

Dog Herds Sheep Review

The Jesus-dog bug would almost be hilarious enough to keep if it weren't such a big one. I should probably take care of it before I go to bed, because I'll probably forget again if I don't start on it.

Anyway, sorry it wasn't a very enjoyable experience, but I do appreciate the time taken to review and stream. And Babe is not here because he exists in a normal world where Border Collies are the ones who do the herding and not this bizarro one where it's the job of labs.

Dog Herds Sheep Review

You're giving me ideas for a (better) puzzle game that would take sheep functioning like boulders to its logical extreme.

Dog Herds Sheep Review

There's also a graphical glitch that the dog can walk on top of the bottom fences.
Ackpth. I’ll fix that. Thanks for pointing it out. The issue with the animal sizes is due to importing XP’s sprites into VX Ace because I liked the look better with the tileset I was using. But of course, those sprites weren’t made to work in VX Ace, so the collision is a bit messed up. :T I’ll see if I might be able to resize them to a more appropriate size.

The sheep is pushed by simply walking up against it, so it can be easy to accidentally over-push or push while you're trying to walk. I would suggest using the action key to push instead.
No one has given me that feedback yet, but I haven’t had many people give me feedback, period. If that’s a common feeling amongst people who’ve played the game, I might update it so that moving the sheep is only done by pressing the action button.

But anyway, yes, you are correct. This is my first completed game (I don’t count what I submitted for the RMN event as an actual game). It didn’t turn out how I wanted: even as I was developing it I knew that there really wasn’t a sense of evolution of the game mechanics as the game progressed, but by the time I had realized that fact, the deadline was coming up fast and I had to settle to make it. In the end, participating in the jam ended up being a lesson in prioritizing and time management, so it was a worthwhile experience. (And glad you found the opening and ending scenes cute - that's what I was going for.)

Tl;dr Thank you so much for the review! I really appreciate you taking the time to play my game and especially to give feedback♥

Aria's Story

This is long overdue, but this game was an absolute pleasure to play. I really appreciate the work you and your team put into this game.

Everybody Make A Dumb Game This Weekend

Welp, I ran out of time trying to fix a bug, so the version of the game I have is extra dumb.

Enjoy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Exciting Changes Are Coming to Flowers for Kasumi!

I'm definitely a fan of this new art style.

New Developer Mapping Help Thread

If I may?
It looks a little strange to have items partially covering windows (the bookcases in the girls and parents' room, the TV in the boys room) because it impedes the practical function of the windows - letting in light and seeing in and out.

Flowers for Kasumi

Cool beans. Some thoughts I had while playing the game:

• I really enjoyed the music, and the footstep sounds really help with the ambiance.

• Isa’s a really likable protagonist so far. She’s adorable, she’s funny, she’s determined…and I’m interested in how her mysterious backstory connects her to the happenings in this game.

• I liked the bit about Isa checking the china cabinet and freaking out…about a big spider. Isa and Omoka's interaction about the grandfather clock was also cute. I like a lot of their interactions

• Are the character bios something that are going to be included in the final version, or are they just there for people playing the demo to get a feel for the cast? They’re interesting, but they feel a bit unnecessary. For example, even in the demo you can learn about Rise’s dreams immediately after leaving the character bio room and talking to her. Isa’s backstory is also hinted at in a mandatory(?) story event. As interesting as they were, the character bios just feel a little…unnecessary, I guess?

• A couple of things jumped out at me: When Isa and Omoka return to find the others gone and paper on the table that wasn’t there before, Isa doesn’t even want to look at the paper. I know she’s creeped out by things that are happening and Kasumi’s doll right next to it, but it just seems a little strange to me that neither she nor Omoka think that it might be something left by the others and worth taking a look at. Likewise, when Isa finds the rusted axe, the idea of using it on the front door never comes up. We know that’s not an option but it wouldn’t hurt to have some (optional?) dialogue about why Isa or Omoka don’t think about it.

• A few typos:
After the first save point:
Isa: Omoka and I are going to do be actually do somethi about the situation!
In the storage room when examining flour:
Isa: Flour in a bag. Jee, what is from, the 1800s? So dusty!
When Isa is talking about her backstory: Isa says she "bared" a strange resemblance to Okino's sisters. I believe "bore" is what should be used, but I could be wrong.

Looking forward to the full release~

Flowers for Kasumi

I just finished the demo and enjoyed it. I'm very much intrigued by the developing story. Would you like more detailed feedback about my thoughts during playing?
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