Devil's in the details
I'm a very big fan of music of japanese role playing games for it has influenced me throughout my life since my early childhood. The day I saw Nobuo on the stage in front of me I decided I too will become a composer one day. It has been 9 years since that day.

You can't find my works anywhere right now, but that will change very soon this year as I will be contributing several original tracks for RMN Music Pack 2.


[Poll] RMN Music Pack 2 Theme Topic

Are you looking for certain style of music for a specific game instance or setting? This is your perfect chance to request some!

The poll statistics and requests posted in this topic will directly affect the mechanics of RMN's next big music event: RMN Music Pack 2, and the participating composers will be encouraged to take on the themes requested here.

In the poll you can vote for game settings you'd like to have music for, and if you want music for a specific game instance, or a specific video game genre, you should specify that in a reply.

RMN Music Pack 2 Artwork [Voting ended Apr 22nd]

RMN Music Pack 2 is coming! It's time to take the first step and get the making of the album artwork underway! Why is it the first step you say? Well, to inspire all the musicians of course and to start building some hype!

The artwork of the first album carried the spirit and the style of the classic J-RPGs very well, so we should be good by requesting the new artwork from the same artist: Yaichino

So, a new entourage of heroes on a new adventure! But where?

Stardew Valley

So, this game's pretty brilliant. After it gets things rolling it's pretty hard to quit. I don't want to go to work. ;-;

For me personally it's a very strong candidate of being the GotY considering I haven't been as hooked or charmed by any other game for a very long time.

If you haven't heard of the game yet, basically it's a spiritual successor to the Harvest Moon and Rune Factory series. You manage a farm, charm townspeople, adventure on the nearby fields and dungeons.

Stardew Valley has really strong core mechanics and controls and it gives you a lot of goals, but also offers a lot of freedom! For example, you can customize your character, house, and farm, and craft decorations alongside with tools and different foods, etc.

+ The grahpics of the game <3_<3
++ The OST is great.

Yeah, and it's all pretty much done by one person.

Oh yeah it's available in steam for $20 or something!

World builders

Hey! I am looking for a person (or people!) who're interested in bouncing off ideas back and forth with other people where it comes to building their game world and story concepts.

From experience I'd say I've found this process to help getting fresh ideas and perspectives, and underline potential shortcomings in the material. The process also actively provokes you to develop the different areas of your concept further.

I am looking for someone who's serious about committing time in building an immersive world for their story!

I am personally working on an exotic and mystical fantasy setting with multiple animal-like humanoid races and I have the basic framework down for the plot, cast, factions, cultures, geography and mythology, though they all need to be developed further with a lot more detail.

My story has three separate protagonist parties that each present a different perspective and a somewhat different scenarios that eventually intertwine into one later on. All scenarios focus a lot on character relations, but present various themes ranging from fugitive life, defection, life of a murderer, human rights, bio politics, post humanism, naturism, social exclusion and discrimination to some a bit lighter themes too! Not to forget the ever necessary philosophical views on the nature of reality.

I was thinking that I'd just like to introduce my setting to someone who'd also introduce their concept to me and we could comment and give feedback to each other and see where it goes from there!

I'd also need to warn that I'm not a native english speaker, but I think I should still be able to communicate well enough. :D

[Poll] Narrative Themes & Settings

I wanted to do a poll asking everyone their favorite narrative themes and settings... so here! ps. I apologize for the typo in intrigue. Seems I can't edit it anymore!

Stories in games can usually contain several of these themes and settings, but I'd like to ask you to explain which specific narrative scenario appeals to you the most and for what reasons?

In addition to the most interesting narrative themes you can also include the specific framework where you prefer these themes, or any themes to be portrayed in. eg. A post apocalyptic world, a surreal dimension of some sort, a high fantasy medieval land, etc.

Adventure: Your general adventure theme where you don't usually stick to one place for too long and you pretty much travel all around the world in different less or more epic scenarios.

Intrigue: A political, corporate, or some other sort of intrigue setting, where you can clearly tell there are opposite factions at play, but it often seems hard to tell who's part of which faction now.

Mystery: While this could be similar to intrigue, here it isn't always other humans or factions that you're dealing with, but generally something still seems to be wrong and you can't quite put your finger on what it is without spending a good while solving the mystery that pretty much the whole setting is.

Relationships / Romance: In these settings you spend most of your time building and inspecting the relationships between the members of the cast by interacting and communicating with them.

Simulation / Management: Not so much of a narrative setting as it is a mechanics setting. In these settings you're usually in charge of some sort of unit that contains several factors you need to take in to account while managing it. eg. A house of Sims, a city with skylines, a planet with civilizations!

Survival: Usually when you look around you it's pretty dark, and often you are fighting for your life with something that's lurking behind your blind spot and creeping towards you when you aren't looking. Sometimes it's just about finding the tools to hunt and rations to carry on for another day.

