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This will be updated the more battle sprites are completed.

Pronunciation Guide (Subject to Change):
This follows a similar key to the Official Name Pronunciation Guide used over at Smogon, but for easy reference:
All caps = emphasis
Separated by syllable
A lone vowel means pronounce its short-sound (ex, “i” means like in “it” instead of like “pie”)
Two like-vowels together means the long sound (ex, “ee” means like in “leaf” instead of “meh”)
The difference between G and J: if I put a G, it’s like “gray”; if I put a J, it’s like “jam”

Toribush = TOR – ee – bush
Javelbush = JAV – uhl – bush
Joubush = JOW – bush
Flaregon = FLAIR - gon
Seargon = SEER - gon
Dragablo = drag – AH -blow
Fairimp = FAIR - imp
Siremp = SAHY (like “sigh”) - rimp
Serempity = suh – REMP – I -tee
Atmana = at – MAN - ah
Hydroka = hi-DROH-kuh
Flamesoul = FLEYM (like “flame”)-sohl
Junipervan = joo – nuh – PERV - an
Lectrei = LECK-trey
Gustling = GUHST-ling
Swantweet = SWON-tweet
Miceberg = MAHYS (“ahys” makes an “ice” sound, or in this case, “mice”)-burg
Volice = VOHL-ahys (see above)
Curvri = KUR-vree
Curveat = KUR-vee-aht (weren’t expecting this one, were you?)
Basherp = ba - SHURP
Bassacre = BAS – uh - kur
Quober = KWOH - bur
Quodash = KWOH-dash
Zapasp = ZAP-asp
Venohm = VEN – ohm (It’s seriously like “venom”)
Mycelite = MAHY-see-lahyt
Alampita= ah-lam-PEE-tah
Sespirit (Female)= SEES-pir-it
Sespirita = sees-PIR-it-ah
Darspirita = dars-PIR-it-ah
Sespirit (Male) = …
Sespirito = sees-PIR-it-oh
Claspirito = klahs-PIR-it-oh
Phim = fim (easy…)
Meryphim = MAYR-ee-fim
Marubim = mayr (like "mare")-UH-bim
Chibiwawa = chee-bee-WA-wa
Chi-Nun = chee-NUHN
Chi-Yim = chee-YEEM
Digloch = DIG-lock
Excaloch = EKS-kuh-lock
Tomamer = tuh-MEYM-er
Tomamight = tuh-MEY-mahyt
Flauret = FLAWR-et
Flaurum = FLAWR-uhm
Skrewpent = SKROO-pent
Seradder = ser-AD-er
Demine = DEE-mahyn (like “mine”)
Diablode = dee-AH-blohd
Eelinkk = EEL - ingk
Zaorrior= ZOR-ee-er
Limbatent =lim-BAT-nt
Pozitron =POZ-i-tron
Bulvine = BOOL-vahyn
Biseed = BI-seed (easy)
Catlyx = CAT-licks
Troxin = TROCKS-in
Zhilong = ZAHY-long
Codjestic = kod-JEST-ick
Lushung = luhsh-UHNG
Nasorsal = nah-SOORS-el
Heatha = HEH(like “eh”)-thuh
Heatherain = HETH-er-eyn (think “rain” or “pain”)
Heaven = HEV-uhn (real complicated this one was…)
Afropup = AF-roh-puhp
Afrorunt = AF-roh-ruhnt
Funkound = FUHNK-ownd (like “pound”)
Fuzard = FYOO-zerd
Echeel =eh-KEEL
Ascape = ah-SKEYP
Irritormen = ir-i-TOR-men
Tikny = TEEK-nee
Tikurai = TEE-kur-rahy
Joban = jo-BAN
Kelaylee = kuh-LEY-lee
Shredax = SHRED-aks
Plugla = PLUHG-lah
Totemvolt = TOH-tuhm-vohlt
Inkling = EENGK-leeng
Loblotomy = luh-BLAHT-uh-mee
Bologoo = bohl-AH-goo
Beluga = buhl-OO-guh
Bomara = boh-MAR-uh
Boganna = boh-GAHN-uh
Trunklift = TRUHNK-lift
Libraphant = LEE-bruh-fuhnt
Pyramystic = pir (like “peer”)-uh-MIS-tik
Levitomb = LEV-i-toom
Caltrap = KAHL-trap
Tricalp = TRAHY-kahlp
Akashic = uh-KAH-sheek
Anpsi = AN-sahy (as in “sigh”)
Atavism = AHT-uh-vis-im
Bundulate = BUHN-juh-leyt
Hyppy = HIP-ee
Hypster = HIP-ster
Crabang = kra-BANG
Crabammer = kra-BAM-er
Borc = BORK (insert Swedish Chef joke here)
Borabol = BOR-ah-bul
Gnomkin = NOHM-kin
Dwarkin = DWAWR (just like “dwarf”)-kin
Chellrit = KEEL-rit
Torgheist = TAWR-geyst
Tornment = TAWRN-ment
Ellefan = EL-fan
Acaricide = ak-KAR-i-side
Acylurea =AK-loor-ee-uh
Acarphogus = ak-KAR-foh-gus
Meterain = MEE-tur-ayn
Meterstorm = MEE-tur-stawrm
Maelstorm = MEYL-stawrm
Spiritatue = spir-i-TACH-oo
Megamouth = MEG-uh-mouth
Moryo = MOHR-yoh
Myobu = MYOH-boo
Mantennae = man-TEN-uh
Littlefoot = LIT-uhl-foo t
Bigfoot = BIG-foo t
Nachash = nah-CHAWSH
Ddraig = DRAG
Spitfire = SPIT-fahyuhr
Tonequus = tohn-EH-kwes (similar to “quest” without the “t”)
Equistro = eh-KWES-troh
Ephemin = eh-FEE-min
Ephemeron = eh-FEE-mer-on
Astragon = AS-truh-gon
Mosrock = MAWS-rok
Vegetrol = VEJ-eh-trol
Plantossus = plan-TAHS-us
Dirangers = der-ANG-ers
Batnic = BAT-nik
Raicicle = RAHY-sik-kul
Gyisab = GEE-sahb
Ysuta = YEES-oo-tuh
Muspyg = mus-PEEG
Bitron = BI-trawn
Superbtron = soo-PERB-trawn
Leninja = lee-NEEN-juh
Killerbeat = kil-ER-beet
Vulkanylos = vol-KAN-i-lohs
Pupictya = pew-PIK-tyuh
Demidictya = dem-i-DIK-tyuh
Ripodictya = ree-poh-DIK-tyuh
Byakestial = byah(try to say it as one syllable)-KES-tee-uhl
Suzaestial = soo-ZAYS-tee-uhl
Genbestial = gen (with a “G” like in “Gary”, as oppose to a “j” sound)-BES-tee-uhl
Atardis = ah-TAR-dis
Carvora = car-VAWR-uh
Antipode = AN-ti-pohd


