Actually everything does, but that's for another day.
One of the 12 projects that I intended to do that I mentioned a while back was a collection of my levels I've made for SMBX. Well, Nu Supra Mairo Bors will be a game that takes the gimmicks and level ideas I've made in the past into a "new" game in SMBX.

I am now just trying to compile the list of levels I've done for Mario vs the Moon Base, Super Doki Doki World, Mario's Mansion 1 & 2, Castles - Masterpiece Set, and Super RMN Bros 1 & 2 & 3 & World!



I meant to post this in the OTHER thread.
"My father told me this would happen."
I'd like to make another SMBX game only good this time. I've already got pretty good ideas for levels. Just need to wrap up the 3 collab projects and the other game I've been working on for nearly 6-8 months.

What I truely cannot accept is that 2 collabs have been 6 months in the making, one is nearing release, the other isn't even close, and the 3rd has just started. And yet I've been working on the one game longer than any of these and it was only supposed to be 16 levels total! Sometimes it's refreshing to just make a vanilla level rather than agonizing over every little detail of the design. I imagine that's why I'm stuck in a rut.
I have a skill that can inflict "Burn" status on the enemies and drain 10% of their health. Normally, this works fine. But if I use it on a boss, it becomes overpowered. How should I fix this? :D
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
Lots of ways!
1) Make the boss immune, but give as many bosses as possible minions that can be burned, so the spell isn't useless
2) Make it less effective against bosses. Like, if bosses have 5x as much HP as an average normal enemy, then make it 1/5 as effective vs them. This can probably be done super easily by making the skill inflict two burn statuses, one weak and one powerful, and making normal enemies immune to the weak one and bosses immune to the powerful one.
3) Make it deal damage equal to 10% of the caster's max HP, instead of 10% of the target's max HP.
4) Make it do standard magical damage each round instead of a percentage of the target's health.
5) Make it work at normal power on bosses, but have them heal it after one round (without using up the boss's turn)
Man, I hate doing research for my game ideas (or what I pass for research anyway). Usually I start reading some Wikipedia articles and watching a couple of documentaries, but before I realize it, I'm reading YouTube comments or I end up in some other dark corner of the internet... Funnily enough I always end up reading about the Illuminati, but that's another story.

For example I was researching the German-Russian invasion of Poland, and as it turns out, there are still lots of animosity between those countries and all other neighboring regions. No discussion on the matter is safe from turning into vile nationalistic rhetoric, plus you have your typical Holocaust deniers and all that. Well, no surprises there, right? ...So then I decide to research another topic: Human Evolution. A much innocuous subject, or so I thought. But you know how it is said that Homo Sapiens came from Africa? And how it's said that there's Neanderthal genes in everyone outside of Africa? Well, as it turns out, some sad bunch of people have desperately clung on those facts to claim that those genes gave birth to "Western civilization", and it just gets worse from there.

But the cherry on the cake is that if I accidentally provide those lunatics with even an ounce of virtual validation, I will not hear the end of it: "Shame on you game developer! Thou shalt not misinform! Thou shalt stay clear from subjects that could hurt people's feelings!" ...Well, chances are no game of mine will ever get that level of attention/scrutiny, but it's still a possibility.

So yeah, that's what I'm thinking about. Wishing I had a less complicated hobby, like Macrame or something. -_-
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
You could make games about macrame
So I had a game idea and as I was thinking up game mechanics, I thought of these. Thoughts? (warning, kinda long post)

Treasure Chests and Treasure Keys-
Treasure Chests are locked and require a Treasure Key to open.
Treasure Keys can be found just about anywhere. A Treasure Key can open just about any Treasure Chest.
An NPC character could sell Treasure Keys if the player has trouble finding Keys themselves (undecided).

Blank Slate Characters-
The playable characters would be "blank slates"; their Stats are all equal and grow equal amounts with each LVL gained.
Items that change Stats would be fairly common. Using said Items would be instrumental to the player's success.
You could use these Items to make your character a specific "class."
For example, you could use a lot of ATK and DEF raising Items to make a "Soldier" type character.
Or you could raise their MAT and MDF and make a "Mage."

Stat Dependent Choices (undecided)-
Certain cutscenes (both mandatory and not mandatory) could have choices for what to do when faced with a certain situation.
For instance, say a friend was being attacked. You could choose to make a magic barrier around your friend (requires MAT).
Or you could charge at your friend's attacker (requires ATK and/or DEF).
Or you could try to distract you friend's attacker (requires LUK).
Depending on how much of the required stat the main character has, the action you take could succeed or fail.
(Whether or not the choices would drastically change the story is undecided.)