

Linearity in RPGs?

Clareain_Christopher, basically has it spot on.

Non-linear games have less of a plot due to the nature of non-linearity. The game is paced according to the player. The game is looser in the sense that the player can freely skip around and do things the way he wants.

Whereas in more linear games the developer can specify the experience by putting the player on tracks, like a roller-coaster ride. It goes up and down, the results are more potent in a controlled environment.

This is like trying to mix RPGs and jRPGS. Me, personally, I prefer more linear based game play.

[RPGMAKER XP] Evented Inventory System troubles

Although I was luck and found out the problem quickly, I have to say your eventing was very unorganized and had a lot of unnecessary code. If you simplified it a little, you would probably have an easier time expanding it in the future.

Now, what was happening was that, in that parallel event on the map, you were calling the menu common event (Common event: Menus). If you remove that, you won't get the problem anymore. You don't have to call a 'parallel' triggered common event on a parallel map event. As long as the switch is ON, it will work fine.

Wow, that seems to work perfectly. Thanks.

Could you give some examples of unnecessary code?

[RPGMAKER XP] Evented Inventory System troubles

Problem #1 is that you tried to make an evented inventory system in RPG Maker XP. RMXP supports scripting! You don't have to use events for that kind of thing any more.

Sorry, downloading someone's game and mucking through their billion-event-command CMS is too much for me. Without looking at the problem or knowing anything about what you're doing, the only advice I can give is "start over and use Ruby." I mean, I could probably code a brand new custom inventory system via scripting in less time than it would take me to debug your event-driven one - and that's taking into account that I've never coded any type of menu before.

This doesn't really help me much because... I don't know Ruby.
If I did, I wouldn't have this problem.

Also, I stated the problem, if you would have opened the project up you would know what I was talking about.

I've looked into learning Ruby and it doesn't seem to be the best idea at the moment.

[RPGMAKER XP] Evented Inventory System troubles

I've been designing an inventory system for my game. But, I've run into a couple of difficulties.

I've attached a project that has the system, when you run the game press enter on the note and hit the d key to access the menu.

Press enter on the top left space, you will find that the show text comes up twice, this is the problem I have been having.


The Curse of Cpt. Loveless

Yes, I had figured that the gun animation would be too common to make the recoil higher.

The Curse of Cpt. Loveless

Something that has been bothering me for a while..., why not just use RPGMAKER XP?
What makes 2003 and the other one so popular over XP?

And I'm not saying their is anything wrong with it.

Also, on a note related to the game, I'd like to see the gun recoil come back more to make it feel a little more powerful.

The Sewers

How do you get past the padlock? The walls don't seem to make much sense. The main character had a green block around him.

Project Viral: Conspiracy

Releasing games on specific dates is always an excellent idea.

Lakewood Story: Episode 2

Thought you found the manuscripts in episode one?


Looks pretty real-talk dude, subbed.