I'm into fluff and BL usually with a heavy dose of sports.

Watch out for my project... mmm... I'll probably release after a decade or so...

Progress is really slooooow.




The trees really stand out for me, I love the use of blues as shadows.


Great work! Looking forward to play this :3


Class 2-C sets a good example for most organized. =v=)b


This looks really cute! I love the colors, its bright, happy and sunny.
Are you overhauling all the graphics in your game? Would love to see more!


much better :), I like it!


I like the simplicity as well as 3D models, but I find the texts in the picture just gets in the way of the overall design.

I'd like to point out a few things:
Copyright(etc.) and the tileset credits text look redundant when you have a Credits section in the menu. ;)

You can omit the "meaning" word, Bhavacakra is a mysterious word, I think its better to let the players find association or connection with the subtitle "The Wheel of Life".

I'm not sure what to think of the Menu placement, its okay where it is. But if you follow my suggestions, I think you'll find there will be an imbalance in the placements and would have to place the menu elsewhere.

What you can do is have an animated title screen.
So that when you cycle through options, Bhavacakra & The Wheel of Life text would be replaced with the menu selection. For an added plus, one part of the circle would be highlighted to add that extra oomph. :)


I imagined a harrumph can get us out of this mess.



This made me giggle.
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