


author=Guy with Scar
Hold on, what's your name again?
I am GoldenGaav, pleased to meet you

Hahah :P


That would be right. I have no idea how I did not take notice to that during the entire length of making the game. Wow.
Oh well, mixes things up a bit aye? :)
EDIT: I'm changing it now. :p
EDIT2: Ok, well upon changing the actor's graphic, when compressing the game file without RTP, the file size has gone from 16 odd megabytes to 67 megabytes. :D


Game Pending

Ohh wow, so sorry guys. I had four pictures ready to go and the game was compressed, but I thought the submit images and game file step came after the game finished pending? I went through the game submission page completely and couldn't see the submit images part?
Obviously a silly mistake by me, I'll go fix it up now. Thanks :)

EDIT: Haha yep there's the add image button. What an IDIOT! :P

Game Pending

Hello. An RPG I've been trying to submit for about 5 days now is still on pending status. Not sure why. I deleted the other pending one to see if they had just forgotten about accepting it all together, but upon submitting a new one and waiting over a day to still see pending, I have lost all hope.
Have I done something wrong in this world?


A Lumberjack's Tale

Thanks for the feedback Ociris :) Fixed that inn issue in the v1.2 patch, so silly.


It's pretty straight forward though because there is no more room above or below what you see. so generally you gather the idea to keep moving horizontally.


Modified the building to make IT make more sense :)