Guardian of the Description Thread
Life is a story. Which is the one that defines you?
Baclyae Revolution
A humble tribute to the Suikoden series!



2024 Misao nomination monthly data

March numbers available! This moth saw 21 nominations, bringing our total to 31! February's value being so low is somewhat expected, but, with the site being down, or otherwise unavailable for the last two weeks of that month certainly didn't help.

The Featured Game Thread

What's on tap for April's feature? The real one, not a fake one, if that's gonna be a thing this year.

Marrend plays The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt!

--Session 8 - An Introduction to Novigrad --

Last time, Geralt met with the with the ealdorman of Downwarren, as per a request given to him by the Crones of Crookback Bog. As part of that task, he meet with a thornling that claimed that the Crones captured the kids at the orphanage, and decided to help a thronling take the body of a horse that would, in turn, help the kids.

Nothing comes without a cost, though. The Crones wanted those children for themselves, and placed the blame for their escape entirely on Gran, who turned out to be the missing wife of the Bloody Baron. As payment for the information, the baron finishes his tale, which suggests Ciri left Velen for Novigrad, but, from the sound of things, she's likely not there anymore. Still, Novigrad is our next point of investigation, but, there's a few matters to attend to in Velen. Refer to the optional content corner for what details I can manage.

For starters the world map made me think Novigrad was it's own location with a separate map. It's still a rather large city, but very much located on the map of Velen. If I bothered to tag the quest that would have me go here, perhaps this confusion on my part would've been rectified earlier.

All that aside, this is among the largest civilized areas I've been in. The city has three notice boards and at least two fast travel points within it confines from the brief amount of exploration that I did there. It's quite the disparity from the thatched huts in the wild that I've become accustomed to seeing. Even in the area of Crow's Perch, while certainly better off then most places, still had this downtrodden sense. Even so, let's have the game introduce us to Triss Merigold and see what information she has to share, if any.

...Is what I would say, if she was still residing in her residence. Apparently, she's in hiding due to the Temple Guards of the Eternal Fire in this city cracking down on anybody who even has the hint of magic about them. A pair of scavengers milling about the entrance to the house relayed as such, dropping the title of "King of Beggars" when they do, before the leader of the Guard, Caleb Menge, butted in, arresting them, then gave me a bit of a warning that his eyes are on me.

Still, I peek in her house to see if there is any additional clues as to her whereabouts. The house is in a state of upheaval, with objects thrown about every which way. There's plenty of loot, but, the points of interest only really lead me to the conclusions that she left in a hurry. Though, with the state of the house in such disarray because of the looters, perhaps that is a premature conclusion.

From what the looters told me before getting cuffed is that there's two possible methods to find this King of Beggars. One is to talk to beggars, and probably grease their palms a bit. The other is to tail suspicious-looking characters from the town square in the hopes they might lead me to him. I attempt the latter of these, and I meet with a partial success. I now know where the entrance is, but, the gatekeeper there won't let me past unless I either pay 50 coin, or speak a password. There's no certainty that I would have learned the password if I spoke to beggars instead, so, whatever. I pay it.

In the office is a man and a woman. The man is the presumed King of Beggars, sometimes also known as Francis Bedlam. The woman... the sought-after Triss Merigold. Francis makes a bit of a speech concerning his vision and wish to change Novigrad, but, who knows how successful he'll be. As for Triss, given her reaction, it would be news to her that Ciri made way to Novigrad. Somehow, this doesn't surprise me. However, the question of who could know the whereabouts of Ciri in this town assuming she's still here, is left unanswered as we approach an alchemist. Triss ordered some ingredients from him, but, he was intercepted by a Temple Guard patrol, and had to drop the package. I volunteer to go with Triss and fetch it, but, rather than leave through the front door, another patrol is by the window, and presents a problem. I don't know how well-known Triss is, as a sorceress, but, I'm sure she'd rather not risk getting caught by them, even if it means going through the basement to avoid detection.

