Saya likes to draw and play video games. =w=



How do I make this more "fun"?

Huh... truth be told, I'm not that big on puzzles. I'm a fan of light re-directing puzzles and maybe ice sliding puzzles, but not much else. It always kind of annoyed me in a way.

I think that Golden Sun did a good job with puzzles though-- where you use psyenergy to manipulate the environment and get where you want to go. Maybe they had a slight issue with making it a little bit too easy (you see a pillar, you move it, you see a puddle, you freeze it, ect.) but it's a good idea in theory.

Having a boss in the middle of the dungeon rather than at the end is a neat way of breaking things up.

And um... treasure. Treasure makes things a lot more fun. You can't believe how exciting it was in FF7 to find new materia for me. (Perhaps the whole materia system was fun in itself?) Guild Raiders is also a good example. Maybe V&V, but I guess I was too busy avoiding random battles than being excited by treasure in that game.

One thing that WAS fun in V&V was having the characters speak randomly (maybe there were events, now that I think of it) while inside the dungeon, having small conversations. It was a nice distraction.

That's just my 2 cents.

Screenshot Saturday 2

You're going to overhaul Act Three too, right? With new endings? Because I want my catharsis. Still, I'm looking forward to it. Keep up the good work!

I need a good scripter and also design woes.

Hmmm, I think I like Al's fourth design the best. Perhaps this is because the brown jacket (third) looks kind of boring, and the one with the black jacket (second) makes him look too much like a pirate.

I'm not so hot on Julia's alternate costumes, partially because it sort of looks like Auria's makeover in Vacant Sky (long story...), but mostly because black isn't her color. She looks more natural wearing white, or a lot of different colors put together.

"Doble Filo" no more.

LOL, when Erilex makes alarmingly stereotyped characters, it means he's going to take your expectations and gloriously murder them in a train wreck called "the plot".

Ah, given how much I loved Dhux's Scar, I'm really looking forward to this. Keep up the good work! =D *subscribes*

Um...slightly less feminine (?) version of Dr Brown + portrait of Anya(the nurse)

How about Adrian? =D That's a nerdy name. Have to say, loving the art for the game. Don't skimp on drawing hands though!

Character Breakdown - Cyrus Lodestar

Holy macaroons. The battle system looks amazing! I guess those forms would be really useful when you don't have your whole party available to use. Makes for a really versatile character. And the implementation (items) is pretty nice too.

Man, I really want to play this game now. If only I had RM2k3...
You don't really need RM2k3 to play this game, you know.....

Eh? Last time I tried to open the file, it wouldn't play. RM2k3 RTP, maybe?

Character Breakdown - Cyrus Lodestar

Holy macaroons. The battle system looks amazing! I guess those forms would be really useful when you don't have your whole party available to use. Makes for a really versatile character. And the implementation (items) is pretty nice too.

Man, I really want to play this game now. If only I had RM2k3...

RM-Orb system scrapped, feast your eyes on the unused resources

I see Gabrielle in Cheryl, Alpha in Clement, and umm... Arran has one that looks like Michael? Or dark Elijah? IDK, man I loved Dhux's Scar... I've got to replay it one of these days.


I can't say that I was too excited for the game when I looked through the screenshots and characters, but judging by the intro, I really like your storytelling style and it's got me interested in Raciela. Hope you release something soon. =) (Still need to download RM2k3 in order to play SoI)
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