

Here for the competition.

Hello, welcome, please cool your bum, if people are this upset you should probably take a breath and step back and look at your project

Says someone with an avatar like that, hahaha.

Man, at least I'm not on the pizza.

Thanks for the welcome.

If you're pissing off LGBT people then maybe you should rethink some things there, bud.

I'm LGBT people. And LGBT people are still only people, although I'm not sure anyone in this thread other than myself is, and very few of the concerns raised so far have been valid.

Emotional knee-jerk reactions != valid concerns. Raise some and we'll talk, but what you just said is some of the worst advice you could ever give to someone making art.

"You struck a nerve. Your ideas make people feel something. Try being more bland."

Here for the competition.

I'm the only sane person in this entire thread.

And it's appreciated. Such people do occasionally pop up in internet discussions, albeit not often enough.

I probably won't get more than a demo showcasing the various factions before the deadline, and there's an element of the gay vs. lesbian plot that's important to the satire.

Your idea of a closeted gay homophobe leading a crusade against their own is something I've considered, but figured it'd better fit into a prequel of some sort, if I ever get that far, called "Friend of Dorothy" in which an FBI squad is formed to investigate a homosexual conspiracy (based on true events).

When the current vice president sincerely believes in gay conversion "therapy" and The Gay Agenda, I feel like maybe we're not at the level where this "satire" works. I mean so far it's literally just repeating what a lot of people legit believe, which is super iffy, since it's also presenting a "you choose who to be!" viewpoint.

I dunno, maybe you're capable of pulling it off in a respectful manner, but at the moment I can't even tell what you're satirizing. Like, yes, satire involves taking views to absurd extremes, but so far you don't seem to be explicitly showing these views as absurd, you're just using them as a setting. :/

If you can't see what about my concept is absurd, I don't think there's anything I can do to help you. What it's criticizing should be equally obvious.

I don't think anyone, not even Mike Pence, legit believes that gays want to murder all heterosexuals and take over the world, but some do believe that ot being allowed to discriminate against gays is somehow a conspiracy to discriminate against them. It's is a satirical exaggeration of real right wing paranoia.

Do you even listen to yourself?
People who start by saying "OH IT'LL BE SATIRE HEHE" are exactly the people who don't know how it works and are just being asses.

Do you have another example? It seems like you have experience with these types of situations, unless you just made that up just now to call me an ass and get away with it.

At any rate, no, "breeder" is not a "porn term":

I actually picked it up reading blogs on the voluntary human extinction movement, which is also subtly parodied in the game.

I don't even watch video porn. I do read porn comics sometimes, but I've never come across such, and I'd challenge you to find sauce for me (maybe via PM since that's probably not a good public convo).

quiehbfvdwj xc jqedmac x4388992

At any rate, BE is a game about absolutely repulsive and abhorrent behavior that is clearly tolerated within the game, which has absolutely no redeeming social value whatsoever. You can argue that we're not supposed to empathize with the character, but the ending pretty clearly wants you to, and there's no "radiant transformative magic" to the game's themes - it's about an evil character being evil, plain and simple.

He is not presented as wrong for his actions, nothing happens to him, he is forgiven. And we're talking about stuff that's many, many times worse than using no-no words.

By contrast, I'm talking about making something that has some offensive dialogue that isn't rewarded, and the game's blatant lack of seriousness is to mock a bigoted viewpoint, not to say, "Hey, look, there's worse!"

Basically, what I'm hearing from you is that you don't want anti-gay characters portrayed in a positive light, and that's not an issue.

I'm not gonna say I was't looking forward to people's reactions to my idea, but I thought it'd be more from people like my dad than from LGBT supporters. How any of you can possibly take such a ridiculous game idea so seriously is beyond me.

I do apologize for my bad attitude. I'm going through a lot right now, and I am rather angry. I don't mean to take it out on people here... but when people accuse me of being anti-gay, a "hater", an "ass", and all that other stuff, the fangs can pop out easier than I mean.

Here for the competition.

After all the years where I couldn't find a story with LGBTQ characters unless they died in the end (very common until very recently), and villains are still being coded LGBTQ, you'll forgive me if I don't find anything funny with your idea. "Haha, look, I'm portraying gay people just as evil as some people still believe they are" is neither clever or humorous, and it isn't celebrating pride.

Look. If you think those views should be normalized, or at least ignored, that's your opinion, but some of us want to call them out.

Fact of the matter is, the world isn't filled with happy, fuzzy, warm feelings for LGBT people all of the time, and art should reflect that.

If I can call out homophobic paranoia and do it in a humorous and constructive way, how is that not having pride? The battle hasn't been won just yet.

If you don't call out these types of beliefs, people will just keep having them. If nobody was as stupid as my dad, there wouldn't be a point to a game like this, but some people are, and they should get called out on it.

That convo with my dad also lead to a learning experience in which he discovered what the definition of "hate crime" and "discrimination" are, and that there isn't, in fact, a vast homosexual conspiracy waiting to sic the CIA on him for no reason.

I already said that it's not for the easily-offended, and if you or anyone else takes this game at face value and unironically connects it to a real-life worldview even after playing it - and I'm talking to everyone here - please don't have children.

Here for the competition.

So, you're demonizing LGBTQ people in the name of satire. -_- Let me be the first to say that this isn't really a very cool thing you're doing here. Due to Poe's Law, even if you're a master of satire, there are going to be plenty of people who take your game at face value, and that's not a good thing.

