Your living space.
Badass Mapping Contest
Personally, I don't think the theme is lame. I think it's cool, but some a lot of the restrictions suck, like the screen size. And the fact that you can only use RPGMaker, that one irks me. A lot.
What cake should I use ...
author=tardisauthor=Felix20ice cream cake is awesome and the best cake evar
Ice cream cake is the best, but usually not very cheap :/
What are you jamming to?
The Screenshot Topic Returns
Whatchu Workin' On? Tell us!
Tile world is nice, but I mostly use Will's World (iOS) which can download levelsets and tilesets
author=Felix20Uhh...suuuure, lol jk. Mine can support different tilesets, will be able to support different levelsets, and will also be able to support different soundsets (something no other CC clone currently does)
I assume your making a CC clone for fun, not becuase you just wnt to have one) ;)
Whatchu Workin' On? Tell us!
What are you thinking about right now?
author=ChaosProductionsauthor=Darkeni'm gonna love and tolerate the shit out of you
i wish my little pony never existed
What are you thinking about right now?
I am really $%#& pissed off and confused because my Secret Collect updater seems to be haunted. First it wouldn't download a script, which I fixed, and now it's sending multiple HTTP downlaod requests for a map, but it's downloading all the others, before and after it on the list