I would have more makerscore If I did things.
All the sprites will be "Made to Order", if you will, I doubt any of your sprites would coincidentally match up with the concepts you have, but thanks for offering. Maybe you can try to help make new ones? Ask Ratty if you're interested.
Ratty very likely won't take you up on that, though it's nice of you to offer. The reason being that the designs of the Pokemon in this game were forum created and it was a big 'first in, first served' thing when it happened, so adding more after that would probably not be a great idea.

It'd be cool to see the posters you made for that game though!
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
Thanks so much! i really appreciate it! While were on the subject of game sprites, i have some from another "pokemon" fan game i drew up. the games main developer ceased interest though and i thought they might be more of use here,
they're all in my locker but if you'd like me to post them here i would no problem doing so. let me know if you're interested.
Unless some of them include tilesets and maybe trainer graphics, I have to echo what seiromem said. The concepts for all Pokemon are already there, and I'm not adding more. Right now, I'm fine-tuning them to fit with both the style of the franchise and the game through spriting.

I could definitely use another hand in this, though. Let me know if you are interested and I'll send you the details.
RPG Maker 2k/2k3 for life, baby!!
These sprites are looking really good!
Smoghly (Ghost/Poison}

Smaughnane (Ghost/Poison)

Shiny Versions

To be honest I wasn't sure where to put the suggestions or uploads. I asked but I couldn't find it again and any replies.. So.. Here you go? Smoghly is the smaller one and Smaughnane is the larger one and I finished the shiny versions and stuff. Just askin. Also I tried.. So it could be worse? But yah.
RMN's Official Reviewmonger
Hate to break it to ya, but the doors have been long closed to new entries. It'd literally never be done if they were still accepting them.
Hate to break it to ya, but the doors have been long closed to new entries. It'd literally never be done if they were still accepting them.
I am an idiot. Damn. Anywyays thanks bud.
Thanks so much! i really appreciate it! While were on the subject of game sprites, i have some from another "pokemon" fan game i drew up. the games main developer ceased interest though and i thought they might be more of use here,
they're all in my locker but if you'd like me to post them here i would no problem doing so. let me know if you're interested.
Unless some of them include tilesets and maybe trainer graphics, I have to echo what seiromem said. The concepts for all Pokemon are already there, and I'm not adding more. Right now, I'm fine-tuning them to fit with both the style of the franchise and the game through spriting.

I could definitely use another hand in this, though. Let me know if you are interested and I'll send you the details.

