Practically dead inside
Ciel Nocturne
Despite having a sharp pain in my head all I could think about was.. who am I?



Theatre of Strings: Chapter One - The Grief Princess

Even though the status of this game says "hiatus", you can download part of it here:

So, I can't reach the maker and it seems like he vanished somewhere. I hope he reads this one day, because let me tell you: I'm pissed.

Why? Because the dev decrypted my game's demo and stole a lot of stuff, my own voice included. I wanted to try the game but whenever I choose something, I hear a soundfile which I recorded myself.

Ciel Nocturne

any news about the game? i'd really love to play this!

God, I'm really sorry for this super late answer! I'm not active here so I didn't see this comment! Well, the game itself is almost done, but I have some personal problems that have been going on for some time now. I'll try to update everything asap.

Ciel Nocturne



I wasn't active on for some time. I would like to know what you wrote here? Just curious.

Ciel Nocturne

No download... :,(

As Frogge stated, it's not finished yet... sorry! If you want to follow the progress you can visit my dev blog, though :)

Museum (Musée de Cire)

Looks great! :)

Ciel Nocturne

According to tumblr this game should be out sometime now, is that true? ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

I'm giving my best to release it this year but some things came up and disrupted the process :(

In the Dark

Looks promising! Good luck! :)

Ciel Nocturne

that trigger list tho

almost has me worried...

I know it's a bit long, I just want to be sure to mention everything that may trigger someone. Most of them can be avoided.

Ciel Nocturne

played it was short and sweet! cant w8 for the full game!
just wish i understood
why the answer was 6

anyway :D keep it up! :D

It's really simple xD Just add up the cirlces inside the numbers. 1 has no closed space (or circle). 2,3,4,5, and 7 neither. But 6, 8, 9 and 0 do. So 111 would be 0, 126 = 1 and 819 = 3 (because 8 has 2 circles) :)

Ciel Nocturne

How do you get the key out of the angels hand or get that thing in the water? Plus, my lantern ran out of oil fast.

The lantern is (for the demo) to show some of the main mechanics in the final version :) It's not needed later on, so don't worry!

For the key: Solve Chasse's riddle and search in the rosebushes for the magnet. Use it on the pond and take the necklace to the statue. The key will drop and you can take it from the altar.
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