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There exists a most curious and powerful race in the world of Ospes, able to manipulate and alter matter itself.

Their numbers are few, and from the beginning they have lived as outcasts, perceived as a threat to the world and every living thing in it.

They are called Theolar.

Thymetians, the most dominant race on Ospes, have done all that they can to suppress the Theolar. For they, more than any, are afraid of them.

Most Theolar are content to live in hiding and have abandoned the use of their abilities in hopes they would be forgotten. But among them there is a small group, known as the
Andurim, who are unwilling to give up that part of themselves.

Their sole purpose is to provide the Thymetians and the rest of the world with a glimpse of their greatness, now long overshadowed by what else they are capable of…


What users from rpgmaker.net have said...

"I've finished the game, and I have to say that I really enjoyed myself. I don't always keep the games, but this one is a must.
Thanks for all your hard work." - littlebro

"All in all, you have certainly set a standard for vx games. I can't think of one that actually gripped me, and especially like this one did...
At any rate, I'm just saying I loved the game. I can tell it had a huge amount of work placed into it." - demonlord5000

What users from rpgmakervx.net have said...

"Whoa. This game is amazing. I can't recall the last time I enjoyed a game, commercial or otherwise, this much. You've managed to create a world that pulls the player in,
makes him identify with teh characters and feel for them. A world that feels alive with lore and history. Every time I found one of the Nayrin relics...
I really felt I was discovering bits and pieces of an ancient civilization, scattered all over the world." - Jeffrey

If anyone wants to play arguably one of the best all around put-together RPGs available to RPG Maker VX, this is hereby on your must-do list.
- goldenguy

"I will say that I liked the message and it was a brilliant adventure while it lasted. The plot was tight, the characters convincing and the puzzles
were the best I've seen aside from Alundra. If you ever manifest another spectacular game, I'll be looking forward to it." - tom11

"Firstly you have a great imagination and a flair for writing, your game really drew me in and was a real "key-presser" right up until the final
scenes. Your game was also very well balanced in terms of available money, EXP, etc. The inclusion of your excellent (occasionally challenging)
puzzles and mini-games help to distract the player along the way. Also quite importantly the game runs practically bug free..." - matt-tribal

"Bloody fantastic RPG. Minigames, optional quests, math puzzles. Love it all." - vitrous

"...there's so much that can be done, and the story and adventure just keep taking new turns and twists...It's been a long time since I've played a
game that I have a hard time "setting down" after 2-3 hours, but this is doing that." - goldenguy

"...a brilliant game, you have clearly put a lot of thought into creating the world of Ospes and especially into its characters. I definitely
appreciate the humorous dialogue too." - matt-tribal

Be sure and check out the images, features, and world/races tabs.

Manifest on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Manifest/163947670372300?sk=wall&filter=1

You might also like my new Puzzle RPG, Canvas, which can be found here:

Latest Blog

Canvas is Complete!

Five years and two children later, I have finished my second game. The download has been updated. The game should last around 15 hours or so depending on a few factors including puzzles and sidequests. I have included a full walkthrough and complete item guide with the download. If you need more detailed help than the walkthrough gives, please don't hesitate to ask. I love every kind of feedback, especially bug reports if you find any. Thank you very much to those who take the time to download Canvas and give it a shot.
  • Completed
  • sbethune81
  • RPG Maker VX
  • RPG
  • 12/16/2011 07:04 AM
  • 02/20/2023 01:40 AM
  • 10/24/2011
  • 710240
  • 87
  • 21367



I don't have a growth mindset...yet.
@Seriously_Unserious - Thanks for playing Manifest and for the kind words. The first thing I was going to ask you, before reading the end of your post, was if you had hit the f12 key. Aside from that, I'm not sure why that game crash occurs for a few of the people who play the game, as it really is only a small percentage, and is tough to reproduce. It might have something to do with the decompression of the rar file on your computer...some little hiccup in the process...my best guess. Anyway, I hope it doesn't happen often, and that you soldier on. Happy gaming.
well, this game's good enough to play on despite the occasional crash. I lost a bit of progress from that 2nd crash but was able to recover it and am making sure to save the game whenever I can -- just hopping I don't get a crash right after a tough boss battle or at the end of a long dungeon where I can't save it due to the save points restriction in the dungeons and towns.

Edit: This error happened again! I can now give you a bit more info on what's happening. When I attempt to exit the items menu the game freezes completely. This time I couldn't regain control of my computer as I was running the game in full screen mode and had to do an emergency shut down and reboot to regain control over my computer. All I did on the items menu as look at the descriptions of some new items I'd picked up recently, first in the Special Items section, then second, in the key items section, then exited while in the key items section and that's when the game froze. I'll see if I can reproduce while playing in windowed mode.

