

Cope Island: Adrift

Thanks for the answers, I'm done now.

I knew something was up with the Soon guys and I was close to trying the different talisman on the cliff lady as well but I was a bit burnt out on making more runs at the time. One the other hand, I'm not sure if I could have figured out the Chaser guy, especially since that one takes a few good turns. There might have been some hints in the dialogues that I missed ("he's wary of you" seemed like one for example but still) but it's the only secret that I'd personally consider somewhat unfair/obscure of the three I had missed.

In general, I think the more secret achievements struck a good balance between not being too obvious and not being too obscure for the most part, which I feel can be hard to get right. The whole game was very enjoyable, thanks for making it, and I hope we can see more of your stuff in the future.

Cope Island: Adrift

Great game that I found completely by accident on Steam and I'm looking forward to your future games but I'd like some help with a few points if possible.

The fourth forbidden weapon: Tangled shame sounds like the place where you fight Alpha but I'm a bit lost. Does the guy who disappear have anything to do with it or does he have more to do with the achievement below?

Helping the islanders: I found the girl behind the waterfall and met the door guy downstairs but I have no clue about the rest.

Other than that, I'm pretty much done. The rest of the secrets were obscure on a fair level for me. I also have to ask

is the last achievement unlocked when you've completed the rest? Because I'm missing Forbidden Weapons, Satisfaction and a hidden one.
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