Just a normal kinda guy.
Big into music, writing, and reading.
See, pretty tame, huh?



Obama Hate Trends

It's people like you that make Democracy not work. You have absolutely no right to complain at all if you do not vote.
Thought I'd weigh in. This stuck out to me. You made me think of george carlin. If I don't vote, I'm not responsible for putting that man in office. Fuck political process. Its a protest of how perverted the system has become, where you are left to choose between two candidates that have a few differing views, but sustain the same overall views and principals. Think Zeitgeist Addendum.

George Carlin was the fucking shit, man. My hero.

Your Most Disappointing Game?

RE4, hands down. The only reason I play RE was zombies. I was so sad.
So.. Because they didn't look like zombies, the game was automatically shit? That's some awesome reasoning their man!
Because the feel of the game was entirely different, jackass.
Yeah sorry bout that, I was kinda drunk at the time.. Hell I don't even remember posting that. Now that I think about it, half the posts Ive been making recently have been under some kind of influence,

No problem, man. I've been wishing my posts were under the influence, but I have a small obstacle to that. Damn court system.

Impossible Video games

Battletoads, yes, fucking bike level.
I didn't find Zelda 2 very hard...! and I've beaten Super Ghouls and Ghosts, which was pretty hard.

La-Mulana is pretty tough, I got lazy about beating it all the way though. Oh, and Contra.

Contra? Are you kidding me? Man, that game is still my favorite co-op game ever.

Your Most Disappointing Game?

RE4, hands down. The only reason I play RE was zombies. I was so sad.
So.. Because they didn't look like zombies, the game was automatically shit? That's some awesome reasoning their man!

Because the feel of the game was entirely different, jackass.

Impossible Video games

Battletoads, hell yeah, agreed. Zelda 2, agreed. That's when games were good (says the old man).

Terrible Customer Service

Those are some awful stories. I have worked in retail and customer service, and this kinda shit irks me to no end. There is never an excuse for this stupid behavior. It's like they think they're doing you a favor, just noticing you. I tell you, it pisses me off, just reading about it.

Obama Hate Trends

I iused to hang out with a black fella when I was younger. We both thought that the race thing was ridiculous,
and being from Alabama, we used it to great hilarity. We'd go into stores, and I'd call him my nigger, and boy. Not my nigger, as in homie, but my nigger, as in slave. The look on some of the faces was priceless. We would just crack up, man.

Thoughts On: Horror Games

I completely agree about the RE series, I hate the way the series is going.
And Yeaster, Silent Hill 2 is the best of the bunch! Man, Pyramid Head was a party animal!
The Clock Towers were so-so to me...and Galerians....oh God.

Obama Hate Trends

I was going to respond to Jives' TOUGH GUY posts, though plenty of people after me worded it quite nicely.

Tough guy posts? Just stating my opinion, thanks. Some of them, anyway.

Iscribble (Very very NSFW)

Needs more dicks... Or boobies will work too.

Everything goes better with boobies.