Edit 2: This time I was able to successfully reproduce the error. I opened up the Items menu, selected a couple of options, highlighted a some of the items, but did not select any of them, the section using the "x", then exited the Items menu again using the "x" key, any the game froze. This time the Visual Basic Just in Time debugger poped up and interrupted the game after a few moment of the freeze, which usually only happens if there is an error in the code of a program or script that causes a program to get unstable. It took several attempts of entering and exiting the Items menu for the error to occur so it seems like it's an intermittent error (one of the hardest types to debug too) I've had to debug those types of errors before myself and they're among the hardest to find.

My guess is that if you are using any scripts, that there is an error in one of the lines of code is causing your game to use a variable in an unexpected way or is trying to access a system resource that it shouldn't, or you may sometimes get an infinite loop, under the right circumstances.

My advice would be to start with looking for any possible way that any loops you have in any scripts dealing with items or the Items menu that could be infinite (repeats forever, or until the computer runs out of memory, a stack overflows, etc at which point the game would then crash with an error message, in case you're not familiar with programming terminology). Then look at any scripts that you are running for handling the character's inventory of items, and the Items menu and see if any of them ever ends up holding a strange value. If you are using a variable before you specifically assign it a value then, depending on the language you are using, it could just use whatever data was stored in RAM at the time the variable was created, which could literally be anything and could produce some very interesting results when this happens.

If you need any help or further advice in debugging this error or any errors like this I'd be happy to help. I have completed an Associate of Computer Science so I have studied a lot of computer programming, so I may know something that could help find this bug so it can be fixed and put an end to this bug, and maybe even that F12 stack overflow bug as well, using the same techniques, although theF12 bug isn't really critical as there are easy workarounds to it (like just not using the F12 key).

Let me know how it goes and if you would like my help in tracking this bug down.

Because of the severity and unpredictability of this bug I'm really losing confidence in playing this game as I don't want to risk damaging my computer with one of these freezes. I'll try just playing it in windowed mode for now so if it does freeze at least I should still have access to the task manager to shut it down so I hopefully won't have to resort to emergency shut downs again.
I don't have a growth mindset...yet.
I'll try and recreate that error today. It must involve multiple specific steps when navigating the item menu for it to happen so sporadically. I will let you know what I find. Thanks. I don't think you have to worry about that crash hurting your computer.
I haven't gotten very far (had to stop right after you could finally move around) but I feel this will be a great game, if the story so far and music is any indication. I heard a FFIX track and looked into the BGM folder, seeing more FFIX tracks. So I already can tell the game has awesome music. Can't wait to see the rest.
I don't have a growth mindset...yet.
Thanks for giving it a go. Looking forward to hearing what you think after spending some more time with it.
Boulders in the grotto will send you flying over the unwalkable wall
F12 - reset = script ladder crash
I don't have a growth mindset...yet.
F12 - reset = script ladder crash

Thanks for letting me know about your two finds and for playing Manifest. F12 is not compatible with the custom scripts, so you'll have to 'X' out of the game and reload it (hopefully not a huge inconvenience).
i am on the third tower the one with the living rock and al the switches in it i dont know how to get pat it
I don't have a growth mindset...yet.
i am on the third tower the one with the living rock and al the switches in it i dont know how to get pat it

Are you saying you don't know how to defeat the rock or how to get past the puzzles?
hello,what is the code in the silver treasure chest at the start of the game?
hello,what is the code in the silver treasure chest at the start of the game?

As a hint, it's something meaningful to the person who set the code in the first place. What 5-letter entity is important to the person who probably set the code?
sorry i forgot about the pieace of paper i got that was for the third one now stuck on the fouth one to many bottens and been playing to long right now mind is fried
hello,what is the code in the silver treasure chest at the start of the game?
As a hint, it's something meaningful to the person who set the code in the first place. What 5-letter entity is important to the person who probably set the code?
can you tell the answer as i didnt get it.
i am stuck on the thirst room of the twoer after you get the boat
I don't have a growth mindset...yet.
anyone know how to beat the caterpillar monsters nothing i do works i got the quest for is after i got out of th big forest

I'll put the answer in a spoiler...

Try out different status effects, one of them will work on them. If you need me to tell you which one, just let me know.
Also, you get a guide on how to beat the fourth ruins if you complete the Something Wicked quest given in the desert village of Noor.

Good luck.
i am stuck on the fith not third sorry room of the twoer after you get the boat
I don't have a growth mindset...yet.
i am stuck on the fith not third sorry room of the twoer after you get the boat

Here you go...

There are two ice rocks in the same vertical line. Push the lower of the two up, then left, then down, and then right. You will have to move some of the others around before you push it to the right though.