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Welcome to Limit Minute Shop! The place where you'll be begging for bankruptcy!
  • Raze
  • Added: 09/01/2015 04:02 AM
  • Last updated: 12/27/2024 12:15 PM


Pages: 1
tip: don't printscreen in fullscreen. and post images on their native size.
Ah I see. It has been quite a while since I submitted images here.
Thank you for the tip :D
Every time I look at the shopkeeper, I see Red from the old Pokemon games, looking like hes on all grown up and on community service for some kind of scandal involving diglets and 5 grams of rare candy.
Every time I look at the shopkeeper, I see Red from the old Pokemon games, looking like hes on all grown up and on community service for some kind of scandal involving diglets and 5 grams of rare candy.

Quick! Bury that before someone's childhood gets tainted! XD
Pages: 1