"let's rip off dragon quest"
released in america as "let's rip off dragon warrior"



The official English 2k3 version is out!

This is really cool. I don't really have the time to devote to making games anymore, but someone told me about this on steam and I went to check how you guys took the news. I don't mind dropping $20 to support a program that's brought me so much entertainment in the past, even if I won't use it much. After looking at the shortlist of changes, it looks like a great improvement too. Cheers!

Why are a lot of us dicks?

i'm a nice person, fuck you.

Every RPG Ever

I've deleted my older brother's save file on Dragon Warrior. He was at level 27.

(And if you have ever played the original Dragon Warrior on NES, you know that getting to level 27 is a feat).

He was maaaaaaaad

why would you do that kentona

Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest on Wii Virtual Console

I still have this for the SNES. Good memories :)
honestly it's still one of my favorite SNES games even though it's extremely easy. It's an RPG Lite.

What are you thinking about right now?


Until WIP wakes up and bans you.

post your picture

that pug is adorable

WTF? Is this for real?

It's not like you can see the spastic asshole jumping around the screen when you're playing.

The Worlds Hardest Game!

yes yes incredibly hard game with no interesting gameplay elements at all let's play

Level Check in VX

Do this

edit: if you want more level checks then just add more switches in the else handler of the first conditional branch