
Looking for new games to Let's Play

Hey guys,
I've been looking for a new game to do videos for but I'm spoilt for choice on here. My first two games where I'm Scared of Girls and Fey so I'm looking for something a little scary or possibly comedic. Mix things up a bit.
I've got a couple other series on the go at the moment but no Indie games which I love to do and I need to fill my upload schedule again.
So any suggestions are welcome at this point?
Show me your jewels people!

Just to say hello and thank you for everyone's hard work.

Hey everyone,

I've been searching for this exact thing for a while now as many new RPG's are letting me down and relying solely on their graphics instead of their story-telling and gameplay.
So I thought I would come on and say a big thank you to anyone who has ever made content or is still making content for these lovely programs. It's so good to be able to go back to the roots of RPG games and get some nostalgia from playing these lovelys.

I won't be making any games myself as I have no creativity whatsoever when it comes to these types of things. :'( But I do feel like giving back to the community. So I wanna start playing as much of these gems as you have and make videos about them to give you guys a bit of a boost in fan bases and maybe some feedback aswell.
Don't know how you guys will feel about that as I'm sure you all have your own opinion on Let's Plays and Reviews on Youtube. I just feel like expanding my own channel into an area where I actually know what I'm talking about and enjoy playing.
So I hope to be of some use to everyone and hear back from you at some point!

Again, thank you for putting your time and effort into making games that make me feel like a kid again and appreciate the finer details!
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