depressed ginger, loves games of all types.
trying to make my own though they aren't going
well. x.x i have three in the making



Making a Game For the First Time

i have found myself doing a lot of jumping but i have the structure and what i want it to look like in the end so I'm able to do that. I'm no where near done with the game but i have made a lot of progress.

Script help

ehhh okay one more thing I'm exactly sure how to fix this. I have tried copying and pasting like I have with others that has fixed the problem its saying that there's a nameerror on line 7 in scene_battle for scene_baseis there something I'm not seeing or??

Also is there a place I can change these name to something else??

where it says like airship and boat and ship

Script help

i got that fixed, something happened when i was fixing things and the scripts got deleted thank you for the help ^^

Script help

now that i kind of have that fixed its saying there is something wrong with
script game_actor & nameerror occured
uninitialized object::game_battler

Script help

I'm trying the menu so it looks like this:

but instead says this
items key items notes memories

Script help

Hey there I need some help with a script I was messing around trying to see if i could get rid of some things for a game I am trying to make and I need to get it back because I figured out a way to work with them but I am not sure how to get them back could someone help me please??

Where it says:
item= @data(index)
if item
rect = item_rect(index)
rect.witdt-= 4
draw_item_name(item, rect.x, rect.y, enable?(item))
draw_item_number(rect, item)

I think there is more to that and i would like what goes after that there's this:

The notes, key items, and memories.

Thank you ^^


Hi~ I havent been following Lies as long as some of these other people have but i want to let you know I am veryyyy excited for the game I watched the trailer as soon as it came out and I love the drawings for the monsters I am a big fan of puzzles in games and I love gameplay that spices it up I think that the fighting aspect gets a little boring esp in a horror game xD. I like some chasing but a lot of it can be SUPER stressful haha but I am really excited to see how this game comes out and I am fully supporting all the way ^^

Making a Game For the First Time

i made an outline and im working slowly i have one map in the making im taking my time and i think will will be a horror maybe 30-40 minutes 1hr at the most will probs post a demo see what people think and all that.

Thanks for all the help.

Engine Tips, Tricks and Bits (of information)

Yes! that is exactly what I needed thank you so much ^^

Engine Tips, Tricks and Bits (of information)

how would i put a note on something in RPG Maker VX Ace? I want to put it on a sign but I'm fairly new to the game maker ^^ if you need what i want to put it on i can give you a picture. know it involves the script editor right?