Your maned lioness mutual, cozy and cruel as flame is wont to be.
Recent Achievements
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn." Finished a game for the event without asking/using a reroll during the Commonplace Book event of 2021.
Event: Commonplace Book
Acquired 11/30/2021 09:45 AM
"The mark of the Old Ones is now forever within you." Checked in during the checkpoint phase of the Commonplace Book event of 2021.
Event: Commonplace Book
Acquired 11/30/2021 09:40 AM
You're fanning the flames that hatch the dreams of fellow devs! Given for interacting with others during a mini-event.
Acquired 10/27/2021 10:21 PM
You took part in the Lonely Hearts pixels event of 2021!
Acquired 06/28/2021 11:47 PM
RMN is a fully-fledged teen and with that comes rebellion and more gammak than ever before! You made a game in 14 hours, congrats. Have some cake!
Event: 14th RMN Birthday
Acquired 06/19/2021 04:38 AM
Had a writing piece featured in the What's Written section of the front page.
Acquired 05/05/2021 03:36 AM
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."~ Helen Keller :: You completed a game for the 50 Days of Representation event. Congratulations!
Event: 50 Days of Representation
Acquired 10/12/2020 04:28 AM
Awarded to the team members of September Flame who took part in the Palette's Make event of 2020.
Event: Pa-Lette's Make!
Acquired 04/14/2020 11:24 AM
Took part in and made a game for the Valentiny event of 2020! Love for all, baby~<3
Event: Valentiny Event
Acquired 02/25/2020 01:33 AM
Given to those who released a full game for the 2019 gaymake event!
Event: A Rainbow of Positivity
Acquired 08/06/2019 12:42 AM
Took part in the Rainbow of Positivity gaymak event of 2019!
Event: A Rainbow of Positivity
Acquired 08/06/2019 12:33 AM
Move over, high rollers! You made a finished game that qualified for the Theme Roulette event of 2019!
Event: Theme Roulette 2
Acquired 06/11/2019 12:51 AM
Submitted a review during the first week of the Distilled Opinions Review Jam 2018
Acquired 07/21/2018 01:46 PM
Donated to the RMN server fund.
Acquired 04/04/2018 09:58 PM