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MOS Trailer

Hey people :)
I've been on and off this game for a LONG time now, but this here has nothing to do with this game (I put it here because there is no other place for me to put it, the MOS game page won't be up until later in December)
For those of you who don't understand ANYTHING I'm saying, let me sum it up for you.
This game was the prelude for the Everguard Saga, it set the stage for the rest of these games.
MOS stands for Master of Souls which is the first official game in this series. It has been broken down into three acts: Act I: The Gathering, Act II: The Struggling, and Act III: The Ending...
This is the trailer for Act I only, this act is going to be released December 23.
So... enjoy!
REMEMBER: THIS IS NOT THE FULL GAME, ONLY THE FIRST ACT (If I didn't make myself clear enough)


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I can't wait until this game finally comes out! I really want to see our ideas come to life, and to see some of my own ideas up here after working with you.
Looks great!
Thanks Domrob :)
I'm glad you're looking foreword to this, your hard work has payed off a ton! I'm putting in the final touches these next few weeks and, on December 23, we will be ready to launch Beta testing on the site!
amusing tassadar, your taste in companionship grows ever more inexplicable
Well Everguard, let me just say this: I'm happy to see that it looks like you have grown a lot in your game making skills since Fallen Wings!

I will most definitely be playing this.
Good luck.
Thanks rabitZ :)
Part of the reason of making MoS was to advance in my game making skill (Especially mapping)
I'm really happy to know that you enjoyed it :)
amusing tassadar, your taste in companionship grows ever more inexplicable
Thanks rabitZ :)
Part of the reason of making MoS was to advance in my game making skill (Especially mapping)
I'm really happy to know that you enjoyed it :)

Well I enjoyed the trailer. That is a good thing.
Hope the game is as enjoyable :)
I hope so to :) I've been working insanely hard on this, and a lot of talented people have helped me along the way :)
This game is far better than Fallen Wings was, in my opinion... but we'll have to see what the people think :)
Wow I like the tilesets your using, the field layouts look really good also. Good luck! Looks like it's going good so far.
Hmm, this looks pretty good, Everguard. ^_^
However, some of the custom tree tiles look weird when there are those sprites near them...
Other than that, I can't wait to play. Looks WAY better than any of your other games in my opinion.
Hmm, this looks pretty good, Everguard. ^_^
However, some of the custom tree tiles look weird when there are those sprites near them...
Other than that, I can't wait to play. Looks WAY better than any of your other games in my opinion.

Yeah I have to say, that trailer got me excited about playing this.
Thanks you guys :) I know that the custom tilesets (courtesy of Amaranth Games and Aveyond 2) are a bit odd, I didn't make them but for the most part they fit pretty well I think.
Just to brighten your day with knowledge, here are the lovely characters who will take part in this story (When the gamepage is up, there will be blogs with "interviews" with each character, so that you know more than their names)
In order of appearence(in the trailer), NOT IMPORTANCE (with a brief description of what they look like)
Daniel - Chocolate brown hair and red cape.
Aeon - Brown hair and tan vest
Lidya - Brown hair and brown skirt
Aeon (again)
Thrusen - Black cloak, grey beard
Christina - Pink hair, white cloak
The sixth character, Pete, does not appear in this trailer (He is never the first character in the party, he trails along with his brother Aeon)
Just to brighten your day with knowledge, here are the lovely characters who will take part in this story (When the gamepage is up, there will be blogs with "interviews" with each character, so that you know more than their names)
In order of appearence(in the trailer), NOT IMPORTANCE (with a brief description of what they look like)
Daniel - Chocolate brown hair and red cape.
Aeon - Brown hair and tan vest
Lidya - Brown hair and brown skirt
Aeon (again)
Thrusen - Black cloak, grey beard
Christina - Pink hair, white cloak
The sixth character, Pete, does not appear in this trailer (He is never the first character in the party, he trails along with his brother Aeon)

Awesome, unfortunate for me when I started "The Beginning" I decided to use these custom like battlers that limited me to using the default RTP characters, I can't wait to make a new game with all original characters like yours has!
lol, thanks :) I can hardly call them original, seeing as none of them were made by me! But, none of them are RTP(I thought it would add to the feeling of the game) and there are many more characters to come and go in the next two Acts :)
Amazing job! Your mapping has improved so much!
Thanks Carvonica :) As I said, one of the main purposes of this project (this game was not originally part of the Everguard Saga) was to improve on my game making skills, and from what I've heard from ya'll I improved a ton! Yay :)
Heads up to those who are interested in this game:
The game will be finished in the next two or three days! Then, there are a few bugs I have to take care of before December 23. On that day the gamepage will be available on the site and I will put up the demo for my beta testers. When I finish making those changes, the completed version will be released (Hopefully before the end of January)
I already have two beta testers, I need six. Anyone else interested? All you have to do is download the beta version when it goes up and PM me when you finish the game or whenevery you come across a bug no matter how big or how small.
in case no one noticed, in fallen wings in order to beat set in the end all u have to do is equip scatto with the blade that silences enemies, thus he cannot attack u,

but this issue(even though it helped me) has been fixed for master of souls
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