I believe RPG Maker and similar programs are capable of producing fantastic, unique, and enduring experiences and I love hunting down hidden gems. That being said, I admit to a near-equal love of wonky or horribly broken games and enjoy reviewing games on both ends of the spectrum.

In my opinion, the worst thing a game can be is perfectly average as such a game lacks both passion and a sense of identity.



M.O.G. Graphics

Seeric> The battlers clash too much with everything else. The battle background, the window, and such. Maybe you can also make battle backgrounds to go with your battlers?

I generally made them with a black (or otherwise single colored) background in mind and they definitely clash horribly with the standard backgrounds and UI windows. I'd like to make a decent background and/or UI to better match them, but I strongly suspect that I'd just delete the end result of such an attempt.

M.O.G. Graphics

I wanted to make some enemy sprites for VX Ace, but I am absolutely atrocious at understanding shading and pretty bad at drawing in general, so for the last two days I decided to start with something simple while still creating some challenge for myself by making a small 'Retro Pack' limited to the NES palette and general sprite color limitations. I also decided that sticking to smaller canvases would be a good place to start, so even the biggest enemy of the lot initially fit inside a 40x40 pixel canvas and I simply resized them for VX Ace (Pyxel Edit is a wonderful program and made this extremely easy to do without any undesired effects).

A lot of the enemies in this pack have both a standard and a 'Classic' version and (in most cases) this just means that the Classic version has absolutely no black in the actual sprite because it's intended to be used with a pure black background to fill in the gaps like in many actual NES games. I also wanted to try to go with a 'modern setting' feel and a 'cute but weird/gross' look for the enemies in part because I simply really like that setting and style and in part because I've been very nostalgic for the Mother series lately.

At any rate, enough rambling, here's some pictures of the enemies in this "Retro Battler Pack":

This is Mr Happy (left) and Mr Them (right) and I think of them as the two big boss characters of the pack; Mr Happy may or may not be very happy depending on how you look at things.

Here are the Droplet enemies, the mandatory slimes of the pack. From left to right they are Rat Droplet, two slightly different versions of Sand Droplet, and Gum Droplet.

The Barricade Demon was the first one I made and is the only enemy with a color swap for its Classic version since all the black parts on the normal version would simply blend into the background otherwise; I think of it as a miniboss.

The upper enemy here is a Window Fang while the bottom left enemy is a Perfect Pawn with two fairly different takes on its Broken Pawn form to the right of it.

Finally, in the center there is the three-headed miniboss (boss? strong enemy?) Tickerus and to either side of it are the normal and Classic versions of the Ticker enemy to more clearly show the differences between the two. There's also a Wall Flower hanging out on the cave wall in the background; the three flowers in the center serve as eyes and a mouth, but I wanted it to be ambiguous as to which is which.

So, that's all the stuff I've made so far. There are 12 enemies total in the pack (21 total if you include Classics and Alternates) and they are far from the best things submitted to this event, but I'm actually really happy with how they turned out overall just because I normally get frustrated when trying to draw something and these turned out to at least be tolerable enough that I wouldn't mind using them in an actual game.

Lastly, I've already included a Read Me with licensing details in the pack, but if anyone for some reason actually wants to use these (both non-commercially and commercially) or otherwise modify or distribute them you are free to do so as long as you (to quote the license) "give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made".

How are things going for the MOG events?

I've played around a bit with LMMS as far as music goes, but I've been pretty busy the last month so I haven't had much time to actually make anything. I should have more free time though starting around this weekend so I definitely plan to at least make something for both parts of the event before the deadline.

The ones who fought further

Can you please explain what this game being in 'alpha' means? I see you've marked the game as complete, but is it not actually finished or do you mean that the main storyline is done, but it still needs some bug testing and/or that you plan to continue adding side content to the game or something else entirely?

Schizo Quest 3.0

where is the download?

I found a working download for this over on the Steam workshop for you or anyone else who wants to try it now, so hopefully one will be added to the site soon.

[Poll] M.O.G. Multipart Event - pared down?

I'm definitely on board for this version of the event. I have no faith whatsoever in my ability to make any songs/graphics which aren't utterly atrocious and my schedule's going to be somewhat busy in the near future, but it's still a fun and meaningful way to get some practice in.

[Poll] M.O.G. Multipart Event - pared down?

I'd definitely participate (free time permitting) if we were to do the two-part event since it's pretty close to what I had suggested. I'm terrible at both drawing and creating music, but I still wouldn't mind at least attempting to make a few enemy and/or character sprites and maybe even a terrible song or two (though I wouldn't even know where to begin with a tileset). Plus, I think it would be very interesting to see how everyone utilizes the different assets created by the community in their games, especially since there would be such a mixture of styles and intents amongst the assets.

[Poll] M.O.G. Multipart Event - pared down?

It seems like most people are entirely fine with one or two parts of the creation process, but not necessarily the entire thing, so maybe the solution is to turn this into more of a communal event?

Basically, everyone who participates would have to make a full game of some sort using only the assets created in this event, but there could be a collective pool of assets.

For example, everyone participating would need to create at least one sound effect and at least one song, but they would be able to use songs and sound effects submitted by others as well as their own; this would mean everyone still does something outside of their comfort zone (ex: make music) and at worst nobody ends up using the assets.

As for the graphical segment, each person could be required to submit a minimum of X amount of at least one 'type' of graphical asset (ex: 1 full tileset or 10 enemies or 5 animations or 5 character sheets or some other relatively low balance of numbers); those who are particularly good at creating graphics might submit a bit of everything while those who aren't artistically inclined still would need to provide a decent amount of assets for the community to draw from in at least one category. However, one thing to note is people would definitely need to announce what type of graphical assets they plan to provide in advance since otherwise there would be the risk of ending up with something like everyone submitting enemy sprites and absolutely no tilesets.

With this system, everyone still needs to participate in every major aspect of making a game, those who want to do absolutely everything on their own still can (though they should still submit their assets to the community pool), it becomes a mixture of a community and an individual undertaking, and everyone moves out of their comfort zones by creating at least something for each segment while still having a safety net of sorts by being able to draw from the collective resource pool created by everyone participating.


Ah, seeing this marked as completed is an unexpected, though pleasant, surprise. I do, however, see that the download file is marked as being from back in December, so is that the complete version or has the download itself not been updated yet?

Stones of Destiny - The Final Return

So, after getting the good ending in this game I have to say that I honestly think Stones of Destiny - The Final Return may have been unjustly overlooked and possibly written off far too early.

It's very difficult to tell if this game is an intentional, methodical deconstruction of an RPG down to its most basic aspects or if it is just random and accidentally happens to be rather clever; I am currently leaning towards the former if only because there is such a deliberate, consistent feel to the way the game plays out, which tends to be absent in the types of games this game initially presents itself as.

The characters are beyond paper-thin, dungeons tend to consist of at most three small rooms, combat is extremely frequent and rarely revolves around anything other than spamming your strongest attacks, saving frequently and in multiple slots is more or less mandatory, and all of this works to the game's advantage. There are several parts to this game which seem to be the result of legitimate carelessness or laziness, such as many item descriptions and several skill descriptions not being translated into English and at least one room where it is possible to walk off into the darkness surrounding it, but these are overall relatively minor concerns.

The entire game can be finished within 5 hours and is probably well worth it for anyone looking for something both very unique (or is it?!) and very bizarre. The true ending alone is worth it.