


Congratulations to all who made it! :D Looking forward to playing the entries!


WARNING: Contains Real Talk

So, I have spent the last couple of days eventing like a madwoman, cutting corners here and there (and everywhere!) in an attempt to get this done on time. But the simple truth I need to acknowledge is that I have become too invested in my game, and even as I tried to strip it down to the bare minimum, I kept refining aspects of it that could have been left for later.

It is in great shape, and I am motivated to continue. This event has given me the impulse I needed to start my first real project, and I am now confident I will complete it. I would like to thank all of the lovely people who have been participating in this - working alongside you was very motivational. :)

This was my first event of the kind, and Important Lessons were learned about feature creep and time management! And while I have to graciously bow out from this event, I am by no means discouraged - I am enjoying myself very much, and I am looking forward to a first release soon! :)

Cheers to all~!


Haven't given up yet! Realistically speaking, I doubt I'll be done in time, but "Last Minute Rush Mode" is usually my peak in terms of productivity, and I've pulled off miracles before. :)


And... done. Good luck everybody! Looking forward to play the games from this event.

Congrats! :D Looking forward to playing Sideways, I really like your concept. :)


'Ere, he says he's not dead yet!
Yes he is.
(I missed this!)

I'm getting better.
Oh be quiet you'll be stone dead in a moment.
I don't want to go on the cart.

Oh, don't be such a baby!


Still hopeful that I will make it. :) But the end result will probably be a bit rushed.

As this will be my first game submission to RMN, I was wondering whether we are allowed to update game builds? For example, if I add the game as is for this event, am I able to add another download to the game page later on, with a more polished version?

Spirit Agent

Well here! I'll be your first subscriber!

Thank you so much! :D

Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa those gameplay mechanics are a lot to promise. If you deliver, that's the stuff dreams are made of.

It's a real confidence booster to see interest in one's concept! Thank you! :D
This game will be rough around the edges, as I lack the time to really polish it before the event deadline. But I'm using it as a testing ground for mechanics I'm developing for my main project. :)

It sounds nice. I'm quite sure I'll try this out.

And damn the town looks foggy. Is it 19th century London?

Thank you for your interest! :D
Haha, yes, the fog is a bit oppressing, isn't it? :) It's my way of representing the heavy miasma of spiritual energy that is enveloping the town!

What cashy said.
Damn yer bold : ) Looking forward to this!


Thank you so much for your support! :D It does sometimes feel like I've bitten more than I can chew for this event. xD But I'm still on schedule so far. :D


Does the cobble reflects moon?

Haha, it does look like it, doesn't it? :D It's a bit difficult to tell with a static image, but that's the light from the player's lantern. It follows you around when you move. :)


Would it make sense to include a UI component with current time?

That was my first idea, but learning how to do a permanent on-screen UI seemed a bit daunting, at least for such a small project. :D Instead, the current ingame time (day number and hour) is available in the menu. :)


Wheee, my gamepage is up! :D

Still have a lot of work to do, though - will be cutting it rather close.
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