A CHALLENGE FOR THE NEW YEAR: Make a game sometime this year where an alpaca is prominently featured. Do it. Doooo iiiiiiit! You'll get an alpaca badge!


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The TM is for Totally Magical.

I made these for my Alpaca game. These are Unity sprites and tiles. Feel free to use them.
I forgot to post in here that there is an alpaca NPC in the Shooty and the Catfish demo. Seeing as the full game will be commercial and not uploaded to the site I guess the one in the demo is as close as I will be getting this year.

Question. In this game, can I make alpaca into sausage? Also, can I make alpacas do things that are not consistent with typical alpaca behavior (carnivore alpacas because reasons)?
I am so glad this was brought to my attention because I can't not participate in this.

Al-pac-a lot of effort into this game. ("User was banned for this post.")
Alpaca my things up and head out to the boonies if I hear another such terrible pun.

Also, yay, I got faceset, charset, and about five maps up.
Oh, this is actually still valid? I didn't realize. Thanks for the pin!
Alpacolypse Now

Ahem, yeah I don't think I'm gonna be able to make an alpaca gam :( even a really short and dumb one. Too much stuffs to maks and real life to do, too little time. I'm sorry : (
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