Best Game Title Entries Votes
The most clever, original, witty, or cool game title of the year.
Abdogtion 1
Best Game Profile Entries Votes
The raddest presentation and marketing of the game.
Everlasting Journey 1
"Eye Candy" Award Entries Votes
Raddest Graphics & Artwork. An excellent example of art direction and cohesive vision. ie - this is pretty AF!
Summoner of Sounds Entries Votes
The best soundtrack and creative use of sound.
Excellence in Narrative Entries Votes
The project you think is most effective at telling its story. Think in terms of its presentation, writing, clarity, cutscene direction, or Shyamalan twists.
The "How the Hell Did They Do That?" Award Entries Votes
The game that shows the most innovative and creative Gameplay this year.
Best Short Game Award Entries Votes
The best under-1-hour game that you played this year!
Detective Waka 1
The Dark Souls of RMN Entries Votes
The game that delivers the best challenges or coolest puzzles.
Punniest Game Alive Entries Votes
Comedic game of the year. Pick the funniest game you played this year, with the best humour and/or the best/worst puns.
Trippiest Game Entries Votes
The game that was most strange, bizarre, psychedelic, offbeat, and quirky released this year.
A Vacation In Nebula 1
The kentona Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Commercial Excellence Entries Votes
The best game that made the jump from Non-Commercial to Commercial status.
Sleeping Beetle Ninja Entries Votes
The best game that has a low amount (150~) of downloads.
Year of the Deer Entries Votes
Best use of animals/doggos/pets/deer/lobsters in a game this year.
Best Lawsuit Waiting to Happen Entries Votes
The best fangame made this year that might get the dev in trouble. ;p
Best Event Game Entries Votes
For the best of the event games that came from this year.
Not Dead Yet Award Entries Votes
Given to the best old game that was finally finished this year.
Best in Positive Diversity Entries Votes
The best game from this year that showed positivity towards diversity and LBGTQ+
Fateless Two, Faithless Thee 1
Star Stealing Prince Award Entries Votes
The game that used the best original assets this year.
Errevale Fall 1
"Everlasting Journey" Award Entries Votes
The game that has the most content to offer.
Best Non-English Game Entries Votes
Given to the best translated or non-English game released this year.
Most Promising Demo Entries Votes
The demo released this year you think has the most potential to be amazing.
Game of the Year Entries Votes
The absolute best game you played from RMN for the current year.