


Where's the ceiling/roof? :O

I tend to tile building in the Pokemon style, where it's only the walls and floor, unless there is a lower wall where a ceiling can be applied


on the whole map scale, this part is bare whereas evrywhere else isnt. i guess this is just a bad place to screenshot


If the game starts at the ending that would be epic.

The storyline loops, and where you start the story is where you ultimately end it.


having some sort of VXP scripts for Achievements would be really rewarding for people, especially if a script also managed to upload achievement data to RMN, and if they unlocked/rewarded users further. obviously, these achievements would have to be on uploads that are encrypted. i support the idea a lot, and hope maybe one day these can exist.

A Simple Recipe System (NO SCRIPTS)

EDIT: OK, sorry. Reposted this as a tutorial. Dont know how to delete this, so, sorry.

RMXP Gltich?

When I test play my game, some tiles completely vanish and become impassable, even when set to passable. I know its not due to anything above the layer, as it is top layer, and it cant be middle layer as i havent even touched middle layer. The strangest thing is, the entire tileset is passble as i havent configured it yet. Does anyone know why i get vanishing tiles and/or how to cure them?

Bobby Carrot - RPG

The game is nice =)
The only thing that fails is when you aren't able to get the carrots, and get stuck, there's no way to start the level again...

Nice ;D

Thanks, I'm glad you like it, and I'm working on a script (or event alternative) that enables Level restart when you press, say, R,but I am not very good at those sort of things.

Bobby Carrot - RPG

thx. its from the mobile version of Bobby Carrot 1

Bobby Carrot - RPG

thx. its from the mobile version of Bobby Carrot 1

Make an enemy that drops RANDOM LOOT!!!

then the big red NOTE in the original post is wrong, as it says it will only work once per battle.