"let's rip off dragon quest"
released in america as "let's rip off dragon warrior"



Space Funeral Review

was gonna edit my post, but catmitts knows what's up and said it for me.\
here i'll edit this one: I never said that I didn't value exploration or anything, just that I don't value "fun" battles.

Space Funeral Review

yes, yes, how dare I enjoy games the way I want to.

Space Funeral Review

Moon was actually kind of an exaggerated parody of my own gamemaking ideas in that she's someone who'd rather live in a horrible grotesque mspaint bloodworld than sit through the same boring "polished" graphics leading to entropy etc. It's kind of facetious because it turns out your goal is to turn the world back into another generic rtp game.

I would have to agree with moon then.

About the battles, I honestly don't care for them. The last thing I look for in an RPG is a fun battle system, the first thing I look for is story and graphics and charm. I quite liked FF7, and this game I suppose, because every battle ends lightning fast and you can get back to the interactive movie you were watching.
I would honestly be happy even if an RPG did all the battles for you and just told you how much XP and everything you got out of it. (Like in earthbound, when you attacked a mob way lower level than you).
My favorite inclusion of battles is probably Mystic Quest, where mobs disappeared after you killed them. Every mob actually feeling like it meant something, instead of feeling like you're chipping away at an infinite wall with a rusty spoon.

It did kind of annoy me that the edge of the map was visible and not blocked off, but that's a minor beef.
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