You gain DP trough side quests and you get 200 naturally over the course of the story, fun fact ist, that even though at most 360 DP if I didn't miscount can be collected, actually 380 would be needed for all monsters to evolve, since he has a typo in his text.... '_' (Sagirus third phase costs 30 instead of 50)
Honestly if you aren't careful when and how you loot you may miss some of them to be honest....
Well than some bug reports:
Phoenix battle crashes, because you didn't remove the state and added it before removing the state.... I hope you know what I mean,
When you recruit the siren, you will not be able to summon again, before you are not entering and exiting the room where she was at normally, this happens some more times, but I honestly forgot where, because it fixed itself, i think I encountered similiar things once or twice before that. (I think it had something to do with the portal)
Metal Slime doesn't show up after evolution and I think another monster doesnt either,
Catastrophe has a starting level of 1 and max lv of 10... don't think that should be the case
Final Dungeon getting stuck, I think teleported into a... I think it's a sort of torch?
If you beat serene after they run out of max stimulants, pandora still says they will run out of 'em...
Also Succubus Story Part 1 disappeared after some point.... so my list was not full anymore, I am not sure when, but I was completing the succubi village and was wandering around a bit, so that may be the case, though I didn't check back after watching it, so maybe it may be in the scene alltogether.
I think in higher evolutions, draconus does not have the "substitute" flag
To be absolutely honest.... after the metal slime didn't show up anymore after training that thing I decrypted it and enabled "fun and story"-mode for myself. If you hate me for that.... welp my bad =P
Putting the rest in a spoiler, since this is actually spoilering:
Apart from that:
The story itself is actually pretty good, but especially against the end, things are kind of yeah... let's just say that the athena event felt like a copy-paste light hero event and that ragnarok, despite his constant threatening somehow gives of the nice grandfather feeling, which is REALLY, REALLY disturbing.
Basically the story can be summed up as: Light & Evil spirits/gods (honestly I am for spirits) want the world for themselves. Can't do that much on their own, so they need "mediums", "tools" to enact their will trough or an enormous amount of their corresponding feelings....
But.... there are some things, that don't exactly sum up that way. Especially Athena. "Rage" and "Anger" are main factors for Ragnarok, but she got stronger, even though "Lumielle" seems to be associated with "kindness", "benevolence", etc
Shouldn't she be getting weaker, if that is the actual concept? It would make sense, if she merely wants to put the "missguided" sheeps out of their dilemma, but not if she is getting stronger trough rage, since this is how the "dark mages" get their power. If not Lumielle is a bit to much "multiclassing" here..... Poor Ragnarok doesn't get anything out of kindness it seems, but Lumielle's believers get it whatever they feel as long as they have emotions...? =P That gives me an idea how that could work but... to much trying to understand some power explanation within 10-15minutes I guess
Well than other things with the plots I was personally thinking were strange are:
When Pandora gave her "speech" to the fellow darkmages.... there first of all were no new darkmages only the "evil soldiers" (Did they all become Berserker dark mages.... "mages"..... their number increases so I guess....) because it seems like what they did in the demons gauntlet was.... for nothing. There was no dark mage, I didn't find anything unlockable, or anything else for the matter, apart from the people reacting to Ragnarok's return.... guess apart from that one dark maged I freed, I possible killed all the other dark mages..... *cough* .... Ragnarok not frying me would be strange now....
Villains are not learning their lessons.... Pandora always lets 'em get away. She always gloats about her power (while beeing one of the worst dark mages to be fair, she is a summoner, dark mage wise she sucks) and every time something gets screwed up. Nevermind that the "villains" are weak as hell (Pandora is somewhat understandable she is more or less a "commander" throwing troops around) but normally what I like from villains is that they are so damn Op while hero's have to item/heal/strategies them to death. Basically the hero's get the villains roles in the game play in vice versa.
Apart from that we travel over the land and seek out any opportunity to get stronger, while causing havoc as much as possible.... (While I think about it... how did Athena get away? And why would she want that shield lowered? They should be dead already..... nevermind the shield may be the only thing protecting the rest of the continent from the miasma, which may well be why ragnarok wanted it sealed... hard to rule over a destroyed continent)
And it feels like you want to say: Bad guys, also have hearts hero's = always evil (well if I look at how I often I stole the sick grandmothers medicine as hero I can see why....) and that the "good guys" are at fault for everything going to hell (without them the dark mages would never have gotten stronger) and so on.