You are of course free to make any game you want, but I feel like this is the opposite of the sort of thing that LGBTQ pride is all about.

If you can't tell that a game in which "LGBT community has finally won its war against the moral fabric of society. Heterosexuality has been declared a hate crime punishable by death..." and featuring James Dobson, God of the Mutant Breeders from the Sewers as primary antagonist is supposed to be a joke, you belong in a mental hospital or a special ed class somewhere, not playing games.

Anyways, having pride doesn't mean lacking a sense of humor or being hyper-sensitive to juvenile humor.

You're free to make that game but there's no guarantee that it will be accepted. Nor do we have to for any reason. Because it frankly sounds horrible.

But, y'know, go for it if that is how you wanna spend your time.

Well, it would say a lot about your character if you accept games about abduction, sexual humiliation, and torture, but don't accept an LGBT pride game from a LGBT person on the basis of some foul language.

Anyways, maybe it won't be as horrible as you think.

GAYmak the Rainbow~

What time zone are we using for the deadline?

Here for the competition.

When I called my dad earlier this evening and told him about the idea for this game, his response was something along the lines of, "You'd better make sure they can't find you if you make this. They'll charge you with a hate crime. America isn't free anymore, you can't even refuse to bake cakes for people. What if the fags figure out who you are and trace this back to our family? What if me and your mother get investigated?"

Completely missing the point, that his sort of paranoia is exactly what I'm making fun of. (The fact that I'm LGBT myself did not enter the conversation, nor will it ever, though I suspect he knows.)

Socially relevant, yes, but a "game based around the 40s and how gay or black people were treated at the time" is too pretentious and afterschool special for somebody like me. There is a good message here, but, no, it won't be somber, sappy, or anywhere in the neighborhood of politically correct or remotely reverent. Like Rick & Steve, and unlike Gen Zed, it won't even be overtly preachy - blink and you'll miss it. The stereotypes and hate-words and black comedy will be ubiquitious, albeit used in a similar vein to the aforementioned cartoon, and justified in context. It will say "faggot" and "dyke", and quite a lot, usually by gays self-referentially as opposed to in a hateful context. Sure, the more conservative types might not care for the language, but there will be a onscreen warning before the game starts, and it's not like I'm not gonna hold a gun to anyone's head and make them play it.

Expect an endless stream of middle school humor, but no porn, rape, nudity or even actual sex is planned.

Anyways, if you're going to host games that gleefully advocate and reward abduction, sexual assault and humiliation, torture, and serial murder with no consequences for said behavior in the name of "art" (and you should - that's a damn good game) then I should be able to make a game with some bad language that pokes fun at the social issues surrounding my sexuality.

It's going to be one to skip if don't like black-and-blue comedy or you're lacking in the sense of humor department, but it's probably not going to violate any pornography or hate speech laws anywhere.

I understand the concerns, but I'm trying for a hard-R vibe here, and promise I won't go any further than that.

Here for the competition.

Hell yeah! Welcome to to RMN officially and go make a game!
If you want to make an entry to that event within the deadline, my humble suggestion would be to really buckle down, and aim to make something simple. Especially if you've done no prep-work before-hand! Maybe the result will be rushed and no good, but, you would have made something, and maybe even have learned a thing or two along the way.

Regardless, welcome to RMN! Share your creativity with us!

Thanks, guys. Girls. Or whatever.

Here's my idea:

Gay Agenda: Apocalypse

In the late 2900's, the LGBT community has finally won its war against the moral fabric of society. Heterosexuality has been declared a hate crime punishable by death, ushering in a glorious gay utopia in which people can finally be themselves, and, with a lack of breeders, the cosmic cancer known as humanity will gradually die out and leave the universe in peace. The world is divided into two factions - gay and lesbian - to prevent opposite genders from once again becoming attracted to each other and resurrecting the breeder virus.

A century later, without warning, the lesbians attack. It turns out that the gay agenda of global depopulation was masterminded by lesbians all along, who have decided that, with genetic engineering and artificial insemination, the Y chromosome is no longer necessary for the future of humanity, and never planned to allow the human race to die out - only the men...

So begins the war.

Both sides, however, seem to have forgotten about the ancient prophecy that the recincarnation of Christian evangelical pastor James Dobson would one day bring an end to gay utopia, unless someone can stop him...

And, unbeknownst to those on the surface, breeders have survived in the sewers, mutating and preparing their own surprise attack on the fabulous society that tried to wipe them out...

Choose from one of three factions to join (Gay, Lesbian, and Breeder), and several separate sub-classes of each and decide the fate of Earth.

There probably won't be anything released by tomorrow other than a demo, but I've got a bit done already.

It's satire, and, ah, won't be a G-rated game - think Rick & Steve: The Happiest Gay Couple with a sci-fi twist.

I'll probably keep working on it even after the deadline.

Here for the competition.

I've been a lurker for a little while, and played around with some of the RPG Maker programs, but never released anything.

Today, I visited this site on a whim, and I saw the GAYmak the Rainbow contest, and figured this would be the perfect time to jump in.

I probably don't have time to make anything spectacular, considering the deadline is in two days, but I'll never get started with game-making unless I force myself, and what a great opportunity to show support for the LGBT community!
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