Avid game fan from since I was barely big enough to hold a controller.



Heartache 101 ~Sour into Sweet~

Hey, people. It is to the betterment of us that inform you of the fact I managed to seriously injure someone. Again. -.-'

How on earth didja do that?

Heartache 101 ~Sour into Sweet~

I might just do that once I actually move beyond character sketches and figure out a proper theme. I'm a fairly decent writer and can spin out a story in no time, but when it comes to the tedious work to flesh the character out, I'm very much a novice. ^^;
So might take me a little while.
... You are officially my favourite writer. Keep it up!:)

I've got the tachi drafts done. I'll upload an example over on the Content Creation (artistic) blog.

Heartache 101 ~Sour into Sweet~

I always wanted to learn how to program games but never really had the time or programs to do it, so when I finally saw MY script being played in the game, it was a fantastic feeling.
I know, right?^^
As Marrend said, we'd be honored if you shared your content with us. And please, if you do, post it here first instead of the main site. Safety and whatnot.

I might just do that once I actually move beyond character sketches and figure out a proper theme. I'm a fairly decent writer and can spin out a story in no time, but when it comes to the tedious work to flesh the character out, I'm very much a novice. ^^;
So might take me a little while.

Heartache 101 ~Sour into Sweet~

This is one of the most re-playable and enjoyable games that I have played in a long time. I tried out the version you had up last year and loved it, but even more so when I got to experiment around with setting up my own characters' stories and situations. I always wanted to learn how to program games but never really had the time or programs to do it, so when I finally saw MY script being played in the game, it was a fantastic feeling. As if the game wasn't already addicting enough from everything that you put into it. It's now a hundred times that much (which insanely amuses me because I love to write and Notepad++ is now my new favorite virtual tool).
Cutesy as it may be, I love this game with a passion.
Thanks for posting it.


Unfortunately, it's not as good :(. It was mostly just to test out how feasible it was to make a side-scroller style game in RPG Maker, so it's more for the atmosphere and story (which takes a really solemn serious turn).

Still, at least you don't have to worry about the wraith popping out from nowhere and taking a week or two off your life :P.

Oh, and by the way...?
Several parts of this thing were freaking creepypasta material, man. Creepy as heck. At one point, I even got so into the story I had to cap my hand over my mouth not to scream and freakout my housemates because there was a part I was anticipating.

Apart from a very spelling and punctuation mistakes, and the last few scenes being long (maybe shoudld have been broken up a bit, or at least given us a text speed-up option), the game rocked. Lots of detail. May have worked better as a comic or story than a game, but there's some dramatic parts that the music and tension just made. The art's better, too. I've only gotten the bad ending so far (Curse you, you tear-jerker scene creator!!), but I'm ready for another go. ^-^


Unfortunately, it's not as good :(. It was mostly just to test out how feasible it was to make a side-scroller style game in RPG Maker, so it's more for the atmosphere and story (which takes a really solemn serious turn).

Still, at least you don't have to worry about the wraith popping out from nowhere and taking a week or two off your life :P.

Not gonna let me live it down, eh? And it's awesome so far into the gameplay!



Heck, yes, I'm playing this!


Thanks :). Wraith was my first game, so the coding and design can be a bit lacking at times. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much.

If I recall correctly, all of that is part of getting the best ending. Where are you in the game? There's an earlier post that details how to get it if you want to check.

2nd Floor blocked area:

The blocked area on the second floor isn't significant until you're well into the good ending path. There's a secret passage on the third floor in the angel painting room that'll take you down there.

The lighthouse

This becomes relevant also on the good ending. You'll know when you need to go here.

I'm not sure which password protected computer you're talking about. Where is it located?

I'd be glad to listen to what you have to say about the game. If you want to post spoilers, you can use hide tags:
 [hide] put hidden text here [/hide]

Wow, thanks for the help! At the time in the game I asked that, my save point is up to the part where you can bring Cyrus soap. But the game's good enough I don't mind doing another playthrough.

The Password Protected computer is on B1, I think, on the first room at the top left in the area with the scientists. It's in the topmost left corner of that room. When you click on it, it temporarily becomes something similar to the elevator button on floor B1 with a message box that says, "Password protected" or something along those lines (I can't remember the exact wording).

EDIT: Oh, and if you don't want to do a walkthrough, I'm willing to do a Let's Play. Only if you are ok with it, of course.


Uh, sorry to be a spam messenger but...Is there a way to open the blocked door on the second floor of the mansion and after you get into the lighthouse...what significance does that have on the game's outcome? And what does that Password Protected computer do--is there a password for it? Many thanks.


Beat the mutants! Haha!

>Neok, just want you to know...
Your game nearly made me CRY from the sheer awesomeness! I haven't played a game with such a storyline in ages! I can't say much on it since I don't want to give out spoilers, but you are totally rock, man. Not many games have a female lead, either, which --as a girl gamer-- was another thing that I appreciated about this. Seriously, great everything about this. I've already recommended it to one person, and there shall be more.

You rock. Hands down.
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