Along the way to the site the alchemist spoke of, Triss speaks about how of Novigrad was once correctly labeled a free city. A place where that would allow both magic-users and nonhumans to flourish. Even regular folk had better chances here than anywhere else. In more peaceful times, perhaps it could still be that, but, of course, the city, known for it's wellspring of coin, has become a point of desirability for the parties engaged in war. I've long lost track of the political landscape of this game. I don't think the war in question is necessarily limited to Nilfgaard and Tamera, but, I certainly can't name other nations/factions off-hand. For what it is worth, the codex categories are, bestiary, tutorial, characters, books, and crafting. Any reference to nations would be limited to the character tab.

Either way, once the package is returned to it's rightful owner, we visit a granary to take out some rats? Wait, a rat-killing quest? This late in the game? Or have I been mystically transported to Castleview? Either way, it sounds like a prior arraignment for Triss, and having an extra hand wouldn't hurt. The job done in due time, the merchant asking this of us got the idea in his head to send men after us, and do the Eternal Fire a favor. There were maybe three level 10 guys, and while I don't know Triss' level, Geralt was at 11. With their focus divided, they were dealt with in due time. We then had a talk with the merchant afterwards, and strong-armed him into paying double. Frankly, I would've been happy with whatever was agreed beforehand, but, there was no options of conversation here.

That done, Triss does me a favor, and gives me a lead as to who might have an idea about Ciri's current whereabouts. A dream-seer by the name of Corinne Tilly. This marks the Pyres of Novigrad story-quest complete, and in it's place is Novigrad Dreaming. Pyres of Novigrad level indication was 10, but Novigrad Dreaming is 7. Now, maybe it's just me, but this makes me not want to engage in more side-questing? However, I get the funny feeling that things aren't going to be as easy as it sounds. Find out how if my feelings are justified, next time on the Witcher 3 LP!

Optional content corner
<Contract: Shrieker>
Not sure how long I've had this in my log, but, whatever. The person to talk to is in Crow's Perch. Absolutely no description is given for this beast. The son of a man who made a failed attempt to capture/slay it apparently saw the whole mess. It takes a bit of convincing/Axii, but, the child describes the thing as a large rooster with a lizard's tail, and gives me a general area to search. I find the remains of a dog (the boy mentioned one), before I notice the trail of monster blood. They eventually lead to a cave, and Geralt makes a conclusion that it's a cockatrice. Now that I think back on the description, yeah, that checks out.

I refer to the codex for what they are weak against, and, to no surprise, I don't have all the reagents for either draconid oil, or grapeshot bombs. At least I can use Aard to maybe knock it out of the air? My abilities with the crossbow have been a bit lacking, but, I guess that could be a method if I have no other options. I barely come out of the fight alive, but, since I am alive, I can take the trophy, and bring it back to the quest-giver for the exp reward. Naturally, they offer gold, but, since this guy took in an orphan, I'm inclined to let him keep the money. I dunno, maybe I really am making Geralt to poorest witcher, but, it's, just, I generally take the option to not take money, if it presents itself?

<Return to Crookback Bog>
I probably should have name-dropped these characters earlier, but, whatever. The baron's daughter, Tamara, did not want my help in rescuing her mother, Anna. Phillip, the Bloody Baron, however, is another story. As I said last session, I can't say for sure if we can truly save Anna, so long as she bears the brand that was placed upon her by the Crones. Even if one would make an attempt, who knows what kinds of consequences there would be in going against them?

All that aside, the baron seems willing enough to make an attempt, and wanted me to join him. The quest marker's at Downwarren. The ealdorman there speaks of a horse trampling about. The way he describes it makes both me and Geralt come to the same conclusion. It's probably the spirit of the thornling I helped that took the body of a horse from last session. It might have helped the children of the orphanage escape, but, now it's taking some kind of revenge on this town? They did send a non-zero number of people to kill it, but, I can not blame them for that. Nor can I exactly blame this spirit for wanting vengeance, but, my current guess is that I have to stop it, and, maybe, the Crones as well.