.... Basically I think I want to say, what you were possibly trying to do with the story was ambigious, but.... somehow ended up like empty gloating in many cases, dumb villains, good old conceited hero's and all the other stuff..... which is still fresh air compared to what is normally thrown around. (And I can see why doing that would be hard... though potions could be easy to make... as far I see for an example the heroes have 0 MP, so you could for an example give each like 50Mp and a potion costs 10 and generalize the skill for them, there are enough slots to go.... and things like that)
Gameplay wise (as long as I played fair) it was damn hard, especially because of a lack of healing (laniths only use really, till she runs out of HP... later on the abyss portal healing helped there.... a lot.)
Pandora, was in my eyes, the most interesting of them. She is an actually working summoner in an RPG game, which gave her quite the variety of what she could use.... sadly each and every damn summon had to be leveled independently.... which is a chore. A real chore. (Maybe if it is somehow possible the XP earned could be synchronized somehow? I wouldn't know how to do that, and I didn't look at how you did the summoning exactly but I guess its with adding/removing them as party members, so it would be damn annoying to make...) but as a dark mage she was..... pointless. The only actual attack spell she had "Shadow Bolt" is possibly the weakest spell in the game. Nevermind that with her shadow shell (which makes the one protected unable to move) is often outdamaged in less than 3 attacks compared to what it heals.... and makes it often pointless to even cast (though Damien puppet dance + shell is a nice combo and it can save ones ass but.... the only real healing one has for quite some time is lanith and the 15% potions.... which neither is good compared to the damage one takes.... horrible to be fair, nevermind that potions are hella expensive.) The only real good things she has normally are: Infernal Awakening and Summoning (though the infernal awakening boost is often not that good either...) She is pretty much a wall flower. Now I mentioned, that I used the decrypter on your project after I think the phoenix accident to "remodel" a bit. (basically gave 20-50% hp boosts and gave pandora new abilities... for an example Anti-Life, Shadow Flare and level 25 dark eruption (TP cost) and D-Medic + Sigil of weakness as well as Fount of darkness and I think level 20 Immunity Sigil (TP cost) and yes I remodelled the damage/MP use of each + I gave her also the standart dark lightning and tempest from Marcus (Maybe she could get that from studying his tomes?).... Now I think she could actually learn spells like that maybe trough quests (like Anti-Life/Shadow Flare from Reinharts resurrection), Sigil of Weakness from Azrielle and D-Medic maybe from the nursemaid or just get have something like Anti-Life/Shadow flare from the beginning and maybe get a Skill-Seal ability from that... well who knows just what I personally wanted there.... she is pitifully weak when she was allowed to leave. Or maybe you Could give her a violet colored FireBall (she is throwing something, in scenes often, but doesnt have the corresponding skill) or a violet inferno... pandora... just feels to weak and useless if you compare it with her boasting. Now that I think about it... I think I gave a spell I called "Cataclysm" (Animation "Purgatory" somewhere around 750? 760?) as the strongest spell she could get.... Honestly she just needs something more. Or a party shadow shell for a round or two that doesn't stop movement? Who knows... '_'
Damien himself is quite.... interesting. I like Puppeters, but he is...woefully useless if he encounters bosses..... the best he can do than: Dance of despair later on (honestly.... having him around instead of azrielle if it comes to bosses...... nightmarish often his only use is to manipulate a minion cause they do so much more damage than him....)
Apart from that, I honestly was only annoyed at how damn weak the villains were. Seriously freaking weak. I hate that as a villain, it destroyed the feeling of beeing the bad "badass" for me....^^
Apart from that: The graphics were awesome (mapping felt hasty in some cases though), the music.... not mine and I normally always play muted anways so... yeah^^
Overall if that would be a review I would give a 7/10 alone for what I saw, but since this is more or less a first version release and pretty much the only villain based RPG Maker game I saw (alright I saw one were one was... called a "villain"... but he was more a clown than that and it was for paying folks not for leechers like me.... + I kind of liked the story enough so...) 8.5/10
... this got long. and messy. very messy.
If you dislike me opening the project to fix broken stuff myself or to make it more fun for myself, do tell me and I won't do it again....^^ (though I admit there is no way for you to check apart from asking me for how I played....xD)
Also.... Odin was a freaking overpowered asshole. (Even with my.... "boosted" troop i barely survived that freaking lightning multiple times cause healing + damage couldn't put up for that.... still somehow managed to beat the asshole into submission somehow..... how did that weakling of gryger put up with him.... odin must have gone easy on him.... '_'°)