

My god we're going back for this one

Glad you're still active tho ^_^

Set Discrepancy

A reminder that you still have atleast one fan right here. Also, merry Christmas ^_^

Set Discrepancy

A little late but Happy New Year!

Set Discrepancy

Really glad this is still going, even if slowly.

Did I told you The best thing I likes about your game was the writing? Sure, in terms of originality it seems to took alot of cue from Dead Space and Doom (forgive me if I'm wrong) but not that it was a bad thing at all. I cannot stress enough how human your characters are and how they interact with each other. Most amateur RPG games often write their protag either as a sociopathic know-it-all or completely clueless about what they're doing but yours are never the case at all. You gave us a level headed, optimistic guy who is competent at his own job but still understandably confused at the predicament he's in and reacts accordingly. I really likes this tone.

Also please, expand the crafting system, the next best thing about your game. add something like more weapon attachments or utility equipments.

Set Discrepancy

Hello! Any news?

Set Discrepancy

Happy New year!


Hi! I am huge fan of this game since the first version and this new image alone made me register just to say thank you very much for consider reviving this. One of the most atmospheric and well written RPG game I've ever played.
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