Beta testers!? No, this game needs a goddamn exorcist!
Developer of videogames and boardgames. Yet to release a boardgame or a game made in RPGmaker.
Favourite genre: jRPG, Strategy RPG, Action RPG
Other likes: Anime, digital media, writing
Proud Canadian
Avatars: Tiara from my should-be-upcoming game Resolem, by NiwaRhythm



OIdPat's "Art" topic

Merry ChriNewYear to you too. Girl aside, the skull lamp and the awesome flower mat also look great.

Looks like she took a hit to the eye. I know it's just eyeshadow and a wink. Be careful, ladies, to not have your makeup look like bruising or your boyfriend will get a visit from the police.

Can decoration tiles confuse the player?


I was in a conversation about this just last night while playing a board game. Walls that look like this tend to make players want to walk in the empty areas next to the wall. It's confusing when you can't. If you make the wall in the centre of the tile, there's no arguing the point since everyone knows you won't be able to walk on half a tile.

Holy Crap, why are some Games so HUGE??

I think it depends on your project. If your game has loads of content, graphically or length, in the higher resolutions MV can do, it will likely be a big game. That's just kind of what happens when you have "more" of something. It gets bigger. That's why a 2L bottle of pop is bigger than a can.

Responsible compression can only go so far. RM games are getting bigger. Especially since fewer people are as restricted by file space and download speed. Heck, this morning I opened a 5TB hard drive (that's bigger than all the drives in my PC combined) and from the price tag still on it (LOL) the thing was $149cad. So I think less people feel inclined to put a lot of work into shrinking their games because the file size is less of an issue than it was back in the earlier days.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, about MIDI, you need to be careful using MIDIs nowadays because they're not recordings like mp3 or ogg. They'll sound different on different computers. None of the MIDIs I made back in the day even sound coherent anymore.

OIdPat's "Art" topic

The original reminds me of somewhere between Tomoko from Watamote (which is awesome, BTW) and one of the Pokemon girls. The armlessness is a very interesting trait.

Your remake is pretty awesome. Hottest armless girl I've ever seen.


These things creeped the hell out of me LOL. Then they're just all chill in their dialogue and I kind of grew to like them. For a while I was unsure if they really looked like that or if it was just due to some mental issue of Flo but once the supernatural elements of the karma system came into play it became clear. This is a pretty interesting world.

Digital Artist! [FREE/ Donation]

1) What you make will always be 'acceptable' at best and embarrassing in hindsight when you're the one being critical of your own work so don't be inhibited by how you feel about what you make, you may never feel 'good' with any work in your life for too long...

2) Inverting an image horizontally (flipping it) reveals every imperfection to the person who drew it, and allows you to look at it from the POV of someone who did not draw or see it before

Very good rules to live by.

Your stuff is above average in quality but the donation-based system, combined with AUS, is likely your best selling point. That's such an easy-to-work-with system and currency.

OIdPat's "Art" topic

Following on Pixiv. And, as is just how things go on Pixiv, now also following a half dozen artists who were recommended when I followed you LOL.

Demo Version 4 is up!!

When you set up your patreon, also try to have some way for people to make a one-time payment to you. Some people (like me) aren't reliable patreons because we do contract work or something similar. Making a lump sum donation, you still get your money and we don't get the grief of having to cancel a month or two down the road.

Sadly it'll be many moons before I can play this version. Damn just not enough time:(