A lazy teenager's spirit in a mid 20 adult's body
Hello, I´m writing this on 2022 February.

I am Akari the peanut. I love indie rpg games since many many years ago, I played them a lot. I wanted to contribute to them, so I started doing reviews for many other games, which was tiring but made me very happy.

I won´t be active here ´til new notice. I will connect sometimes to chat and read messages, but no more than it. Life, my friend. Life is what happens, and I am not the youth that played these games and wrote these reviews.

However, I am very very happy to have been actively in this community and helped it´s grow, no doubt. My time spent here was fruitful.

¿Do you know that this word means a lot from me? Fruitful. So many things I´ve been doing in former jobs and my actual job, in past relationships and friendships, that have had not even get close to the meaning these games offered me.

This was worth living.

Thank you. :)



The Five Steps of Player Retention

Good article liberty, and special emphasis in the first two points, since they are way more important than one usually would think.

In the step 2, think it would be good to state or imagine an audience and prepare the cover /first impressions accordingly. For example, I saw people likes characters beautifully portrayed and edgy colours in famous horror games so I'll include a bit on that on my horror game cover, dunno.

How does Resident Evil 7 make us so scared?

There's also the on-screen menu minimization in order to offer a more realistic gameplay, felt like a movie sometimes. Dead space 2 was great on that; HP waa in your suit, ammo on your gun, so you don't have any markers or bars in-screen.

5 Steps to Write Better Female Characters

That was a good read! I've thought before on most things you mentioned and there were also others I haven't realized, though mostly realized to shoujo manga and anime.

Watamote is a beautiful manga nowadays. Tomoko developed amazingly over five or six years and has become quite mature, it feels almost as watching a child grow, quite human as you said.

Ib, Mad Father, The Witch's House, Yume Nikki would also fit im those concepts? Well, Aya would may fit less.

I want to believe in Regina from Dino Crisis series as my strong woman model. She also havea serious objectives as you mentioned before.

Thanks for the article!

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