Game Designer at Fine Monkeys, LLC. Likes all things pixel art.
Shippu la Senpu
An arcade shmup fan adaptation of the anime show Kill la Kill by Studio Trigger.




I did say that I can't explain anything about this game? My apologies if I come off as condescending but explaining about it would kinda defeat the point I believe.

M.O.G. Graphics

Shippu la Senpu

Woohoo! Glad you like it! Keep trying my friend :D

Shippu la Senpu Review

Thank you for taking the time to play and to even write a review for it. I'm not sure if the game even deserves the 4.5 stars rating since, yes, we're aware that it has a lot of growth potentials and yet is lacking a lot. We've decided against expanding it because we ... kinda have more important stuff to do. Though, it was really fun working on this game while it last, and we're really happy that you and some others had some fun with it as well despite the lack of a lot of stuff.

Again, thank you very much. It really means a lot to us :P

Shippu la Senpu

This is fucking impossible.

Thank you~

Dark Souls Changed the Way I Think About Video Games

Yes you're right. And that's also not what I was referring to as innovative.

Dark Souls Changed the Way I Think About Video Games

Those things definitely pique my interest, it's just that to me-an extremely visual person (and no, I don't mean "ultra hi-def real is brown" shit) the world itself seemed nothing more than a generic fantasy cut and paste, so I felt no desire to see what it had to offer. You know what I'm saying? It's like with the Elder Scrolls games- they may seem like a generic fantasy thing to begin with, but you can tell there's something "off" about it, so it's more interesting. Perhaps Dark Souls does that, I don't know because I never played it at length and I never saw any hint of it in videos of the game.
Sure that's fair. And I'll tell you Dark Souls does. And again, it's not about the aesthetics, but it's about HOW the aesthetics or environments leave loose traces of mysteries to pique your interest in the most subtle manner, so that you don't feel like what you're about to find out isn't what the game has been yelling into your ears and your face about.

I'm actually on my 3rd playthrough of DS2, and I still keep discovering new things from the game. It's worth mentioning too that I'm absolutely not a PVP player at all, so I'm playing through it all just for the adventure and discovery.

One good example of the former is Oblivion. The quest pits you against Merhunes Dagon, the cult of the Mythic Dawn, and the hordes of Oblivion, but there are plenty of details that the quest line and dialogue itself don't mention about those things. It's up to the player to decide if they want to fully know what they're dealing with, or just play the role of an unassuming hero.
I haven't played Oblivion, so I can't verify this. But if it does, then that's good. That's still something very different from how most games are done anyway. I did not say that Dark Souls is the only game over that has done this, but sure, there's perhaps some degree of generalization in that statement of mine. But if it's still not something the majority can realize, then I think the video games industry still has to work on that.

The one thing that I agree with you about is that cutscenes and player involvement in what would be called a "cutscene" need to be rethought in games, and if Dark Souls does that well then good on it.
On this point, no I don't think Dark Souls has done anything new to the way cutscenes are executed per se, but at least I think we need to recognize its attempt to step outside of the conventional bubble, reducing the amount of time spent on cutscenes and pushing the narrative towards the interactivity that games are about.

Dark Souls Changed the Way I Think About Video Games

Finally you're getting cool about this. I'll go ahead and apologize for the rude manner.

And to discuss Dark Souls with you:
I did play a bit of Dark Souls, and I wasn't enthralled. The game has a high entry level of difficulty and pretty much does nothing to assure me that sticking with it would be worth my time. The material I was presented with was uninteresting.
Not trying to grab you in with a hook is exactly the point of Dark Souls though. It's never been about presenting you with the most mind-blowing appearance ever to give you a feast. The charm lies in the fact itself that the game doesn't even try to show you much more than just subtle hints, those that make you form your own arbitrary goals, proceed and fulfill it yourself. How meaningful that concept is, is fully covered in what Psychology calls Intrinsic Motivation. But sure, from this point, if the process of discovery and satiating curiosity isn't something that appeals or piques your interests, then fair enough.

requires incredible amounts of support. Because you're stacking the game up with the innovators of the last few decades, and saying that it brought more to the entire medium than those games did.
I don't think one needs an incredible amount of support to back a statement, as long as one's reasoning makes sense and is meaningful, which I believe I have, and I just wrote about it up there. Don't you think that's enough? There's no need to pretend that everything new ever absolutely needs to require rocket science to make it happen.

Basically my point is that I don't see it as having introduced really anything at all to the medium. I see it as a standard fare action-adventure series with the difficulty stuck on impossible.
If you disagree with the idea that it brings something new to the medium, then would you mind getting specific about the points I made up there that prove so?

Dark Souls Changed the Way I Think About Video Games

Sure I'll take that. I don't mind getting a warn or two or even a suspension that much. Sometimes things just need to be said.

Dark Souls Changed the Way I Think About Video Games

Not liking something someone else likes is fine. But if you're going to be vocal about disagreeing with them, at least have the balls (or even intelligence?) to get specific.