Regardless of what's going on, the baron takes six other guys with him, and we come across some drowners between us and the orphanage. Nothing a party of this size can't handle, that's for sure. When we arrive, there is already a melee in progress. It's the group Tamara's was with! After the drowners and water hags are cleared, the baron and daughter have a few words for each other. Of course, the baron would see his daughter return, but, she will have none of that. Both me and the witch hunters make a point that we should really, really figure out where Anna is. She's found, and her form more closely resembles that of a water hag than anything else. Tamara would have me do something for her, but, something is coming.

Another mess of drowners, water hags, and a large fiend. The concerted effort of Tamara's witch hunters, the baron's men, and myself take care of these things, so that our attention moves towards the now-cursed Anna. If there is one person who might know more about how Anna got to be this way, and give us a lead as to how it could be reversed, it's the godling, Johnny.

There's drowners and a water hag where his alcove was. It doesn't take long to figure out that he's left, though, and a search ensues. I follow Johnny's tracks, and find him in due time. He spoke of a hidden ladder, which I think I found on an earlier point in the game. I might not 100% remember what all was down there, but, it kinda sounds like if there is a way to reverse whatever happened with Anna, it's down there.

An array of four voodo dolls await me there, with exactly one representing Anna. I can examine all four, and glean what clues I can, and I make a choice. I'm not sure if I can back out of this, but, Anna is screwed either way. If we left the dolls as-is, she would probably degrade into a water hag in due time. By removing the wrong doll, she burns to ashes, and dies horribly. By choosing the right doll, she regains her human form, but, her life span has been cut short regardless. However, she gains her sanity back for what time she has left. The baron apologizes profusely for what he has done, as he should. Anna, for her part, is happy to see both husband and daughter together again, but, has a few more parting words for her daughter than husband.

Tamara takes some additional time to cry. I overheard the witch hunters talking about taking the body with them to Oxenfurt. Does Phillip have no say in this? Though, speaking of, maybe it didn't matter to him where she was buried. When he departed, he told me to go back to Crow's Perch for payment. What I found was a body hanging from a tree in the courtyard. Having lost Anna was doubtlessly a heavy blow, and with Tamara, being very vociferous in her wish to have nothing to do with him, he must've thought there was nothing left to live for.

So, I looked this up to see what the variations for the Bloody Baron plot line would be. The children Anna were looking after will be removed from the narrative (I'll refer to this state as RFN/MIA) regardless of what I choose. However, I'm largely assuming they are dead if the Crones take them. They might live if I help the thornling, but, the cost of helping that spirit is that the people of Dunbarrow suffer madness, if not death, themselves. Slaying it seems to indicate that Anna and Phillip live, but, Anna's mind and heart are completely broken. From what I can gather, Phillip would take her to some place where mystics are said to live in an attempt to heal her. Which means they become RFN/MIA for the rest of the game. However, should I help the sprit-thornling-horse thing, they both die, and would be RFN/MIA regardless. Tamara lives in any given scenario, but, her mental and emotional state are probably more stable if Anna lives. This is not to say that she could stabilize if her mother dies, but, she also likely wouldn't need to stabilize as much. However, I also find it likely that she'll be RFN/MIA for the rest of the game, regardless of how things go down.

All this aside, there is no doubt that the plot-line concerning the Bloody Baron has come to an end. I even get a little cut-scene for it. For what little it is worth, I could imagine Geralt wishing Phillip and Anna Strenger to be happier, and better off, in the next life. Assuming he even believes in such things. As for Tamara, perhaps Dea, her lubberkin sister, yet watches over her. Perhaps, one day, she turn this tragedy to strength, rather than allow it to destroy her from within.

<For the Advancement of Learning>
For a person who claims to be a friend with benefits, I can't say I appreciate the fact that Keria Metz put me to sleep after telling her that Fyke Tower's lab is still around. Perhaps the sorceress was overly excited by what she could find there, but, in that excitement, I wonder if she forgot the detail that a plauge maiden was released?

