A CHALLENGE FOR THE NEW YEAR: Make a game sometime this year where an alpaca is prominently featured. Do it. Doooo iiiiiiit! You'll get an alpaca badge!


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So all I need to do is make an alpaca game to score some sweet MS?

See you in twenty minutes.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar

what if the dogs get to the alpaca
Sounds like im going to either have to have an important Alpaca NPC or boss in Shooty and the Catfish...
And lonely planet's #1 destination is Chille. This will be easy.
extreme disappointment
Alpac on Titan goty watch this space
whats an alpaca and does anyone have a spritesheet for it
Reminder that the Save post button exists so you don't have to scramble for this status 6 months from now.
The rules of this challenge are as follows:
- The game must be playable in order to get the badge.
- The game must feature an alpaca prominently.
- The game must be made and finished within 2018.
- The game must have at least 10 minutes play time.
- The game must have an accepted game page on RMN.

You will need to send Liberty a PM when the game is completed. You will then receive an Alpaca badge worth 50MS.

I hereby declare this the Year of the Alpaca.

All hail the Alpaca, Lord Aremen's Spirit Animal.
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