I am a multi-platform game developer who prefers Platformers but also has experience in other genres. I came to this site after seeing Desmo360's Let's-Play of Super Puzzle World in order to download said game. After some time (and downloading a couple of other games) I decided to make an account.

These are the platforms I use to make my games:
Game Maker 8.0 Pro
Super Mario Bros. X



Swordscape Version 2

I can’t launch the game, it’s telling me that RGSS102E.dll cannot be found. According to the Game.ini file it’s a library required for the game to run, but it’s nowhere in the package I downloaded and I have no idea where it would be or where I’d get it from. This is something that should’ve been mentioned in “READ BEFORE YOU PLAY.doc”.

And if there’s a third-party launcher of some kind that I need for a lot of RPGMaker games, then may I ask what the point of it is? What’s the problem with distributing standalone applications, like Game Maker does?

Super Gameactive Land

If you can't beat it, and you made it. That's not a good sign. Might want to rethink some of that level design.

A rule of thumb I learned the hard way is that people like to make stuff that challenges them, but because you're making the game and have to playtest the hell out of it, you'll actually make it totally impossible for anyone playing the game. The trick to avoid that is to dumb it down and make it SO easy that you can consistently breeze through all of your levels every time without taking any hits. It will seem dumb to you and you'll want to make it harder, but for the newcoming players who don't know what to expect it will be hard enough as is. Super hard stuff that's challenging for even you belongs in some secret post-game area. Not the last levels of the game.

Well, technically that level is part of a “secret” post-game area (doing a side-quest offered after beating the final boss unlocks a secret extra world), but I do agree that the difficulty needs to be chiseled down. For one thing, the warp pipe needs to transport faster, and the water causes my character to move slower than the screen. I’m still keeping the reversed-scrolling gimmick intact, but I’m trimming out some of those cannons and adding another power-up midway through the area. I swear, compared to the rest of the secret levels, this one might as well be from SGL: The Lost Levels… which will never come out, so don’t ask for it.

when will you be releasing a stand alone level editor? :)))

Never. A level editor would be too much work to program, and I have my doubts that it’d really be used seriously. I might pack in a live-editing feature as a cheat code or an unlockable mini-game or something.

(By the way, cheat codes disable saving just like they do in SMBX. The difference here is that the cheat that re-enables it has a 255/256 chance of giving you an instant Game Over instead.)

Super Gameactive Land

I wonder if you can even beat the mess that's going on in that level from your vid...

It’s a nightmare, but I’m getting close to beating it without making use of the cheats I added. And would you believe that’s only the first half of the level?

Cheats and Easter Eggs

“Obtain and Extra Star” Exploit:
In World 4’s level “Traps”, use a Leaf or a Tanooki suit to fly up and above the star in the first area, then drop down to collect it. There are invisible switch blocks below it that would normally cause you to fall out of the level and die, but bypassing them lets you obtain this intended-as-bait star. Enjoy the 101% completion mark on your save file!

Super Puzzle World 2

Eheheh… somebody forgot about their deadline, eh?

Oh well, it’s not like I’m complaining or even one to talk. When life gets busy, things get forgotten about, and I can respect that because it happens to me all the time. In the meantime, I guess I might as well get a page up for Super Gameactive Land now…

Castles Masterpiece Set 2

I obviously can’t read, I just noticed the sign-up date range… oh well.

This is the first event I’m participating in, and I’m curious on how we should rank the difficulty of our level. Is there a guide on this site for it, or is it just re-testing the level under various conditions (small Mario only, no killing enemies, ect.) and scoring based on that all right? Or am I even going to be given a chance since I’m so late?

Also, I’d just like to point out that I make up my levels as I go, and play-test the crud out of them. I’m going on the “GreyOcean Ravine” theme, and I’ve gotten maybe about 5% done since I started a couple hours ago…
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