Fighting said plauge maiden is what I half-expect from this quest, but, thankfully, that wasn't what was going on at all. With documents in hand, she would make her way to Radovid. I'm not exactly sure which nation he represents, but, they are not friends to Nifgaard. Regardless, she of of the mind that she would trade the notes for a high price, and be able to live in a manner she is more used to living. However, I manage to talk her out of doing such a rash thing. The reasoning I have Geralt put forward is that the research notes could be turned into the makings of biological weapons. Keira believes it's not particularly possible. Even if it was, there would be death either way. The only difference would be how the death would come about.

Regardless of this, I suggest an alternative. To go to Kaer Morhen instead. It may not have all the trappings that she's clearly looking to immerse herself in once more, but, it's certainly an improvement over her living conditions in Velen, and she could live in relative peace. She relents, and, probably, becomes RFN/MIA.

Old/Lost RpgMaker Games - SegNin's Rare/Obscure RM Games Request Topic

Request via PM from bosshunter:

Hi, I don't mean to bother you.

I'm looking for a Game Maker Studio game called Monster World Legends, made by XBuster.

His rpgmaker page has the download offline for a very long time (gamepage link)

I noticed that you posted a comment there.

The filename is MWL_2017_Conceptual_Demo.rar from what I could find.

Do you still have this game? I've been looking for it since forever..

I absolutely did not still have the game. For what it is worth, I tried using the "contents" trick, and while it has two files listed, none of them is the one they are looking for. I'll be answering their PM as much, and letting them know I made this post.

I've definitely been slacking on updating the list of requests within my little subsection, but, I can at least slide this request in there.

Marrend plays Xenosaga Episode 3

-- Session 2 - Rennes-le-Chateau d'If --

I didn't mention it before, but, let's to a quick aside concerning the voice acting. For the most part, I don't think there's been to much changes between games. chaos retains his voice actor from Episode 2, which is certainly acceptable versus Episode 1. Helmer's voice actor has changed for every single episode, I swear. Shion's voice actress from Episode 1 returns, as does KOS-MOS', and this decision seems to have been largely welcomed. For what it is worth, I didn't mind the voice actress for Shion in Episode 2? KOS-MOS wasn't particularly vociferous in the previous entries, but, I think she has more lines in this game. That aside done, back to business.

Last time, Shion virtually hacked into the S-Line Division of Vector Industries to acquire some kind of secret data. What that data contains, we still don't know, but, newbie character Doctus is on the job. However, this chapter begins with a conversation between Dr Juli Mizhari of the Contact Subcommittee, and Federation Representative Helmer of Second Miltia. Seeing Helmer on the screen generally means bad news. The Michtam system is now effectively under Ormus control. For a quick reminder, Orums is another name for the Immigrant Fleet, and are the main financial backers of the U-TIC organization. I don't know if we ever hear the term "Immigrant Fleet" in this game, but I will make an attempt to notice. No promises, though.

The conversation moves to the tactical warship, Merkabah. You might recall Proto Merkabah was the final dungeon in Episode 1, to say nothing about a possible reference to Xenogears. That aside, from the sounds of things, the Merkabah was unveiled/unsealed thanks to Albedo, and Dimitri Yuriev somehow found/obtained it, and turned it into a weapon. Which makes it sound like it will be a dungeon we will delve in at some point in this game.

Regardless of that situation, Helmer would have Juli keep an eye on Dimitri, and his Salvator faction. As a Federation Representative, he can't make too many moves out in the open. Juli agrees to oblige him, and least insofar in her own capacity as a Contact Subcommittee member. Though, because of that position, I've doubts she can make many open moves either, and will likely call upon Jr, and the Kukai Foundation.

Canaan arrives on the scene, and gives a report on a particular object that was found floating around in space. What it looks like is a half-dome, with the flat end being the surface of a terran planet. Information obtained unofficially from Vector labels this object as Rennes-le-Chateau. Which is a reference we almost literally just heard from Wilhelm before the chapter switch. Of particular note, is...

