Art school alumn.

Currently working on a solo project in VX Ace, Qui Domi (with script help from the community, and music by Ela Destler).
Qui Domi
Fight monsters under the bed to save a dying world.



Qui Domi

How do you add your game file so
people could download?

Uh? I put it on Mediafire then put a link to that file in Downloads in Manage Games.


Mini game-ish thing.


Sorry, didn't see it! Thank you.


I can't seem to find any information on it, so I was wondering how the front page spotlights are chosen. Are they chosen by a popular vote? By a staff member?

I recently got that "I Choose You!!" achievement and I was just wondering who I should thank for it.

Qui Domi

Oh, I cannot wait! It looks really interesting!

Are you waiting to play it till the final release...? :0

Qui Domi

I think this game deserves more attention; I'm doing a little playthrough on my channel, I hope you don't mind. Can't wait for the full release.

Oooh please do!

Streaming tonight!

For some reason I read the user name as Py Roashes. I'll see if I can tune in ;) (Edit:: Actually on second thought, I should probably finish it myself rather than watch it get streamed, because I don't want to spoil anything for myself by watching ;))

By the way I've played this game up to the blue cave. I'll give you a mini review in the comments once it's complete (I usually shy away from giving incomplete games official reviews).

As is turns out, in an hour they didn't get much further than you... ^ ^;;

Qui Domi

What's RMW? :0
RPG Maker Web.

Ooooh! The forums is where I've gotten all of my help for working with the program and scripts. I have a thread for it on that website yeah, but there's not much attention, no. But it got a really nice review from one of the resource staff members.

Qui Domi

This is a really good game. Pity it isn't getting much attention over at RMW.

What's RMW? :0

Qui Domi

The only real problems I found are the occasional typo and the fact that the on-screen encounter collision detection is off. You could stand still forever, and the enemies can never actually get you.
I'll definitely be keeping a close eye on this.

One last thing, I'm curious about how you did the music and sound. Is there a certain program you'd recommend for making music?

Thank you for your comment! Also, report any typos to me so that I can fix them, and the encounter collision is due to the monsters being set to a "player touch" activation.

I could change it to "event touch," but the question is, would I want to? It allows you to stand still and heal yourself before entering the battle if need be (and even try to escape), and seeing as this is a pretty hard game for most people, wouldn't that be preferable? If more people think the enemies would be better with the event touch, I will change it.

Also, all sound effects were found on Freesound.org (the sound of the candy wrappers is actually someone biting into an apple! You gotta get creative when looking for sounds). The battle SFX are generally three to five different sounds I mixed in Audacity, with some other edits like reverb added wherever needed.

The music was composed by "Elanchana," and track 1 & 3 by Claude Huggins. I'm not sure what the latter uses, but the former uses a program called Reason (psst, also Penelope's goodbye theme was Elanchana singing).