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Explore the depths of death, gender, and unhappy places in this surreal action game!

Download the FINAL VERSION for the version with the ending, and combat fixes. The CONTEST VERSION is the original version.

Made for the 2011 RMN Summer Games, appreciatively accepted into the competition despite initial entry difficulties, and won.

This will probably be very hokey, but even if only one person downloaded ISOG- I'd feel like it was in order.
I'd like to thank all the many people that have downloaded the game, and continue downloading it.
Also, I'd want to thank the people and/or person who is responsible for featuring games, because it was a good feeling having ISOG on the RMN front page.

Latest Blog

I'm Scared of Girls Final Version Released

After working for the past week, completely redrafting the battle system, repopulating the dungeons, constructing a alternate game mode, and finally drafting a ending- I got it done.
I hope you enjoy what is there, and I thank all the people who've helped with technical advice, critiques, and encouragements.
As for the ending, whatever happens- happens.

You can download it in the downloads section as soon as it is approved and available, labeled as 'ISOG Final Version'.
If there are any bugs in the new version, please report them in the comments of this blog post.
  • Completed
  • RPG Tsukuru 2003
  • Adventure
  • 09/01/2011 01:30 AM
  • 02/17/2024 03:34 AM
  • 09/03/2011
  • 344993
  • 64
  • 16183


I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
You can open it up in the editor if you're that curious.
Also Ophanim, the final version being made at his moment has the option to select easy mode for people that just want the story and none of the action.
This also goes to people who tried it before, but found the gameplay not to their tastes or patience.
I... I think I fell in love with this game. ç_ç

And I didn't even have the sound to help me. I have no sound boxes D:
I... I think I fell in love with this game. ç_ç

Somehow I'm not surprised O_o
I currently seem to be stuck and can't find my way back.
These are the rooms I can currently access: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Could someone tell how to either progress or get back to other areas?
I really feel lost.
Have you found all the red gems in that area?
Remember collecting them will teleport you back instantly to the television.
I'll have to go back and look at the game files exactly to give you any specific directions however.
I think I did.
I found one where I made the sixth screenshot and if I remember correctly none in the other places I am currently stuck at.

I also tried losing in a battle to get back, but that results in a Game Over.
A patched version will be up shortly you can download which should help you, and anyone else unable to escape from that area.

First paragraph (the second one is about Edmund):

Taboo issues are often addressed in indie games, as I'm Scared of Girls (whose characters are the game's face Gabs), which tells the story of a young crossdresser on a journey after death. It would be a way extremely simple and boring if not for this detail fairly well explored, and although short and apparently without any hidden meaning (even though I see, say the story is just that, and that many things have absolutely no respect with Lamb), received an award in one of the largest communities of RPG Maker there. To date, however, found no indie game can overcome Edmund (unless, perhaps, polymorphous Perversity, which has not even been released). Winner of a contest on TIGSource, the short title of multiple endings tells a story quite shocking to the least prepared minds. You can play with two characters whose stories are available on the home screen and one that appears in both scenarios, is Eddie. Who has not read anything about before playing (like me) must have been surprised at the rape scene in the first scenario (above), after all, the first impression one gets is a detective story, or war, or anything type. But yes, it is Edmund a game about the rapist Eddie. And unfortunately I can not tell you more details of the plot, it would be spoiler, and I prefer that you, reader, see for yourself and think what you want.
Oh, and on the about page:


Attention! The images are not used in the design of my own, but of Moga and were taken out of the game I'm Scared of Girls.
And this (same author):

Holy shit.

Thanks for digging these up Calunio!
The climax of this game is awesome. I'm scared of the climax... I've had it three times.

A few questions are still in my mind:
1. What is the obsidians for? To me, it seemed to be meaningless.
2. What is the big key? I "fixed it in place" but the door didn't open...
3. And I found the skull shop. Where is that I can find a skull? I found the three skulls somewhere like a stage, but I couldn't take them.

This is most unusual, really interesting game I've ever played. I don't know how I express my thoughts about it, but Lamb is so cute!
Gabriel here :B I just wanted to say how much I love this game, surely one of a few I'll never get rid of. Thank you Moga for making such a wonderful game.
Several problems with this game. Ahem:

Instances in which I've tried hitting the same enemy until my health completely disappeared, without me getting a single attack. I don't know if you intended for this to happen, but I cannot see any conceivable way to get through even one floor of a dungeon.

The "Outpost" area you go to when you die is unexitable after dying once. Again, this is a problem.

Nothing was explained to me aside from "Collect rubies and kill enemies." This wouldn't be a problem if, once more, I could KILL AN ENEMY.

Look, I know it isn't fully completed, but this ridiculous. I see no conceivable way of progressing even minimally through this game unless I play on easy mode, and apparently that's a worse experience or something. I had to quit soon after starting and just deleted this. I am disappoint.
If you have such large qualms with the play-system I put in, then your decision to play the easy mode of this game is a very good idea on your part. It is why it was placed in the game- and by no means a worse experience. It's just cuts out the wandering and desperate battling.

However to address part of your qualms:
There is no doubt a very high difficulty curve, and it's not for everyone. There are times where your luck with run out, and in fact many times it does. Lamb's not very good at fighting, what can I say? (Lamb being the main character.)

The 'outpost' you described actually has two exits. One at the top of the spire and one to the side which is actually a little spiritoid bar.

This is not a game where explanation is afforded often. That's just how it is.

I appreciate you playing the game though, and I hope that my other works will not disappoint you as greatly.
A few questions are still in my mind:
1. What is the obsidians for? To me, it seemed to be meaningless.
2. What is the big key? I "fixed it in place" but the door didn't open...
3. And I found the skull shop. Where is that I can find a skull? I found the three skulls somewhere like a stage, but I couldn't take them.

I second these questions...
Also, the soul removal cutscene...? I didn't see any changes after that, unless I wasn't supposed to do it, before using the Big Key... (... unless they were all metaphors of Lamb's experiences ...)

I'll assume that those events weren't expanded further... No alternate endings...

In any case, I loaded up this game earlier tonight thinking I'd play something silly, or fun. Oh. my. This was definitely a bit deeper and darker than I'd expected. Although I had a hard time keeping all the facts organized and making sense of the surrealism, it kept me playing till the end. I probably didn't catch everything, but it was a curiously disturbing and rewarding experience. Well done! It's a nice work.

... Now I'm going to sleep on it. D:
I'm playing through wineskin, and while it mostly works, the character moves so painfully slow that it's a hassle to play.
oh well :(
It looks very interesting!
I do fully intend on one day addressing those questions and qualms mentioned above, but I will do it with a more comprehensive/updated release.
This is a pretty special game for me, so a improvement and expansion of content is something I'd like to do in the future. I have several other games I am working on right now, but I figured that it'd be a nice idea to say it here for anyone looking.