Canaan: There's no way to prove this, but, apparently, it's a landmass that belonged to Lost Jerusalem.

...this. This means it might not just be a sliver from just any old terran planet, it could be a chunk from the terran planet by which all other planets are compared to, Earth. Even if it's not from Earth, Canaan continues his report, stating that there is a record of Gnosis appearing in it's vicinity, and it looks like Ormus also has interest in it as well. Only direct contact with the landmass can more accurate data be obtained. Juli has already commissioned the Kukai Foundation to check this out, noting that she's keeping things under wraps, due to the number of Ormus members in the Federation Parliament.

A bit more fluff before a switch to the Durandal, the flagship of the Kukai Foundation. Mary stands on the bridge, with Shelly in her normal spot, in a conference call with both Gaignuns. Jr is already on the Elsa while Gaignun is in an office on Fifth Jerusalem. Mary sounds a bit more chipper this time around than she ever did in Episode 2, I must say. That aside, the content of the discussion here is mostly fluff, or stuff we already know, so I feel no need to go over it.

Cut to the surface of Planet Michtam, where U-TIC Commander Marguils and his immediate subordinate, Pelligri stand on a platform, looking over some ruins. Pellegri reports that she's sent goon squad Richard and Hermann to Rennes-le-Chateau to counter the Federation Fleet heading there. However, Pellegri feels something is off. The exchange moves to a bit of background on the planet, but, to summarize, it was where Ormus was founded, and an incident some 18 years ago involving the Zohar, made Michtam into the ghost planet it is now. It sounds like a similar story not unlike that of First Miltia, and the Militan Conflict of 10 years ago. They also speak of Rennes-le-Chateau, and it's return. A report from a soldier relays that the Elsa has appeared in the area, and Marguils can only smirk at the chance of dueling Jin again before giving the order to proceed to Rennes-le-Chateau.

Back to the Elsa, the ES have already launched. The Asher is piloted by Jr and chaos, with the Zebulun being piloted by MOMO and Ziggy. The Reuben is a new ES. I have no idea where it even came from, but, Jin is piloting that one solo. The usual crew is here, with a few new addons. Well, the Professor and his assistant, Scott, aren't necessarily new characters to the series, per say, but, certainly take on a more active and central role this time around. This is also one of the reasons I really really think that completing the Robot Academy side-quests should have some effect on when you transfer data between games, so that having these two appear on the Elsa bridge doesn't completely come out of nowhere.

All that aside, the initial analysis of the mass of this object is still inconclusive, even at this range. As they reach closer, they see the flat side of the dome, and it's full of vegetation!? I don't pretend to know how that's possible. The gravity around the object is 1G, giving a little bit more weight to the possibility it's from Lost Jerusalem, but, certainly not conclusive enough evidence to come to that conclusion. Soon, though, enemies are detected, and we get our first delve into...

OST - "Survive"

...combat as ES units. The game gives players a few popups concerning this, but, lemme drop a screencap here for reference purposes.

So, when you select "Attack", you get a window that looks a bit like this, where you select which weapon to attack with. Each weapon will consume a certain amount of fuel/energy to use, which is the closest thing this game comes to the AP system of Xenogears, as energy recovers to full on the next action the ES would take. However, unlike AP in Xenogears, there does not appear to be a method by which you can "store" energy between turns and spend them for a larger attack string later

As we improve the engines and weapon array of our ES, we would be able to attack with multiple weapons, or, choose to end the combo prematurely with... I think it's R1? With this battle, all my attack options consume enough fuel to only pull off one attack on any given turn, so, I'll have to note which button it is to end combos when I can get proper gameplay confirmation on it.

ES cannot use boost this game, but, each ES has their own personal Anima gauge. This battle doesn't last long enough to fill them. However, when it fills, the Anima Awakening option becomes available. There's a submenu to choose which level of Anima Awakening to use, but, at this point in the game, we only have access to Anima Awakening I.

