Heartache 101 ~Sour into...
Add on to the story and create new datable characters for everyone!



Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

Thanks to the Visual Novel format, there isn't really anything resembling development hell(the technology and format have been the same for two decades) so take your time.

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)


Overseer off.

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

Easy enough: she is really, really proud of being spanish. Periodically she'll make questions to the player. For example: "Do you know any word on spanish?", and the answers could be:


If you answer Amor (Love) you'll gain affection, if you answer Hola (Hello) she'll not be impressed, and if you answer Burrito she'll get mad and you'll lose affection. Why? Hehe, wait until I make that event...
I quite like it. Here's to hoping you'll be one of the select few who finishes a custom route.

Are these all playable characters? Where could I download them? Please please tell me. I have all but 10 of them an I desperately want them.

Not all of them. Due to a number of factors - namely:

1. The team is a humongous disfunctional ragtag bunch of misfits
2. Devs you don't see post every page or so (including flowerthief) come and leave based on whimsy
3. I'm way behind(read: four months) schedule in management to develop anything when I can spare time for Heartache
4. Marrend, blessed be, has no solid spine(he's yet to accept donations)

- the majority of custom content was not published, and those which were are not in the best of shapes.

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

Enter the Newcomer! (Yaaaaaay!!)

Hurray!^^ And I'm the asshole who shouts your eyes out for the smallest, most innocuous mistakes custom content overseer! Enjoy your stay here.

This is Victoria Ángeles, my first customized character (still working on story).

The sheer number of foreigners in our sleepy obscure backwater within xenophobic Japan is getting problematic. Come up with some explanation for her presence here so I won't have to, will you?

She's nothing out of the ordinary because I'm a complete noob when it comes to designing the appareance of a character. *shrugs*

1. Do not shrug off inadequacy.
2. You're free to ask other people to do it for you.

I tried to make her brown-haired... does that looks like brown? I don't know. It looks kinda like orange to me.

'tis. :|

P Have I mentioned already that design isn't my best stand?


- I'm making her an "easy girl". Not that kind of easy girl.

...As long as that's what you aim for...

- Also, how good are you with spanish? Believe me: you'll need good spanish knowledge with her... you could lose some points easily (eveything isn't easy).

This particular plot point should be explained in detail before you implement it, I believe. What's the idea exactly?

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

In my book, as long as the file's still available in incomplete form, that implies that there's a chance it'll get completed. As long as there's a chance of completion, it ain't "cancelled" any more than, say, Takako :) .

Or Kyouki. Or 21. Or pretty much everyone else.

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

There has been no work on Fran for (what feels like) ages, and I don't see me working on her anytime soon. Assuming I work on her at all. You don't call that giving up on a character?


It's called hiatus, Marrend. Abandonment happens when you are not even coming here anymore, and... I'd be.. very very sad if you just... up and...

Now I made myself cry. Fantastic. Let's pretend I wasn't a possessive bastard to my friends and agree that you will tell us if you want to leave altogether, okay?

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

Your compassion is well placed.

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

Thanks for the update, BasedMG. Good to know that you haven't totally given up unlike some people and their custom content.

Neither have the person in the example. The person in question is aware I would not take to that kindly. Isn't he?-.-

Finished content

As Dewelar said, I can't take credit for just doing what I do, but I do have an idea in mind for this request. Are you any good at doing art?

Here's a rough CG sketch of Ryoko being menacing. The side perspective is intentional, mind you, I can draw from all directions.

If that's good? Then yes, I am.

Finished content


I'll see what I can do once you've posted enough text for me to figure out what theme would be appropriate.