War: Many settings have wars in them, but if it's specifically a war setting you'll probably be spending most, if not all of your time fighting in the war zones, carrying out different kind of missions and advancing your war campaigns.

Other: I might have forgot something, so if you have other preference, just vote for this and specify.

RMN Developer Profiles

I came across with this fun idea of stats sheets that Nivlacart started for Mc Bacon Jam and thought we could expand the list! It doesn't have to be dead serious, anyway.

Here's a link to the template:

Here's a Google Drive link to the template!

The font used for the name is Minercraftory which you can pick up here:

But if you want to use your own font that's fine too.

Enjoy making your screens, guys!

Here's a few for example:


Has anyone ever come across with some of these before?

http://darebee.com/ (formerly known as Neila Rey) is an entirely free site run by bunch of fitness enthusiasts, full of fitness programs and workouts. All the information is well tested and absolutely free, available with easy to comprehend and intuitive guidelines.

There's some really easy to start, short-, or longer-term programs for both losing body weight, as well as building muscle tone. There's also a lot of good diet and general fitness tips without any unnecessary bullshit attached to them.

A blurb about my personal experience:

I've never been a particular fitness enthusiast myself and I often felt insecure about starting any extensive workout, and I felt I lacked proper self discipline to do so. I've usually felt I've lacked any proper self discipline to begin with.

Somewhat precisely one year ago I just came across some of Darebee's workouts in 9GAG and thought it'd be cool to try something like this out - hell, I liked to run around outside when I was a kid, anyway. Why not try to get into a good shape, as it's something I've always thought would be a cool thing.

I'm 5.6 feet tall and I've lost 53 pounds in one year, even though I had some pauses when I didn't workout out for several weeks. I weighed 198.4 lbs when I started and now I weigh 143.3 lbs, though of course I've gained a lot of muscle too.

Even though I've always considered myself pretty confident and positive, I feel working out has:

- Made me generally a lot more positive
- Made me a lot more energetic
- Made me more confident about any undertakings I choose to pursue
- Helped me build self discipline to carry out routines and work towards personal goals.

After all, it's just about utilizing your body for what it's meant for...

I've spent absolutely no money on working out since I started, and I still haven't even once stepped to a gym. I've come to love running, though, and I am currently working out every day.

I personally started out with http://darebee.com/programs/30-days-of-change.html which is a completely equipment free program that consists of varying different workouts that will enable you to train daily. I just generally ate healthily while carrying out the program and it worked really well, though now I've been on the Modern Hero diet, which can also be found from the site: http://neilarey.com/mealplans/modern-hero-diet.html

Currently I'm doing the Hero's Journey program myself, which is pretty fun as it has sort of "RPG elements" to it: http://darebee.com/programs/hero-journey.html

If you've ever felt that you'd like to be a bit more in control of your life and felt you could actually appreciate being alive more, working out is pretty easy answer, and this site is super easy and handy to keep you on the track! There's good tips for keeping yourself motivated and building a habit out of something. I highly recommend checking it out.

RMN Composer Introductions

This topic is designed to be a place where the composers of the RMN community may introduce themselves in, and serve as a list where people can easily find the composers present at the community.

You may do an open introduction, or you can answer some of these questions:

  • Artist names you are known by:

  • Link to the best place to follow your work:

  • Contact information for commissions:

  • Music genres and style influences of your work:

  • Your choice of audio software:

  • Instruments you play:

  • Your proudest accomplishment as a musician:

Composer looking for a project

My name is Matias Heimlander. I am video game music enthusiast located in Helsinki, Finland. I have worked on video games as a hobby for 12 years and composed music for them for 5 years.

I am looking for to compose an original soundtrack for a game project which is nearing completion, or is already complete. I am specifically looking for a project that is set to be released some time "soon", like during the next year, so that I could actually complete the soundtrack in a focused time frame and have it in my portfolio.

As of this moment I don't have very recent, complete and polished samples to show off, but here is a short demo I created in three days for another indie game project, that turned out to have a composer already. These songs are impressions on the visual material of the game. They were created in small time frame, with no extensive polish or further attention to extreme details.

Listening on 1080p video quality gives you the best audio quality:

I have composed a lot in very melodic an expressive style, similar to what you often hear in the japanese type role playing game genre, but I am more than willing to compose with other approaches and styles too, like with more ambient approach, for example. As far as instrumentation, and musical genre references go, I believe I have a lot to offer.

If I receive an interesting proposal, I am willing to create a free demonstration of what sort of music I could create for your game.

My rates are very affordable and flexible for hobbyist and indie-scaled projects.

Looking forward to hear back from you!

Fuck Christmas

It's that time of the year - please, wake me up in January!

What's your view?