I've loved games and programming since I was young. I joined this site because of my interest in Eredia: The Diary of Heroes, a project I eventually helped out in the play-testing and proofreading/editing departments.

My best skills lie in game programming, proofreading/editing English text, and play-testing games.

Most of my game programming experience is in Unity, and I've grown pretty confident in my skills. I've been learning to script for RMMV as well, and at the time of this writing, I've created two nice plugins for it.

Most of my play-testing/proofreading/editing experience is as QA staff at a certain eroge publisher. Did more than 8 projects for them.



[RMMV] [Scripting] How to make a modular plugin work with browsers?

Using PluginManager.loadScript would require me to go through each file, so that I wouldn't fetch my custom classes through module.exports.

I've tried webpack and RollupJS, but all I managed to get is a barely-edited version of the main file that imports the other files. I haven't managed to find any tutorials on using those for MV plugins, either

[RMMV] [Scripting] How to make a modular plugin work with browsers?

I've figured out a way to create MV plugins, having them split into multiple files without any added inconvenience to the user (as far as installation goes). The problem is, because I use Node's require() function, the plugins just don't work on browsers.

I get an error message about how the browser doesn't recognize the require function. Other error messages then pop up as an extension of that one. Note that they don't show up when playtesting through the editor.

Is there a way I can solve this without going file by file, turning my plugin into a monolithic one?

[SCRIPTING] [RMMV] Your experiences/thoughts on writing automated tests for plugins?

I've had a decent-ish amount of success doing automated tests for plugins, with most of my difficulties coming from MV's lack of support for it. You oftentimes want to use your game engine's API when unit-testing, but with the way MV's set up, you have to mock everything... which can definitely hurt how well unit test success translates to in-engine success.

Like you, I've definitely had to compensate for this with more manual testing than I'd otherwise have.

[RMMV] Getting the absolute path of index.html on disk

That's not quite what I was going for, but thanks. Also, I just figured out the problem: Kino purposely set his file system plugin to do things relative to the hard drive root. When you use Node's file system module raw, it does things relative to the index.html's location (provided MV is running it).

With that, I think I know how I'm supposed to refactor Kino's code so it serves my purposes ^_^ No more need to worry about absolute paths.

[RMMV] Getting the absolute path of index.html on disk

I'm trying to adapt Kino's file system utils code to fit a plugin I'm working on. I need to get the absolute path of where the game has the index.html on disk. All I get from window.location are relative paths, which won't work, since my adaptation reads/writes things relative to the root of the hard drive the game is on.

How do I access the window object from a required file's scope?

I have one of my modules in a separate js file, and it needs access to the window object to do its thing. For some reason, the require() function puts it in a scope where it can't simply do that by default.

How do I get around that limitation without injecting the window from outside?

[RMMV] [Scripting] How do I see console.log results in required() scopes?

I've been playing around with using require() to import non-npm modules. One strange thing I've noticed, is that the console.log statements don't do anything in the files I used require() for. I did some research, and it turns out that the results should be in the terminal window, not the browser window.

I tried accessing the terminal window using Ctrl+Shift+J, but my log messages weren't there either.

So, how do I get to see them? As things are now, I can only see console.log messages from plugin scopes, not the private ones the require() method sets up.

I'm using MV 1.6.2. I'd appreciate help with this.

[RMMV] [SCRIPTING] Unit Testing Plugins that use PluginParams

I'd like to know if there's a way for me to unit test my plugins, while getting the actual plugin param values I've set in MV. I've found this, but I don't see how I can fetch the actual params I've set for a plugin with that method. And with that method's reliance on mocks, it's going to be hard to make sure my tests reflect actual functionality.

Did I misunderstand something? I'd appreciate help with this.

[SCRIPTING] [RMMV] Implementing class inheritance between classes in the same object

For a plugin, I'm organizing my classes in a namespace. I want one of the classes within it to inherit from another, using ES6 syntax. Here's some example code to show the problem:

let myNamespace = 

ParentClass: class { ... },
ChildClass: class extends myNamespace.ParentClass { ... },

JS throws a TypeError when I try to run that. How do I make it work without moving the child class outside of the namespace?

Has the community decided on code style guidelines?

Thanks for the responses; I think I understand the situation now. I should've been more specific; I meant to ask if there are community-established guidelines for using Javascript in RMMV. Though it seems there aren't even there, I figured I might as well specify.

With so many engines and scripting languages to choose from... That just wouldn't be possible. To my knowledge there would be nothing to stop you from writing an entire novel in MS Word and submitting it to this website.

I understand. Your post made me realize I was too vague xD
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