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An entry for the RMN All Hallows' Event.

This game requires the RPGMaker VX Ace RTP to run: download here

An encyclopedia of gifts, skills and enemies, made by argh: download here

Three exorcists are led by the skeletal Lord Francisco into his usurped home, the magnificent Fort Adder. Only by seeking out ancient spirits that offer unique gifts to the heroines can they hope to purge Francisco's fortress of the evil within.

  • A sprawling fortress to explore and unearth the secrets of
  • Powerful demons that will destroy you unless you outsmart them
  • Over thirty unique battles narrated by a witty and noble skeleton
  • Flexible, deep and non-permanent customization of your exorcist trio
  • A dark and intense soundtrack by D3vilsheep and Clearside

What a man does for pay is of little significance. What he is, as a sensitive instrument responsive to the world's beauty, is everything! -H. P. Lovecraft

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As hinted at.... a sequel.


"Am I just a mission to you?"
  • Completed
  • Craze
  • RPG Maker VX Ace
  • RPG
  • 10/27/2012 12:50 AM
  • 01/13/2024 09:03 AM
  • 11/03/2012
  • 458626
  • 121
  • 14171



You're magical to me.
That skeleton's fingers look really weird. You should get an artist that doesn't make shit.

Geez. And here I thought maybe you were a professional. How disappointing -_-
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
That skeleton's fingers look really weird. You should get an artist that doesn't make shit.
Gee, and I thought you were actually cool back in the first IGMC days.

Like seriously, do you not have anything better to do than harp on a 2-year old game?
Wow a person with such attitude got Hiroki Kikuta to work with them? Wow we'll be getting revived mozart then!
I have never seen someone ruin their own reputation so fast.
Ease up. It's been dealt with. There's no need for a dog pile. :/
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
Wow a person with such attitude got Hiroki Kikuta to work with them? Wow we'll be getting revived mozart then!

Assholes in the entertainment biz are nothing new, Jo. :P
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This post has been hidden by the game developer. Click here to show the post anyway.
This post has been hidden by the game developer. Click here to show the post anyway.
This post has been hidden by the game developer. Click here to show the post anyway.
This post has been hidden by the game developer. Click here to show the post anyway.
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Again, apologies for the post-fest, craze. This was wildly off-topic and stupid to boot. :/
You're magical to me.
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I am trying to play the game but I can't get passed the title screen. Once I hit begin I just have a black screen.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
The game's just too hard.

...in all seriousness, I dunno what's up. What operating system are you trying to play it on?
The game's just too hard.

...in all seriousness, I dunno what's up. What operating system are you trying to play it on?

Well It's on a MAC but I something installed that lets me play windows games
I downloades this game and start playing, but there is a problem direct in the beginning;
as I start, I have to fight one skeleton-horse-rider-thing. Everyone starts with 3 energypoints, and so I only manage to damage the skeleton to half of his lifepoints and then I have to escape because I can't do anything, because there is no energy left and not recovering :-/
There is a fairy in the corner on the map, but i can't reach her, if she would be helpful...
Don't know what to do :-/
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
press the cursor right a few times like Francisco suggests and you'll be able to start a new turn. you'll gain another 3 energy points :)
Is it just me or did tinypic destroy this page?