Art school alumn.

Currently working on a solo project in VX Ace, Qui Domi (with script help from the community, and music by Ela Destler).
Qui Domi
Fight monsters under the bed to save a dying world.




Oh wow, I really dig this style! I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet - is this from a cutscene?

Yes, yes it is. Some notable reactions I've gotten from people due to this cutscene:
1. Needing to lie down.
2. Screaming "NO"
3. Hitting my back repeatedly.

Qui Domi

That was one of best RM game I have ever played. If only it wasn't demo... because so much feelings. Main heroine is written so well, and other characters. Last scene with Penelope was just really heartbreaking, I was like - No... don't go!
So yes, writing is very good.
And battlesystem is also done very nice with it's unique features what makes it a bit different from others. And music is good, and... yes.
I wish you a best luck to finish this game ~

Thank you so much! This really brightened my day.


Oh man me too. It took so long and so much help from the community to get this functioning. And now, I can't stop showing every single one of my friends, playing Mary Had A Little Lamb on it.


Aw, thank you very much!

But huh, I never really thought that I'd be alienating anyone. It's not my intention.


Piano mini game. Not available in the demo.


Puzzles from biome 3. Not available in the demo.


Full CG from biome 1. And that, friends, is how you can see in the cave.


Your art is so insanely good, but your maps are so insanely bad.

I don't know how to respond to this.

AAGH! Another glitch! (FIXED)

I redesigned the way you meet the first survivor, where there are technically two ways to trigger them fleeing to the cave. One way didn't trigger the boulder to move from the cave's entrance, leaving you stuck.

The other was that when you finally talk to them, the entire cutscene repeats and then you get stuck on a wall when the move route repeats too.

Also there were just a couple things with a character not moving when they're supposed to and some enemies not appearing, but those were just extra things I fixed.


I dunno...saw something else. Anyway, don't mind me. Looks like a sewing mini game of some sort right?


And yes.