(she/they) Just a shy dog.
Potty Quest
Face the dangers that await an enby mage kid who just wants to whiz.



Starless Umbra

My goodness the 'how it started' brought back so many fond memories. It's been such a treat to grow up with this game. :')

Final Fantasy: Sleepless Gaia

Howdy, guys, the composer here. Nothing much to get excited about, but I just arranged the Prelude theme. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZvW5GsdqLU Expect more to come. :)

Your First Game

My first game I had left untitled. It started off on a wonderfully sunny afternoon when suddenly the protagonist's (named after m'self, of course) best friend's brother was being attacked by a slime that had wandered into the village! After swiftly saving that poor child's life, the protagonist brought him back to his mother.The mother then asked the protagonist and his best friend to run and errand for her and buy an Elixer in the next town.

To get to the next town of Highland, our young school-aged heroes were forced to traverse a dark and spooky cave. When they were able to see the light at the end of the tunnel they were ambushed by the grim-reaper RTP character for no apparent reason. So after and exchange of pointless jargon the monster had perished.

So when they reach Highland, our heroes discover a man who looked just like their late childhood friend, Daniel. However, they decide to dismiss this strange occurrence and to instead go buy the Elixer they were supposed to fetch. When they had reached the item shop, though, the clerk had told them that something very ominous was happening inside the Mayor's house. So our heroes break into the Mayor's house only to discover that the Mayor is a zombie!! So after killing the highest political authority in town out of undead prejudices, our heroes then leave the town without a leader.

Back on the home-front, the hero's home is being invaded by a neighboring kingdom. It's up to the priest and his dog to protect their home. However, they do a very poor job and flee the city.

So our heroes return home only to find it occupied by foreign invaders. They get captured and thrown in prison. It is there they meet a rogue who goes by the name of Ian. By convenient circumstances they escape to a safe-house owned by the world-renowned scientist Schmid. Unfortunately, out heroes are attacked there by they late friend look-a-like they had met earlier. His amazingly evil name is Slexandor and his motivation is nothing more than "I iz evil need 2 destroy teh word:"

tl'dr Nothing special or interesting happened.
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