Anima Awakening I/II/III induces a state onto the ES that lasts two turns, three turns in the case of Anima Awakening III. During this time, the ES' standard attacks have a reduced energy cost. Which is nice, but the real reason you use Anima Awakening is because in this state, ES have access to Tech Attacks. Once a Tech Attack is used, it cannot be used again until Anima Awakening has been reapplied. However, it is notable that, like Tech Attacks for characters, defeating an enemy with one gets you a Finish Strike, and all the associated bonuses with such.

The enemies defeated, we check the Elsa's condition. It's fine, and doing it's thing. At least, for a while. Then, another enemy attack, this time, it's Marguils with his Levi. The Asher and Zebulun have some trouble dealing with it, but then the Reuben duels, and it doesn't take long for Margulis to recognize the style of swordsmanship on display. The inevitable boss fight...

OST - "Battle of Your Soul"

...ensues. Man, they really hit it out of the park with this soundtrack. That aside, the game gives us a bit of a heads-up about Anima Awakening here. Unfortunately for us, the Levi can activate Anima Awakening as well. I don't recall if I've ever seen an enemy ES unit use a Tech Attack, but, they sure do use the reduced fuel consumption property to do more/better combo attacks. Each of my ES use their Anima Awakening I skill once, with Jin's Reuben getting the Final Strike on Margulis' Levi. I'd call that a chef's kiss ending to this combat.

However, if you thought the battle was actually over, it wasn't. Jin and Marguils have it out again in their ES in their usual spectacular fashion. Except the duel is temporarily called off due to a resonance coming from Rennes-le-Chateau. The ES attempt an escape, but, Marguils has a few things to say about that. He throws a bomb in front on Reuben, and the blast sends it flying right into Levi, and Merguils readies it's sword right across Reuben's approximate neck. The Elsa rams into the Levi, freeing Jin, but, Marguils does not take this well, and throws his sword at it. It hits the engines, and the damage makes the Elsa careen towards the ever-expanding light. Marguils is furious that the vessel is heading into a crash course with a holy land, but, a voice tells him to stand aside.

Now, Marguils has certainly given his fair share of orders over the course of the series, but, we've never seen him take orders. Or, if he has, it's off-screen, and they happen align with whatever he's doing anyway. Here, he clearly thinks it's a bad idea to stand down, but, does so anyway. Apparently, his boss has already acted. He retreats, and while Jr would love to chase him down, an Ormus fleet is there to provide cover fire. Any duel between Jin and Marguils is cool, so, here's the appropriate cut-scenes for them.

Cutscene 20 - Margulis' Assault

Cutscene 21 - Elsa Vanishes

A short scene on the Elsa follows. The logical drive is shot, and they have no power. A crash into the landmass is inevitable. Cut back to the Durandal, the 100-Series there cannot determine the position of the Elsa. The Reuben isn't able to pick anything up either, and Jin agrees that they can only wait until the Durandal arrives. Jr doesn't even ask MOMO for what she, or the Zebulun, can pick up, and just hopes the Elsa will be okay. After this is an end-of-chapter save. With the fate of the Elsa hanging in the balance, one can only wonder how, or even if, Shion will get involved? That question might be answered next time, on the Xenosaga Episode 3 LP!

Marrend plays Xenosaga Episode 2!

As a point of cross reference, here are the links to the other entries in this series.

Marrend plays Xenosaga Episode 1!
Marrend plays Xenosaga Episode 3!

Marrend plays Xenosaga Episode 1!

Though, as mentioned, it might be a bit before I delve into Episode 2. I'll leave a post here when I make the topic so that one can follow along.

So, uh, good job on me for not following this up...

Marrend plays Xenosaga Episode 2!
Marrend plays Xenosaga Episode 3!

...until now. The Episode 3 LP is still underway as of this writing, but, should you be visiting this thread when it is complete and also assuming RMN isn't dead, it will be ready and waiting.