I am here to make games and chew bubblegum. And I still have 2 packs of bubblegum so this may take awhile.
Follow Maisie on a quest across the fantastical world of Arcadea to find someone precious to her....




Any recent developments in the project ? I'm really looking forward to any updates as I really like this game.

Hiya! Progress has been a bit slow due to life getting in the way, unfortunately. No major updates as of late, but I am working on a very dialogue-heavy section of the game and there's not much to show :c. I am planning on Twitch streaming some game development soon though! (Will announce the date soon) Also, I am more active on my Tumblr Development Blog than on RMN so the best place to get updates would be there!
Thank you for the interest!


Any recent developments in the project ? I'm really looking forward to any updates as I really like this game.

Hiya! Progress has been a bit slow due to life getting in the way, unfortunately. No major updates as of late, but I am working on a very dialogue-heavy section of the game and there's not much to show :c. I am planning on Twitch streaming some game development soon though! (Will announce the date soon) Also, I am more active on my Tumblr Development Blog than on RMN so the best place to get updates would be there!
Thank you for the interest!


The game is so beautiful! The characters too, even with the "darker" parts of their personalities, I'm sure everyone has something they don't wanna show. Hey, that's probably why they are in Arcadea in first place.

And Maisie is an angel, she is so cute...

At least she will until she finds her brother, let's see how her determination to rescue him clashes with her brother desires. Oh man, I can't wait

Thank you so much~! Haha I'm glad you like the characters so far~ Can't wait to show all of them in more depth!

YEAH Maisie's cool. I'm trying to go for a cute...yet serious, determined badass haha She may be a little less likable as the game goes on c:


I kind of want to visit this world... a machine that makes dreams come true through video games?? Wow.

YEAHHH it's a pretty cool place c:

To tell ya the truth, I mainly play horror games, but I found this one and had to play the demo. It was a fantastic play through! I forgot to save though, got maimed, and had to play through the whole demo again. It's a really fun and cute game. I can't wait to see how it turns out!

AWW MAN that sucks! Hopefully it wasn't too bad to play through again! (The skip text button should be useful lol) Thank you, I'm happy you enjoyed it so far :D


Short adventure demo. Demo is split cleanly into two parts, an ARPG and the main story itself. Main game plays like pocket mirror/aria's story and those glittery horror rpg's, but I'm sure yall can tell from the screenshots. I assume this is a casual game so perhaps it can benefit from the bait lasting a bit longer? Well see.

Haha thank you for the playthrough~ Yeah, it's supposed to be a more casual game! Of course, as you travel through the isles, the difficulty increases, so the puzzles in the demo are easier in comparison to the rest of the game.


Your demo was cute and great.

One question though: Is it possible to win the last riddle at the rabbit alien mini game?

Thank you so much for playing!~ And nope, that puzzle is impossible for you right now! (in the full version, you will learn how to solve it c:)

Phase 2 of Beta Testing has begun!

I can't wait to try the demo aaa

Yeahh!! I'm excited too!! C:

Beta Testing has Started!

Yeeeeeeyyyy! It won't be so long then until the demo release!!! I'm looking forward to it >u<

looking forward to it =)

YEAH I'm super HYPED! Thanks for your support C:

That's great news. I hope the testers do their job well and congrats on getting to the precipice of the demo release.

Yep, so far beta testing is going very well! Made lots of edits for better game flow already! c: It turns out that the first part of the demo (which I estimated to be 30-45 minutes) is actually more like 45 mins to 1 hr 15 minutes! Thanks!


It's actually a tutorial/practice area for the baiting mechanic! There's gonna be some enemies that you have to avoid by dropping bait and luring them away!(Of course these sheep are harmless haha)

Thank you so much!~ C:

(I could totally do a 'feed the sheep' minigame later though hehe)
Plot twist: true ending reveals that sheep are the true antagonists of Arcadea. xD

SHHH that was a secret c; LOL

In a dream theme, sheep are a must.

I wholeheartedly agree C:


Oooooo, I love that her running animation is seperate. Not enough games do that.

Shame it's not the naruto run

Thank you! I love extra run animations as well~ It's so satisfying to shift from walking to running haha
Dang opportunity wasted

Is this some "feed both sheep" minigame/puzzle where it's difficult because one tends to overtake the other?

Also, lovin that running animation. So much gusto

It's actually a tutorial/practice area for the baiting mechanic! There's gonna be some enemies that you have to avoid by dropping bait and luring them away!(Of course these sheep are harmless haha)

Thank you so much!~ C:

(I could totally do a 'feed the sheep' minigame later though hehe)