Alex Gets Oppai
A laugh at men's lowly desires for oppai.



Break Away

Test CSS 2

Break Away

Holy *beep* *beep* this game page ~

All Hallows' Event 2013

if I wanted to make a real horror game I'd make one about exploring my browser history
we already made a real horror game. it's called "we lowered the experience curve but forgot that Oushi's breath attack damage is based on the target's level"

edit: also the real horror here is all the conditional branches i'm going to need for broken/repaired characters hahahahh kahhdfkalshdfaksf hhaahskldnf, iofsdnklm uotrjdfnkvm, 4hu ufj e RMVXACE WHY DO YOU NOT LET ME DO ELSIF CONBRANCHES WHILE EVENTING
You guys might want to update your RPG Maker...

lol dat big script field

All Hallows' Event 2013

I'll probably need to find a team to do this. *not good at this RM thing lol*

<- Good at scripting, algorithms, games logic, games design but lack of art skills *lol* good luck at finding a team Hirei (y)


Wow you made me do this even in class...

EvilEagles Does Blogpost

I actually forgot to mention Yami but I guess that can be saved til our next update lolol. Sorry Yami ;~;

wow poor me *lol*
anyway, nice job dawgs!


like a bauss

Yami Scripts Ace - Anti-lag Event

I thought VXA didn't lag much...

You will get it if you have too many events on the map because They will be updated (of course Sprites).
And yes, the Events (Events' actions) won't cause lag because it has Yield.
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