Game Designer at Fine Monkeys, LLC. Likes all things pixel art.
Shippu la Senpu
An arcade shmup fan adaptation of the anime show Kill la Kill by Studio Trigger.



What Videogames Are You Playing Right Now?

After watching GDCA yesterday I went and bought Talos Principle right away and holy shit it blew my fucking mind. A good puzzle is one that communicates its ideas very clearly and uninterruptedly, and most of the puzzles I've solved so far in Talos Principle are exactly like that - very short, sweet and extremely on-point. You can hardly ever find any obfuscation or misleading elements that will disrupt your stream of problem solving. If I had to make a comparison between this and Braid, just because they're the only puzzle games I've played recently, I'd say the puzzles in Talos Principle communicate a lot better than those in Braid. Many levels in Braid contain more than one puzzle, and oftentimes you'll find yourself wondering whether a particular element belongs to puzzle A or puzzle B, or if doing an irreversible action in solving puzzle A will render puzzle B unsolvable. Of course you can do trial&error and just go back to the first door to reset the level, but I find that process a bit tedious and meaningless - the time spent redoing a certain course of actions should've been spent thinking about what's next instead. None of that in Talos Principle - each puzzle has its own isolated and confined space and you will never be able to use elements from one puzzle to cheat in another (well if you aren't purposefully looking to exploit glitches anyway).

Fuckin' amazin'.

Edit: also just look at the goddamn visuals man http://store.steampowered.com/app/257510


Photo study. Is it just me or the leaf on the right seems a bit off?

What Videogames Are You Playing Right Now?

What do you think "Bravely Default" means?

What Videogames Are You Playing Right Now?

@AE: Oh man I remember that game! I played it to death as a kid, and never understood anything because of course it was in Japanese. Man that sure brings back memories!

I've been playing Braid. The game's such a gem that clearly shows that Jon has really explored and fiddled around with the rewinding concept. The way the worlds (and the puzzles) are listed, I reckon, must've been exactly what happened to Jon's stream of thoughts - like hey I have this concept, what if I do this, and oh, if I can do that, maybe I can do this OTHER THING too?! - what I think is great about that is that the progression in gameplay matches very closely the process of exploring the rewinding concept, almost like a reflection. Which means that he probably didn't have to worry too much about stuff like "hey would it be possible for someone to be at this particular point and still not have a good enough foundation to solve this puzzle yet". This I think is also what Jon has been referring to as the "stream of communication" that he wants to explore even further in The Witness, so I'm absolutely looking forward to that game. Very interesting.

That said though, in Braid there are still some puzzles that IMO are just plain "wtf? What does that have to do with anything? How could ANYBODY even think of that?", like this one

Very minor (if non-existent) spoiler there. If you've solved this puzzle, you know what I mean.


Seriously doubt that guy if he ever claims to respect a feminine person with a penis when he can't even take a woman with a beard seriously.

2014 Misaos - The RESULTATIONS

Why? I'm serious why would you nominate something you've never played?

Relational/Paid votes.


Hey accha! (man I haven't spoken to you since forever. I'm terrible orz)

The time taken on my stuff depends a lot on how complex the poses of the characters are or how difficult the textures on some objects are, and such. Sometimes textures that ostensibly seem simple enough IRL can be a huge pain to illustrate with a few colors in pixels. But I'd like to think my speed has been improving a little. For the latest pieces I posted, the aliens each only took me about an hour or so. It's honestly just 2 aliens, with one being reskinned/retextured into 2 other variations.

As for the crane, that one didn't take very long. I just took a picture from Google, redesigned it a little, mostly adding more edges to make it look more scifi-ish, and projected it onto the perspective of GAMVERSE where everything appears parallel no matter the distance between them and the vision origin. 4 hours at best.

The truck was a real pain. It's a collidable piece of geometry, so I had to make sure while looking decent it also had to stay inside a box and not have any significant bump (due to a core mechanic of the game). So I had to design (I say design but really it's rather elementary basic) the truck on paper, get a half-finished version of the truck in its original state in pixels, and then start "beating it up". That involves Googling for car-casses (HAH!) to see how external impacts affect the metal frames of vehicles (like the way they bend, squeeze and leave sharp scars upon impact), and how windshields made of thick glass break (this was especially important). And then there's a little bit of research on what mechanical parts go into the head of a truck. But honestly those are just vague illustrations of the real stuff and I wasn't gonna drive myself insane by digging any deeper on the way those things are usually damaged.

So yeah, I guess that's quite a bit of work orz but it turned out quite okay. Took me an entire day of work so I'd say about 10 hours or so. The cool thing (maybe) about doing mechanicals or machinery is that they ALWAYS reward you handsomely by looking really good if you work on them methodically. I'd say they generally look a lot better than what you think your skills are at most of the time.

But anyway, thanks for the kind words accha. You are a very talented artist too so I'm definitely honored! Please stay awesome yourself.

Edit: wow I sure was rambling


Thank you :) I do try to do a lot of different coloring and texturing styles, since I don't really find as much joy in animating as everybody else does, so this is my way of exploring the art.

Pizza The Place

Hey this is really good stuff! I really dig the texturing style and the colors. Very Mother-ish.


Hey thanks for the kind words :)

When/If such scenario happens, feel free to contact me! Can't say I'm always available, but I'm always interested.