

Your living space.

My room (and laptop in the camping chair)

My desktop in the basement

Badass Mapping Contest

Personally, I don't think the theme is lame. I think it's cool, but some a lot of the restrictions suck, like the screen size. And the fact that you can only use RPGMaker, that one irks me. A lot.

What cake should I use ...

Ice cream cake is the best, but usually not very cheap :/
ice cream cake is awesome and the best cake evar


What are you jamming to?

The Screenshot Topic Returns

Hello Chip, welcome to Hell.

Whatchu Workin' On? Tell us!

Tile world is nice, but I mostly use Will's World (iOS) which can download levelsets and tilesets
I assume your making a CC clone for fun, not becuase you just wnt to have one) ;)
Uhh...suuuure, lol jk. Mine can support different tilesets, will be able to support different levelsets, and will also be able to support different soundsets (something no other CC clone currently does)

Whatchu Workin' On? Tell us!

A Chip's Challenge clone in Sphere

What are you thinking about right now?

i wish my little pony never existed
i'm gonna love and tolerate the shit out of you


What are you thinking about right now?

I am really $%#& pissed off and confused because my Secret Collect updater seems to be haunted. First it wouldn't download a script, which I fixed, and now it's sending multiple HTTP downlaod requests for a map, but it's downloading all the others, before and after it on the list

Breath of Fire VI Fan Sequel is looking for volunteers!

I've never played the games, but I may be able to make chipsets/some sounds/give you moral support. No guarantees on the first two though. *find's the nearest ROM download site*

Which one are you hoping this will look the most like?