I could definitely help you with this if you need!
I did have a couple ideas for sprites that haven't been filled in on the roster and might be able to help make them a reality.
Your still working on new tiles and trainers?
I'v already started planning a team that I will use.

My starter will be the grass flying one
and the second team member will be Hipster
I would have more makerscore If I did things.
My starter will be the grass flying one

You mean the grass-steel bird?

And I wonder when we'll run into hyppy.
My starter will be the grass flying one
You mean the grass-steel bird?

And I wonder when we'll run into hyppy.

Oh lol yeah, when I seen it was a bird my mind went straight to grass flying.
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
Just completed battle sprites for the Heatha line and Ascape line. I don't ever want to draw glass wings ever again.

This milestone is important, because aside from some icons I need to work on and one battler I need to fix, I've completed all the battle assets I need for this game's demo. Expect to hear more about that soon! Hopefully...

Some notes for the contributors about my design choices:

> With Heaven, I gave it one killer hand instead of the two legs in the concept art to make it consistent with its pre-evos.

> I intentionally made the third eye of the Heatha line different from its concept art, again, just for consistency. I also think it draws a bit more attention itself as an oddity a little better, which I think makes sense on the account that these Pokemon aren't exactly as cute and fluffy as they appear.

> I don't remember what you mentioned about the colors of the Ascape line, Seiromem, so I just rolled with it. I wanted to make them terrifying in a twisted sort of way, being trapped in a pot for centuries would do that to you... Which is what you intended? You be the judge.
I would have more makerscore If I did things.
I wanted to make them terrifying in a twisted sort of way, being trapped in a pot for centuries would do that to you... Which is what you intended? You be the judge.

Yes, the colors are alright, although I don't think it looks as restricted by the pot as is should. The pot is supposed to be incredible powerful and constantly containing the creature inside the pot whenever possible, it's just that the creature can drag itself out to exact it's desire for some twisted revenge against those that sealed them. I'd say having it's upper body just coming out of it for Irritormen (it's lower arms could be holding it out of the pot either the way it is now(hands on the ground) or by grabbing the pot directly, whichever is easier for you to do and keep the balance.

Other than that, well, the only gripe I have is the presence of the mask isn't as... highlighted? As I'd like? It seems sorta secondary to me right now in the sprite.
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
I wanted to make them terrifying in a twisted sort of way, being trapped in a pot for centuries would do that to you... Which is what you intended? You be the judge.
Yes, the colors are alright, although I don't think it looks as restricted by the pot as is should. The pot is supposed to be incredible powerful and constantly containing the creature inside the pot whenever possible, it's just that the creature can drag itself out to exact it's desire for some twisted revenge against those that sealed them. I'd say having it's upper body just coming out of it for Irritormen (it's lower arms could be holding it out of the pot either the way it is now(hands on the ground) or by grabbing the pot directly, whichever is easier for you to do and keep the balance.

Other than that, well, the only gripe I have is the presence of the mask isn't as... highlighted? As I'd like? It seems sorta secondary to me right now in the sprite.

Thanks seiromem! I think I'll try to follow that suggestion to maybe make it look more "confined" and less "genie-like."

As for the mask, I did initially have a more standout color to it, but I thought it looked too... busy? But anyway, I did come with a shiny version that has a different color mask that might work:

(Their mask colors in their shiny sprites were inspired by the Phantos from Super Mario Bros. 2). I'm thinking the mask color of shiny Ascape would be a suitable replacement for default Ascape? What do you think?
I would have more makerscore If I did things.
Ah, I've figured out the mask problem. It's not the color, the facial features aren't as prominent as I'd like. With Ascape, the mouth is fine I just think it needs an eye similar to Irritormen's above it's right side of the mouth (I think for some reason the concept art you have is the ONLY version (and there are many) where that feature is absent.)
With Irritormen, due to perspective, the scarier (to me) side of it's face is out of focus. I thought of the left eyes as secondary, a sorta juxtaposition (from calm yet cold) to the right side's wild, evil smile and eye. However I don't know how you'd change perspective with it still looking cool, unless you can switch their places on the mask with the mouth on the left instead.

These two complaints say nothing about the quality of the sprite, which is amazing, it's just not exactly the Pokemon I envisioned, ya know?

Otherwise, as I said, the colors are fine. (though perhaps a less vibrant shade would be better)
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
I see. I'll see what I can do.
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
Serromans doz thiss look betters????/?/
I would have more makerscore If I did things.
Yeeeeeees, das purrfect!
Great job Ratty! I got a hoot outta it! Amazing what little details can change the look of a Pokemon.
RPG Maker 2k/2k3 for life, baby!!
Um, might I add that the Irritorman sprite kinda looks genital-ish near the pot?

Making those legs into arms could solve that.